Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Competition: Who makes heaven first?! :-)

Let's make a universal competition. Who can create heaven on earth first?! That's a worthy feat, no? I mean it.


I would like one browser that does all the things that i like! To hell with all the lawyers! To who does the internet belong anyway?! To who does air belong?

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Be humble and live for the sake of others

If Sarkozy wants to win, he has to be humble, and show that he cares about the poor of his nation.In a happy society, the more capable ones have to help the others, to also make it. It would be nothing wrong, if the elite would repent to their fellow citizens, because lots of things went wrong at the top.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Don't vote left!

Because it's not good enough, for human beings just to be employees. We have to take responsibility for our own destiny, and develop our own relationship with our Heavenly Parent. Let's make good societies, families and couples.

Není dobré volit levici!

Jelikož pro lidi prostě není dost dobré, být zaměstnancem. Přece se nechceme vzdát vlastní zodpovědnosti! Jako zaměstnanec je za nás vždy zodpovědný někdo jiný. Divoký kapitalizmus je samozřejmě zlodějna. Ale přece můžeme vytvořit zdravé a zodpovědné společnosti, kde stát je jen sluha a lidi vlastní vše. Místo ztěžování si, měli bychom si udělat pořádek ve vlastním životu a ve vlastní rodině. Potřebujeme milující a věrné manželé, milující rodiny a poctivou společnost. Tak to má být!
Komu se něco nelíbí, má jít v tomto systému do politiky, a snažit se to zlepšit.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Promiscuous Europe!

How can people think, to get economic fortune, if they cannot keep pure and altruist love relationships?! Before worrying about economic success, one has to concentrate on learning, how to have pure and proper love relationship in the couple and in one's family. Marital fidelity is a must! It follows from the principle of life for the sake of others, and not for oneself. The couple is together centered on a higher purpose, not just one's own selfish desires.
Once we establish such pure and loving couples and families in Europe, naturally we will have a beautiful society. If you have children, you surely understand!