Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What kind of Europe do we envision for the future?

Milí přátelé, kdo by se chtěl zúčastnit? Pojedeme na den autem buď v pátek nebo sobotu.
Evropa by potřebovala pořádnou vizi! Je to výborná příležitost, si přijít o tom podiskutovat!

What Kind of Europe are we Seeking?

What kind of Europe do we envision for the Future?

Winkelried - the reason why Switzerland was blessed

In 1386 Arnold Winkelried offered to sacrifice his life by hugging the long spears of the Habsburg army, in order to open a passage for the Swiss warriors. Wikipedia

Such deeds of self-sacrifice for a higher purpose of sole individuals move the heart of God and attract great blessings to the whole society. It is, because God created His whole universe according to the principle of living for the sake of others.

In Europe, we should espouse such high ideals! Then our Europe would be blessed. Let's really discover the true principles of creation, and live accordingly!
Check out UPF and www.weltfriede.at.