Wednesday, March 29, 2017

And here we are: Korea is trying to mess itself up, as the West already did. It all starts innocently, learning tolerance and multiculturalism. That's good. But don't let it develop into unhealthy unorderlIness as homofilia, gender mainstreaming, bowing to idiotic Islam etc. KOREA BE WISE!

2017 Cultural diversity policy forum takes place in Seoul

Globalization and trade have led to an increase in cultural exchanges across the world. Korea has also seen more foreign residents, passing the 2 million mark in 2016. They account for around 4 percent of the total population, making it all the more important to understand cultural diversity.

CLOSE THE BORDER! What the fuck is so hard about that? I tell you what: European elites want these guys to come. Their social engineering shows dropping birthrates. So they choose the easiest solution: bringing in people who make babies. BUT CAN THIS BE THE ONLY POLICY??...



Peace makes for bad sperm! - Could this be?

Thursday, March 23, 2017

By 2084, will Islam rule the world?

Boualem Sansal's prophetic novel very clearly derives its lineage from George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. A totalitarian surveillance state, a fundamentalist religious autocracy, is portrayed as being totally intolerant of free-thinkers. This is a powerful satire on an Islamist dictatorship. It is unsurprising that Sansal's writings are censored in his native Algeria.

Origins of Humanism: The Evil Essence of Humanism (Relativism)

"Humanism is not only the biggest evil in the world, but it is also the most deceptive of all religious philosophies." Members often ask me, what exactly is 'Humanism'. Well, Divine Principle is very clear. Humanism is a product of our Physical Mind; it expanded as a Cain-type ideology.

What We Don’t Know About Europe’s Muslim Kids and Why We Should Care | D...

Lidi, není to ale tak jednoduché. Blbí zápaďáci zase zbraně daj všem a bez diskriminace. Za chvíli budou ozbrojené složky a policie plné muslimů. A zase je průser. Co s tím?

Neměl zbraň, přesto chtěl útočníka zastavit. Británie vzdává hold zabitému policistovi | Svět |

Osmačtyřicetiletý Keith Palmer byl při své službě před Westminsterským palácem neozbrojen, přesto se snažil zastavit útočníka, který autem nejdříve srazil několik desítek lidí na Westminsterském mostě. Nemohl ale vzdorovat muži ozbrojenému dvěma velkými noži. Palmer byl členem Parlamentní a diplomatické ochranné jednotky, která je tradičně neozbrojená.

The good thing is, they lost one hate preacher in Birmingham...

Asians be wise! Don't sympathize with Socialism, LGBT and Islam!

The planets atmosphere is a life giving element, always moving from high to low, berthing ripples, storms and hurricanes if need be and helping the harvest to separate chaff from wheat....always pleasant to smell a fresh spring breeze. - Konrad Hauer

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Business as usual for Muslims.

jsou to výsledky duševně choré politiky jako je socialismus, islám, homofilie, gendr, atd.

Útok v Londýně: Muž smetl autem několik lidí a zaútočil nožem na policisty. Zřejmě dva mrtví

Teroristický útok v centru Londýna si zřejmě vyžádal nejméně dvě oběti. O druhém mrtvém informovala s odvoláním na nespecifikované zdroje televize SkyNews, úřady ale zatím informace o obětech nepotvrdily. Další přibližně desítka lidí je zraněna, někteří velmi těžce. Podle britských médií smetl útočník na mostě Westminster Bridge několik lidí a poté zaútočil nožem na policisty hlídkující před parlamentem.

Hmm, we have to invest more into mental health...

U.K. Parliament on lockdown as knife-wielding man shot by police

The leader of Britain's House of Commons says a man has been shot by police at Parliament. David Liddington also said there were "reports of further violent incidents in the vicinity." The leader of Britain's House of Commons also said a police officer was stabbed outside Parliament.

If our church doesn't make it in Asia now, it doesn't make it at all.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Peace is good, but happiness is better. Let's make a Happiness Association! ;-)

The Sowjet Union tried to build a materialistic society, and they were pursuing material with all their might. Did they succeed and finally have abundance of material?
In the same way, the Christian sphere is trying to build a loving society, and they are pursuing love with all their might. Are they succeeding and living in abundance of love?

It's crazy, Germans are always wrong: One time, they are the Nazis, then again gay and Muslim lovers...

Friday, March 17, 2017

Distinguishing between Left Wing and Right Wing is actually not very smart.

It is much better, to distinguish between good people and bad people.
Then, of course, we have to answer the question, what is a good or a bad person?
It is like this:
A good person sincerely studies the nature of circumstances, and is looking, how to responsibly take care of themselves and their loved ones, and still, how to contribute productively, to make their surroundings flourish.
In contrast, a bad person has difficulties with self-control, but easily falls into delusions, and even starts to believe their own lies, until finally being convinced that their troubles are the fault of someone else.

Life Of Brian PFJ meeting to take action

Rozlišování levice a pravice vlastně není moc příhodné.

Lepší je rozlišovat lidi podle dobrých a špatných lidí.
Pak se samozřejmě nabízí otázka, co je dobrý či špatný člověk?
Je to takto:
Dobrý člověk se upřimně zajímá o podstatu souvislostí, a hledí, jak se zodpovědně postarat o sebe a své blízké, a ještě jak produktivně přispět, aby jeho okolí vzkvétalo.
Naproti tomu má špatný člověk potíže se sebeovládáním, ale lehko si začne něco nalhávat, až propadne vlastním lžím, a je přesvědčený, že za jeho trable může někdo jiný.

Song: Erdowie, Erdowo, Erdoğan | extra 3 | NDR (english subtitles)

Voting to the right is the beginning. The rest will follow...

Začátek je, volit do prava. Zbytek se už podá...

Tja, da habt ihr aber Pech. Wir machen nämlich die Grenze dicht!



As the world once underestimated the Soviets, it is today underestimating Muslims.

Proof: In Just 50 Years, If We don't act now, Islam Will Take Over The World

This is a truly disturbing video. There is a worldwide process going on and it seems to be moving Islam forward. Yet, numbers are very misleading. It is hard to know what will happen in the next 50 or even 20 years. The fundamentalist Islamic culture may not successfully survive exposure to Western culture.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

This year, True Mother came with a revolutionary discovery: HYOJEONG (meaning filial heart towards parents). I would also call it vertical true love. That is so much beyond SALVATION that all other religions are offering. It's almost as turning the Four Position Foundation upside down, allowing humanity to grow towards infinity and beyond!... :-)

Ale lidi, příběh Babiš nám musí být za vyučenou. Příště o republiku nejspíš opravdu přijdeme. Tajemství leží v integritě každého jednotlivého občana...

Babiš se urazil, daně vysvětlovat nehodlá: Mám důležitější program

Poslanci chtěli přimět ministra financí Andreje Babiše, aby ve sněmovně vysvětlil daňové okolnosti, které provázejí jeho osobní nákup korunových dluhopisů Agrofertu. Babiš nejdřív nedorazil, pak vzkázal, že přijde později a nakonec si svou účast ve Sněmovně rozmyslel úplně. Mám důležitější věci, než nějaké žvásty, vzkázal.

Unbelievable insolence of Muslim leaders.

Turkish foreign minister predicts 'religious war' in Europe

Turkey has increased its verbal attacks on Europe following the Dutch election, warning that the continent is on the verge of collapse into "religious war". Speaking in Ankara following the triumph for Netherlands prime minister Mark Rutte, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu claimed that all the parties had the same approach as the right-wing and anti-Islam leader Geert Wilders.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Here's another of TF's statement warning about Islam and Communism uniting. He says the Christian world must prevent this. Today, I think what we need to contrite on is separating the moderate elements of Islam from the Leninist tactics of radical Islamic terrorism.

''Islam became the enemy of Christianity. Just as Jesus and the right-side thief became one, so the time will come when the left-side thief and Barabbas will become one. Then what is the democratic world? It is represented by the right-side thief. This is not a story that Rev. Moon is making up. History is destined to go that direction. What, from now on, is the problem? The Islamic realm is the problem, and the Communist world is the problem. You have to understand the Communist Party and the Islamic realm are cooperating with each other. The democratic world, standing as the right-side thief with Jesus, should prevent this. Where has the power of the democratic world gone to prevent this?'' (54-127)

Teze 7. Republiky

''Democracy and the right-wing world has appeared due to the right-side thief. Islam is from Barabbas, who received liberation from the position of death by Jesus. Nasser, from the Islamic world is seeking to benefit from the conflict between right wing and left wing worlds. This is the policy of Nasser. Democracy is the internal side and communism is the external side. The right wing is internal and the left wing is external. Therefore, the Messiah's world will come on the internal foundation of the democratic world, which respects God. The Messiah will embrace the external environment. He will form a unification movement centering on the Christian cultural realm. In the Last Days this kind of movement will begin. This will begin, not by accident, but because it was planted in the beginning, such a movement will emerge. ''(21-75)
Here's one of TF's strongest anti-Islam statements. "Which country is like Barabbas? It is the Islamic countries, holding in one hand the Koran and in the other the sword. That is not the essence of real faith. They are fundamentally wrong if seen from original religious teachings. Islam became the internal side with Communism the external side.'' (69-112)

IHR VOLLIDIOTEN!! Europa ist verloren!



China, make friends with South Korea. You can only benefit!

Beijing bans travel agencies from sending tour groups to South Korea over THAAD deployment

South Korean duty-free shop owners, we've got some bad news. Beijing has reportedly told major travel agencies to stop selling tours to South Korea in retaliation for Seoul going ahead with installing its THAAD missile defense system.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Babiš zřejmě nezískal 527 milionů, jak tvrdí v auditu, nýbrž jen 20 milionů

Andrej Babiš ve svém prohlášení tvrdí, že v roce 2010 prodal část ze svého menšinového podílu v akciové společnosti na hluboce zamražené pečivo Profrost. Obdržel za to prý asi 527 milionů korun. Cena prý byla stanovena na základě znaleckého ocenění akcií a auditoři ověřili kupní smlouvu (resp. smlouvu o převodu akcií).

Friday, March 10, 2017

Korea made a big mistake. This is another Leftist scheme...

[URGENT] Park Geun-hye ousted

South Korea's Constitutional Court on Friday ruled unanimously to remove President Park Geun-hye from office, the capstone of a sweeping corruption scandal that has consumed South Korea for months. "The Constitutional Court on March 1, 2017, rules to uphold the parliamentary impeachment of President Park Geun-hye," acting Chief Justice Lee Jung-mi said in a nationally televised ruling on the country's second pr...

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Muslim = Madness

Großeinsatz: Offenbar Axt-Angriff am Hauptbahnhof Düsseldorf - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Panorama

Am Hauptbahnhof Düsseldorf findet ein Großeinsatz der Polizei statt, Bahnhof und Gleise werden geräumt. SPIEGEL-Reporter Fidelius Schmid berichtet von Verletzten, die blutend am Boden liegen. Passanten berichteten ihm, jemand habe angefangen mit der Axt in der Bahn auf Menschen einzuschlagen. Bislang gibt es dafür von der Polizei keinerlei Bestätigung.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Czechs debate gun rights amendment to ensure EU can't tighten rules

Czech lawmakers are weighing a proposal to amend their constitution to guarantee citizens the right to keep and bear arms, according to EURACTIV. Social Democrats, the eastern European nation's main party, support the right to acquire and carry a gun for the sake of safety.

Friday, March 3, 2017

It's obvious, who's right.



Europe is very Cain, that's why it cannot make it.

Cain view: My shitty life is because of YOU!
Able view: I will do something about my shitty life.
And it doesn't stop there with the Cain view. Next comes denial, and finally madness.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Muslims are bad, but they're not stupid.
They understood how to utilize Socialism for their ends. Socialists operate by the motto "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". The more you scream, the more Socialists want to take care of you—otherwise they lose their raison d'etre.
So, if you want to get rid of Islam, first get rid of Socialism!

Europe is lost, because it has no good vision for itself.