Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Yep. North Korea is selling Muslim terrorists dirty bombs.

US declares NK a terror sponsor; new sanctions expected

President Donald Trump announced Monday the US is putting North Korea's "murderous regime" on America's terrorism blacklist, despite questions about Pyongyang's support for international attacks beyond the assassination of its leader's half brother in February.Trump said the designation as a state sponsor of terror was long overdue, and he promised a new wave of sanctions as part of a "maximum pressure campaign" over...

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

AKCE: Oběti, před kterými zavíráme oči (tisková zpráva) - IVČRN.CZ

Jsou to přesně 2 roky. V pařížském Bataclanu došlo k masakru, při kterém bylo zavražděno 130 lidí. Přes 500 dalších bylo vážně zraněno. Místo tiché vzpomínky nám ale média přinášejí rozjásané reportáže z muslimských předměstí a naučné cykly o životě Mohameda. Jako by se nic...

Monday, November 13, 2017

So true. Women can't be men, and men not women. When you overturn the natural order, you reap calamity.

LEAKED: Investigation Exposes REAL Reason For Mass Immigration, It's Horrifying ... Nothing Can Stop This

(TeaParty.org) - The United States and the entire Western world is in the middle of a grave crisis, but it is not immigration. Immigration is just a symptom of what has infected our culture for the past 50 years. America and Europe have prided themselves for the last century as countries that have given rights ...

What can we say? They have very strong determination! The Umma needs new territories. The weak minded and decadent will be eaten. Islam is God's punishment for his indecisive people.

Islam Is Taking Over Europe-'Without Swords, Without Guns, Without Conquest'

"In 10 years we will all be Muslims because of our stupidity," declared Italian Monsignor Carlo Liberati recently. In an interview with Catholic journal La Fede Quotidiana, the archbishop emeritus of Pompeii lamented Western Europe's transition into secularism and what may ultimately cause a transition back out of it: the influx of massive numbers of Muslim migrants into the West and these immigrants' robust birthrates.

Jako všude v Evropě pravičácké strany silně vyhráli, ale establishment s nima prostě nechce počítat. Zatím. Nesmíme polevit!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

You either have a Y or X chromosome, but that doesn't bother THESE "scientists"... Great, now German engineers will discover a third polarity, to make their motors run faster :D

Germany legally recognises 'third gender'

Germany's on course to become the first European nation to give people the option of choosing a third gender on their birth certificates. The country's top court has ruled intersex people must have a choice if they neither identify as male or female.

No a co? Kolik nás musí bejt?? Hlavně ať jsou lidi slušný...

Česko stárne. Čeká se na migranty a důchodové reformy

Mladých lidí v České republice ubývá. Za posledních patnáct let klesly počty mladých do 29 let o téměř tři čtvrtě miliónu na 3,3 miliónu osob. Na celkovém počtu obyvatel se tak loni podíleli 32 procenty. Ještě v roce 2001 přitom v ČR žily čtyři milióny mladých lidí a jejich podíl dosahoval téměř 39 procent.

Trump softens criticism of China on trade deficit, calls on Beijing to solve North Korea crisis

Toning down his criticism of China on his first visit, President Trump said Thursday that Beijing isn't to blame for the mammoth trade imbalance with the U.S., and expressed the hope that Chinese President Xi Jinping will "work hard" to reduce tensions with North Korea.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Cain and Abel explained

Amen to this (thank you Eric Richardson):
It is a teaching that we seek to unite the right wing and left wing as headwing; neither Abel nor Cain are right nor left wing. Abel is the person who is fundamentally closer to God.
It is Abel’s place to love Cain, but it is not Abel’s place to leave the position of being closer to God in order to appease Cain, make Cain feel better, make Cain feel tolerated, or make Cain feel loved by uniting with Cain. It is Cain’s position to unite with Abel and thereby do better and come closer to God.
It is also Abel’s responsibility to survive, and not be toppled from the position.
We sometimes hear that the killing of Abel is his fault because he did not love enough. Loving more is a good goal, but there is actually no real evidence that that was the case. Even if it were true, Abel can not make Cain commit the act of murder. This was all Cain’s doing.
God was clear that Cain was not right. He said, if you do not do well, will your offering not be accepted? It’s clear that Cain was not doing well, it was his fault and that it was not Abel’s fault that Cain did not succeed, but Abel did. It was Cain’s responsibility to figure out why, and change his offering. He could have asked Abel instead of becoming angry and resentful.
Without Abel, there is no chance for Cain to become better.
After Cain killed Abel, it was Cain’s descendants that created a world so full of evil that God grieved He ever created man.
Unity is Cain’s responsibility, not Abel’s.