Saturday, May 30, 2015

We are enjoying prosperity on credit! Is this a good idea? What if something unforeseen comes up?

The global debt clock

Europe needs a vision! What if it would be common sense and decency?

Bacha chlapy, ženský si sem tahaj chlapy z Afriky!...

Men, our women are dragging fresh men into Europe! We should not let this happen. It's time to stand up!


Armes Deutschland und armer Wagner!

Vorgestern sah ich die PC-Tafeln um Wagner und seine Familie zu schänden rund um seine Büste vor dem Festspielhaus. Was man sich so alles gefallen lassen muss...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Mann, wenn ich Gott wär, ich würde dieses Europa einfach kurz und klein schlagen!

Warum? Wegen dem Versauen der Sexualität, des kostbarsten, was Gott je geschaffen hat.


I don't see much difference between the Islamists and the gay lobby. Both are violently trying, to cram their worldviews down peoples' throats.
And then you still have the rich, who're trying to fuck everyone, and get away with it.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

True joy can only be reached through decency and common sense---when our motivation is, to make others happy

There is no magic. The purpose of life is joy. And true joy can only be reached through decency and common sense---when our motivation is, to make others happy.

The purpose of life is JOY!

Let's have a competition: Let's see, who can promote the most COMMON SENSE and DECENCY!
The goal, of course, is, how to make life the most ENJOYABLE!



Lasst doch einfach die Eltern sich um ihre Kinder kümmern!

"Kita" Streik - Einigt Euch! Unseren Kindern zuliebe!
Da habt ihr den Salat. Lasst doch einfach die Eltern sich um ihre Kinder kümmern!
Wie kann man alles nur so vermasseln! - Im Namen von irrwitzigen Ideologien! 

Tak kdy bude PRAGIDA?

Jako občan ČR prohlašuji, že tato vláda mou důvěru nemá!

Jakto že se tolik poslanců zdržuje hlasování o nedůvěře?! Proč tam teda k čertu jsou?? Koho ještě máme, kdo se chce starat o naší zem?

TV, ten Babiš je fakt nestydatej ďábel! Holt když ho necháme, tak může. Stejně jsme ho prý stvořili my!

Jan Farský " Cenzura internetu v režii Ministerstva financí

To říká Ďábel vždycky: "Vy jste mne zplodili!" Že ale sám nemá morálku ani za mák, za to si taky můžeme?...

Zplodila mne zkorumpovaná pravice, hájí se Babiš ve sněmovně -

i-slam (the door).

žádný strachy, socani a křesťani oligarchu podrží!

Když Babiš manipuluje media, nemůže i manipulovat preference voličů, nebo i výsledky voleb?

Sobotka má pravdu. Občani se musí více starat o svou zemi.

Kalousek má recht! Jde hlavně o to, jak budeme moci odpovídat na otázky našich dětí a vnoučat!

Dobrá show! Občani, máte poslední šanci!

Living for the sake of others---secret weapon

I have a secret weapon! I cannot be defeated. Do you want to know, what it is? You can have it too!
It's living for the sake of others!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Někdo obětavý by měl vytvořit skupinu PRDEL TÝDNE! a nechat lidi každý týden vybrat největší směšnost co se udála. Možná s trochou srandy a nadhledem se věci pomalu pohnou k lepšímu. ;-)

Hey Jungs, ich glaube, es ist an der Zeit, einen Krieg anzufangen. Die Mädels werden zu frech...

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Babiš, fůj!

The axis of evil is getting huge!

HERBERT LONDON: A Chinese-Russian alliance that complicates the Middle East

What to do with Muslims?

France is selling fighter planes to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Arab Emirates and others. They are all Sunni states that are by now in an open war with Iran's Shia Muslims. A civil war among Muslims. Many of Muslim countries have atomic bombs. Who knows, why they are fighting? They must be unhappy about something in their daily lives. But what could be the result of a victory of either side?

We need to offer to God's children something that fulfills them, that makes sense to them and fulfills their dreams and hearts. What will it be?

Demoiselle Crane or Mongolian Common Crane

The Migration of Demoiselle Cranes

Sunday, May 3, 2015

A husband and a wife in love is the most beautiful sight.

You must reveal to your neighbors, your tribe, and your nation that True Parents are the true owners

This past Foundation Day in her address True Mother spoke the following words:

“The Marriage Blessing will hold no meaning if you allow your blessing to extend only to your family, while living in this age of True Parents. Do you understand? Blessed families must fulfill their responsibility. The Marriage Blessing should not remain within or end up as a blessing that extends only to your family. You must reveal to your neighbors, your tribe, and your nation that True Parents are the true owners.” ~True Mother