Thursday, January 17, 2013

Democracy is a tricky thing

2000 years ago all agreed that the Son of God should be killed...

Demokracie má své úskalí

Před 2000 lety se všichni shodli, že se má zabít syn Boží.

The French expedition in Africa cannot be successful!

Instead of killing people, let's show them a good way of living! Research the truth and apply it! God exists - but how does he exist? Who are our heavenly parents? Men have to live for women and women for men. Parents for children and children for parents. People for their neighbors, etc.
Instead of kicking the "bad guys", let's show a good and healthy society here in Europe! Maybe people elsewhere can inherit something. ;-)

Friday, January 11, 2013

Skandál - machinace s referendem na Praze 7

Betonářská lobby si přimázla 3 vlastní stavební projekty k referendu:
- vedení magistrály na úseku Prahy 7 pod povrchem!
- pěší zóna na Miladě
- nemocnice na Praze 7
Nic netušící volič je nucen nejprve vyplnit volební lístek o kterém nic netuší. Lehce se může stát, že tam odsouhlasí třikrát tyto nové projekty - jelikož přišel dát 4x Ano Referendu.
Až pak dostane volební lístek opravdového referenda do ruky.
To je snad fór!

Quentin Tarantino takes no responsibility for his violence

Just heard on BBC an interview with Quentin Tarantino. He didn't want to take responsibility for all the violence that he is showing in his movies. I find this lousy.
What a person has give and take with forms our personality. When we indulge in porn, we saturate our being with this kind of thinking and then tend to commit acts accordingly.
When we indulge in watching violence, we tend to commit finally violence.
On the other hand, when we indulge in give and take with beautiful and uplifting things, we tend to live beautiful and uplifting lives. Isn't this, what we call the Kingdom of Heaven?