Friday, September 29, 2017


One day in the Garden of Eden, Eve calls out to God.
"Lord, I have a problem!" "What's the problem, Eve?"
"Lord, I know you created me and all of this beautiful garden and all of these amazing animals and that hilarious comedic snake, but I'm just not happy."
"Why is that, Eve?" came the reply from above. "Lord, I am lonely, and I'm sick to death of apples."
"Well Eve, in that case, I have a solution. I shall create a man for you."
"What's a man, Lord?" "Man will be a flawed creature, with many wreteched traits. He'll lie, cheat and be vainglorious; all in all, he'll give you a hard time.
But... he'll be bigger, stronger, and will like to hunt and kill things. He will look silly when he's aroused, but since you've been complaining, I'll make him in such a way that he will satisfy your physical needs.
He will be witless and will revel in childish things like fighting and kicking a ball about. He won't be too smart, so he'll also need your advice to think properly."
"Sounds wonderful!" says Eve, " but what's the catch, Lord?"
Well... you can have him on one condition."
"What's that, Lord?" "As I said, he'll be proud, arrogant, and self-admiring... So you'll have to let him believe that I made him first. Just remember, it's our little secret... You know, woman to woman."

Look at the homepage of Flixbus and you understand what's going on in Western Europe...

God is the ultimate chauvinist. - And what are you gonna do about that?...

Men are not meant to avoid wars. They are supposed to win them!

Tuesday, September 26, 2017 cestě do prdele! ;-)

Pomalí nemají zdržovat rychlejší. Macron volá po dvourychlostní EU

Dnes 17:29 - Paříž (Aktualizováno: 17:46 ) Rozhodující silou pro změny v EU bude francouzsko-německý tandem, domnívá se Macron. V současnosti podle něj v EU chybí "kultura spolupráce", unie je "příliš slabá, příliš pomalá a příliš nevýkonná". Země, které budou mít zájem se podílet na jeho vizi evropské budoucnosti, by podle něj mohly v příštích týdnech vytvořit skupinu věnovanou "znovuzaložení Evropy".

My ale NECHCEME ODSTRANIT billboardy podél dálnic!! Nemůžeme o tom hlasovat?!

C'mon China! North Korea is the last plug to be removed for Asia to totally blossom. Let's get it done!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Otázka pro SPD: Koukám na debatu na ČT. Jak je to u SPD? Rodina nemusí být jenom muž a žena? Jsou tu ještě jiné alternativy?

Germany is totally lost. On Sunday are elections. But even the most reasonable and conservative party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), has a lesbian as one of her top candidates. The Western world is inflicted by serious CONFUSION!!!

"Ich bin homosexuell": AfD-Spitzenkandidatin Weidel spricht über ihr Privatleben

Die AfD propagiert ein klassisches Familienbild und gilt als homophob. Bei einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Viernheim ging die lesbische AfD-Spitzenkandidatin Alice Weidel nun in die Offensive.

Why the heck stay in the European Union?!

Its member states will inevitably decline, because the leaders in Brussels are very bad people. Thus, a European nation doesn't have to be part of this mad club.
On the other hand, European countries are free to self-determination, and can also forge new alliances. The world is ours!

In the past, reporters were reporting facts and let people make up their own mind, but now reporters are trying to educate people. Communist Soviet Union or Nazi Germany were like this...

Thursday, September 21, 2017

That's why mad people always call others mad...

Kim slams Trump as "mentally deranged"

North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un has riposted strongly to President Trump's UN declaration he would "totally destroy" his country. Calling Trump a "dotard" and "mentally deranged" more than once, Kim said the speech had convinced him the path he had chosen was the right one, and that he would follow it until the end.

"Separate from Satan!" Does that ring a bell to anyone? In CARP, that used to be our daily bread.

Today Nigel Farage spoke in Prague. He is right that the EU should die, because it became a sick project. The contents of this project became sick.
However, the situation is even more serious, because this sickness is inherent to so many European and even all Western cultures, maybe it's even global.
As long as people don't acknowledge their root in God, abdicate to mislead Socialism which makes families irresponsible, stop falling for the dog-eyed lies of Muslims which just want the whole world to be miserable like themselves, and don't stop sick science like today's whining psychology and gender mess, there will be no silver lining. It's up to us.

Nigel Farage is wrong. Islam is not just a religion. It's an agenda to conquer the world. As such, it must be met with stern opposition!

Petr Mach is right. We don't have to be in the EU. We are already in EFTA for trade and in NATO for defense. We don't need the EU which is crazy!

Now that's enough! Get their asses, Donald!

North Korea's foreign minister calls Trump's U.N. address 'sound of dog barking'

North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho called U.S. President Donald Trump's address to the United Nations "the sound of a dog barking", brushing aside Trump's remarks that the United States may be forced to "totally destroy" North Korea.

If you're wise, you sell your soul to God. ;-)

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Do you know why wars start?

Whenever women were too much reversing the proper order, men have no choice but to hit the table. Since they don't want to hurt women, good men attack the foolish men who let women dominate them.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Teď vyšlo najevo, že má ČR pouze 8000 vojáků k dispozici, kdyby se něco semlelo. To jsme teda v pěkné bryndě. Ochrana vlasti by ale potřebovala sta tisíce mužů...

Martine, blbě's ho vychoval...

Integration of Muslims cannot work, because they actually came to our countries, to take over. They will be concerned with OUR integration.

Integrace Muslimů se nemůže podařit, jelikož Muslimové sem přišli aby to tu převzali. Oni budou řešit NAŠÍ integraci.

Při dnešní debatě na ČT, nedá se prostě říct, že se má zakázat Islám? Myslím že si to myslí většina českých občanů.

Fucking Muslims are celebrating their "holy" Friday again. When do we FUCKING outlaw this sick ideology in Europe??!! Don't worry, there are treason court cases coming up for YOU BETRAYERS!!!

Reported explosion and stampede at London subway station

LONDON (AP) - A reported explosion at a train station sent commuters stampeding in panic on Friday at the height of London's morning rush hour. Photos taken inside a District Line train show a white plastic bucket inside a supermarket shopping bag. Flames and what appear to be wires can be seen.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The main problem is the Cain view, which means that one sees others as the root of their problems. That's why seemingly opposite ideologies readily cooperate like Muslims, LGBT, Communists, Socialists, feminists, bullies like Kim Jong Un, etc.
That's why Father's analysis of fallen nature is so precious! There is no way around it on the way to more happiness. We have to pursue a more Abel type view, which wants to take responsibility for oneself plus others. Thus, it's just a waste of time, to cater to people's fallen nature.
"Mohammed borrowed heavily from old Jewish legends and stories and incorporated these into the Koran. Alongside this, he changed a lot of the well known and accepted biblical stories to fit his self serving concepts of his position as the last and most important of all the prophets and messengers sent by God.
I do not believe he is representative of an Abrahamic faith simply because he believed this or that Islam is Abrahamic because one of the main components of Islam is to eliminate the two Abrahamic faiths---Judaism and Christianity---by any means necessary up to and including outright massive genocide. 
Also, his "theology" is centered on him and what he demands although it is well cloaked in religious words and pretensions.
Islam is more akin to a totalitarian intolerant violent ideology with a religious component than a theology that inspires its adherents to a heavenly lifestyle."

Very good! The Czech president rejected euros for migrants. He told the German president that we are 'not people smugglers'... ;-)

Zeman odmítl eura za migranty. Nejsme pašeráci lidí, řekl německému prezidentovi -

Německý prezident Frank-Walter Steinmeier v úterý přijel na první oficiální návštěvu Prahy po svém březnovém nástupu do funkce. Na Pražském hradě ho s vojenskými poctami uvítal prezident Miloš Zeman, na následném jednání spolu oba prezidenti hovořili anglicky. Steinmeier se v Praze zdržel jen krátce, odpoledne má naplánovaný další program v Berlíně.

Are there any good men left at all?

China Warns Trump: "We Will Back North Korea If The US Strikes First" " Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

All day Saturday, South Korea braced for a possible new missile test by North Korea as the provocative northern neighbor marked its founding anniversary, just days after its sixth and largest nuclear test rattled global financial markets and further escalated tensions in the region.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Klasický příklad muslimské rozpínavosti skrze lest.

Mučení a vraždy muslimů? Klasický příklad etnických čistek, říká o Barmě komisař OSN

Vysoký komisař OSN pro lidská práva kritizoval Barmu za násilí proti menšině Rohingů. Počínání vlády přirovnal k etnickým čistkám. Do sousedního Bangladéše už uprchlo přes 300 tisíc muslimských Rohingů. Podle barmské vůdkyně SuŤij jsou přitom informace o konfliktu zkreslené. Zástupce OSN ji přesto žádá o rychlé řešení mírovou cestou.

Who is helping North Korea with nuclear bombs? Muslims again?

Exclusive: North Korea 'secretly helped by Iran to gain nuclear weapons', British officials fear

North Korea 's sudden advancement in developing nuclear weapons may be due to secret support from Iran, British officials fear. The Foreign Office is investigating whether "current and former nuclear states" helped Kim Jong-Un in his drive to mount nuclear warheads on missiles.

Trump must not sell any weapons to any Muslims! He would be arming the enemies of humanity.

Senate Narrowly Backs Trump Weapons Sale to Saudi Arabia

"Today I stand up for the thousands of civilians who are being killed in Yemen," Mr. Paul said on the Senate floor before the vote. "Today I stand for the millions of voiceless children in Yemen who will be killed by the Saudi blockade.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Media Cleansing, Dirty Reporting: Journalism and Tragedy in Yugoslavia

Five years in exhaustive preparation and writing, Media Cleansing: Dirty Reporting, is the blockbuster book by American journalist Peter Brock that exposes the shocking record of the Western media's war reporting in the breakup of Yugoslavia and their collusion that deceived the world during the ...

Muslims are so shamelessly evil that normal people can't even fathom it, and they fall for their deception...

This article is probably pure lies and propaganda by Muslim activists and invaders:

Rohingya people - Wikipedia


ABOUT ROHINGYAS : myths & facts
1. Rohingyas are not Burmese. They called themselves as Rohingya. There are no such people in Burmese history and census. 
2. Rohingyas are in fact Bengali who speaks Bengali dialect, dress Bengali clothes and eat Bengali food and have Bengali cultures.
3. Rohingyas are illegal immigrants who illegally entered to Myanmar from Bangladesh.
4. The Burmese government gave citizenship to many Rohingyas, but more and more illegal immigrant Rohingyas comes from Bangladesh every year.
5. When they became citizenship, they are equal under the law. No one may be discriminated against on the basis of their race, religion, ethnic group, or gender.
6. Rohingya raped underage girls (under 13 years old), tortured them and killed these little girls.
7. Rohingya bullied Rakhine people, did several arson attacks, killed hundreds of Rakhine people and burnt thousands of houses.
8. Rohingya has been trained by fundamentalist Taliban and Al Qaeda (cited from wikileaks and other credible news).
9. Rohingya owns thousands of guns to shoot Rakhine people. (Please go to Rakhine state and research it. Dozens of Rakhine people are killed by Rohingya bullets)
Myth 1. They cannot marry and have children. Government restricts them.
Fact : Rohingya population extremely increases every year in Myanmar. The rate is higher than Myanmar population rate. How come their population increases every year?
Myth 2. They have discrimination on religion. They don't have freedom of religion.
Fact : There are many mosques built by Rohingya in Rakhine state. If they have restriction on religion, how come hundreds mosques in Rakhine state?
Myth 3. They are so poor that they don't have anything to eat.
FACT : The truth is they just want to get free money from UNHCR or organizations. They built a lot of nice houses and mosques. They bought a lot of guns and rockets. How can they build houses and mosques? How can they buy guns?
Myth 4. Rohingya are not Bengali.
FACT: Rohingya are in fact Benglai. Please check DNA. Please listen their dialect. Please research their language. According to the research, they are not Arab or Burmese ethic. How come they speak Bengali if they are not? Why cannot they speak Burmese if they are burmese. How can they wear like Bengali and have Bengali cultures.
Myth 5. They are tortured by Rakhine people.
Fact: There are many Rohingya in Rakhine state. Their population is more than Rakhine people population. Rohingya population increases every year and Rakhine population decreases every year. If they are tortured by Rakhine, they will run away from Rakhine state and they won’t be sticking around like a super glue.
Myth 6: Rohingyas are so peaceful. 
Fact : Rohingya raped, tortured and killed Rakhine little girls. Rohingya bullied and killed hundred of Rakhine people. They burnt thousands of houses and dozens of Buddhist temples. How come the whole Rakhine towns and villages go to Ashes?
Why are many Rakhine people killed by Rohingya?
Myth 7. Government should recognize Rohingya as citizenship.
Fact: Bengali government denied its own people. Burmese government accept them and gave them citizenship and equal rights. However, more and more Bengali Rohingya illegally enter to Myanmar every year. They are rude and aggressive. They don’t respect native Rakhine and bullied Rakhine people. Then, they pretend to be like poor and nice guys. Why did Burmese government have to accept these kind of rude hypocrite terrorists? Burmese government already gave out a lot of citizenship to these so-called Rohingya and they are equal under the law. Nevertheless, government cannot accept any more illegal immigrants since they don't do any good for Myanmar.
Myth 8 : Burmese hate Rohingya so much because they are Muslim.
Fact : There are plenty of Muslim people in Burma. Burmese people treat with respect to those people who are not rude, aggressive and murderers. Burmese people treat with respect to those Rohingya who entered Burma legally, and who are not murderers. 
Short and Sweet: Rohingya are Bengali who illegally entered Myanmar and killed thousands of native Rakhine people. Government gave citizenship and equal rights to thousands of Rohingya. They built hundreds of mosques and thousands of houses in Rakhine State. Their population extremely increases every year due to illegal immigrant Rohingyas. They bullied, raped, tortured and killed native Rakhine people every year. In this case, they are systematically attacking Rakhine state and Rakhine people. They killed many Rakhine, and burnt thousands of Rakhine’s houses. They made over 30,000 Rakhine people homeless. They were trained by Taliban and Al Qaeda.
Their Purpose: Even though government gave citizenship and equal rights to many immigrant Rohingyas, their desires cannot be fulfilled. They want to make Rakhine state to become their state. They want to claim that they are native people. They allied with Taliban as well as Al Qaeda, and they want to kick Rakhine people out of Rakhine state. They want to govern Rakhine state as their own state. - Copied and Pasted

China, just take North Korea!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Recently, i'm finding that we don't have to be afraid of "evil" joy. Evil joy is actually no joy at all. Only true joy is real joy. So let's fearlessly pursue joy! A joyful time to all!...

Germany wants to turn its highways into toll roads. In this case, however, speed limits should be implemented on German highways, because with their lack on any speed limit they are dangerous especially for travelling foreigners.

Russia is showing again its thug state character. Feeling sorry for another thug colleague. Shameful!

Putin warns of 'global catastrophe' over North Korea

But Putin, speaking in China on Tuesday, cautioned against "military hysteria" and said that the only way to resolve the crisis was through diplomacy. He warned that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has calculated that the survival of his regime depends on its development of nuclear weapons.

Don't worry. Muslims cannot be trusted. As usually. Islam is the new Communism.

Muslim world denounces Myanmar's treatment of Rohingya

So far, an estimated 123,600 Rohingya have fled to neighboring Bangladesh to escape escalating violence in their native Rakhine State, according to a United Nations official in Bangladesh. Leaders of countries with majority Muslim populations including Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Pakistan have led efforts to increase pressure on the Myanmar government.

It's really the time now for China and the US to go it together on North Korea. They could just overwhelmingly jump on them from all sides, and it's over.
The question is, how selfish and foolish does South Korea still want to look on or be part of it...

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Why is North Korea so bad? What do you do with bullies?...

North Korea appears to have conducted sixth nuclear test

Seismological data from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) showed that an explosion caused a 6.3-magnitude tremor in the country's northeast, not far from the country's Punggey-ri nuclear test site. South Korea's Meteorological Administration called it a "man-made" earthquake. South Korea will hold a National Security Council meeting at 12:30 a.m.