Lidi kolem ANO se snaží urvat co se dá. Jako jediná partaj dokonce pro volby šli do mínusu (Kč 40 mil.). Vědí, že je v příštích volbách už nikdo moc volit nebude.
V Praze nemají vůbec žádné akce. Jen se jim podařilo napálit lidi na venkově. Prostě čirý populismus.
Je to logické. Dnešní oligarchové se začínají nudit. Už jim všechno patří. Tak co si tak nezahrát hned s celou zemí?
Zajímalo by mne, koho vůbec poslali do parlamentu, jestli tyto lidé tam vůbec chodí, co to jsou za lidi a co mají opravdu za program pro naší zem.
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Jak je vůbec možné, že člověk jako Babiš je ministrem financí???
To máme jako
český občani tak malou sebeúctu, že se svěříme do rukou člověka, který za pár
let závratným způsobem zbohatl?? Je tento člověk vůbec čistý a upřímný? Šel do
vlády, aby posloužil svým spoluobčanům, nebo aby rozjel zatím největší tunel? U
Babiše má člověk přirozenou obavu ho kritizovat, protože je to jiné než obvyklý
politik. Tady člověk neví, kam až jeho moc sahá a čeho je schopný. Je to monarchizace
To chceme opravdu
být nevolníci?? Přece každý Čech by měl být svým vlastním pánem a svobodným a
zodpovědným občanem! Nepotřebujeme oligarchu, kterému patří půl republiky!
Je to bezprecedentní
střet zájmu a vážné ohrožení demokracie u nás!
Stát není firma,
vůbec ne! Stát má fungovat jako rodina, jelikož sestává z jednotlivých suverénních
rodin, takže větší společenství je jen rozšířená rodina. Vlastně, rodina je
největší možná jednotka lidské společnosti. Nad rodinou už není nic. Jen Bůh a
jednotlivé rodiny, takže lidská společnost je vlastně Boží rodina.
ministr fiancí,
střet zájmu,
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Russia stole China the thunder
I know, what's really behind the Crimean story: Putin is actually scared to death of China!
So, being the evil and primitive person that he is, by kicking the West to its shin, he is actually trying to get our attention.
He just effectively stole China the thunder. Everyone was looking to Asia, when China wíll unleash its magnificent war machine... But Putin was faster. ;-)
So, being the evil and primitive person that he is, by kicking the West to its shin, he is actually trying to get our attention.
He just effectively stole China the thunder. Everyone was looking to Asia, when China wíll unleash its magnificent war machine... But Putin was faster. ;-)
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Žumpa Evropa
Z morálního hlediska je dnes Evropa (a západní sféra vůbec) horší i než Severní Korea.
Protože západní civilizace neuznává základní morální principy čistoty lásky - tzn. sexuality.
Hřích je naše hanba. Naše hanba je co dělá náš život nesnesitelný. Když propagujeme homosexualitu, volný sex, sebevraždu, onanii a vůbec sobeckost (tzv. sebe-uskutečnění), pleteme lidi a uvádíme je v omyl.
Největší křivdu totiž máme z toho, co zvořeme sami - ne, co nám kdo udělá.
Takže, když si třeba změníme pohlaví, ošaháváme děti, onanujeme, máme sex se stejným pohlavím nebo se zvířaty a kurvíme se, to jsou věci za které se stydíme. Proto to také děláme tajně.
Každý z nás totiž svědomí má. Je to náš nepřetržitelný spoj s Bohem. Takže vlastně nemáme výmluvu. Víme co je pro nás dobrý. Jen to následovat. ;-)
Protože západní civilizace neuznává základní morální principy čistoty lásky - tzn. sexuality.
Hřích je naše hanba. Naše hanba je co dělá náš život nesnesitelný. Když propagujeme homosexualitu, volný sex, sebevraždu, onanii a vůbec sobeckost (tzv. sebe-uskutečnění), pleteme lidi a uvádíme je v omyl.
Největší křivdu totiž máme z toho, co zvořeme sami - ne, co nám kdo udělá.
Takže, když si třeba změníme pohlaví, ošaháváme děti, onanujeme, máme sex se stejným pohlavím nebo se zvířaty a kurvíme se, to jsou věci za které se stydíme. Proto to také děláme tajně.
Každý z nás totiž svědomí má. Je to náš nepřetržitelný spoj s Bohem. Takže vlastně nemáme výmluvu. Víme co je pro nás dobrý. Jen to následovat. ;-)
Severní Korea,
sex se zvířaty,
volný sex,
Friday, March 14, 2014
Why do the people of Ukraine want to either belong to Russia and others again to the EU?
Why don't they just enjoy their life together with their families and neighbors?
The mistake is that people don't want to take responsibility for their society - some want to be taken care of by Russia, some want to profit from European funds. But God gave people their life and their environment. Who doesn't appreciate this, is the real culprit! We shouldn't be too greedy. The simple joys are the best. Loving one's spouse and kids, loving one's neighbors - what more do people need? Do we want to rule other people?? I don't think that God made it this way.
The mistake is that people don't want to take responsibility for their society - some want to be taken care of by Russia, some want to profit from European funds. But God gave people their life and their environment. Who doesn't appreciate this, is the real culprit! We shouldn't be too greedy. The simple joys are the best. Loving one's spouse and kids, loving one's neighbors - what more do people need? Do we want to rule other people?? I don't think that God made it this way.
simple joy,
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
For humanity the time has come, to accept that God exists.
And thus we have to discover, with which purpose He created. What is His expectation on us?
God, who was seeking His wife, created everything in a duality of masculine and feminine. He prepared this wonderful world with love and investment. And finally He created humans - men and women. God's only reason for creating is JOY! He would've not gone through the whole effort for NOTHING ELSE! Thus, when we are truly happy, we can say that we are fulfilling God's purpose of creation and of our own existence. Simple, isn't it? But to make our lives truly happy is not so easy. For this we have to connect to God, our Heavenly Parent, and learn from Him, how He envisioned life to be.
True happiness seems to come, when we give joy to others, thus there seems to be a pattern in God's creation, which is altruism. The husband only feels truly happy, when he makes his wife happy - the same holds true for the wife. The loving parents don't feel complete, as long as they don't see their love substantiated in their children.
If all this is true, then we already have guidelines, how to live our lives:
First of all, by acknowledging God's existence and His original creation.
Second, since He created us as His children, our obedience towards Him - returning joy to Him.
Third, living happy lives by multiplying God's initial creation of joy.
And thus we have to discover, with which purpose He created. What is His expectation on us?
God, who was seeking His wife, created everything in a duality of masculine and feminine. He prepared this wonderful world with love and investment. And finally He created humans - men and women. God's only reason for creating is JOY! He would've not gone through the whole effort for NOTHING ELSE! Thus, when we are truly happy, we can say that we are fulfilling God's purpose of creation and of our own existence. Simple, isn't it? But to make our lives truly happy is not so easy. For this we have to connect to God, our Heavenly Parent, and learn from Him, how He envisioned life to be.
True happiness seems to come, when we give joy to others, thus there seems to be a pattern in God's creation, which is altruism. The husband only feels truly happy, when he makes his wife happy - the same holds true for the wife. The loving parents don't feel complete, as long as they don't see their love substantiated in their children.
If all this is true, then we already have guidelines, how to live our lives:
First of all, by acknowledging God's existence and His original creation.
Second, since He created us as His children, our obedience towards Him - returning joy to Him.
Third, living happy lives by multiplying God's initial creation of joy.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Monday, March 3, 2014
Russia's genocide during the Ukrainian famine in 1932-33 - Holodomor
The artificial famine by the Communists led to the death of 8 million people. It was supposed to make the farmers agree with collectivization.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Russian upper house approves use of force in Ukraine: Putin is really a fucker!
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