Tuesday, December 29, 2015

People who don't value themselves, speak the most about tolerance these days. They must be hoping that their own iniquities will be somehow miraculously solved, without having to make much effort...

Olomouc 26.12.2015 : Biskup Byzantského patriarchátu V. TimotejNemám rád politiky a naší nenažranou církev, ale tento proslov stojí za poslech (y) Pavel Matějka
Posted by Pavel Matějka on Sunday, December 27, 2015

Lidi, který si sebe sama neváží, hodně mluví o toleranci. Protože doufaj, že jim to taky nějak projde...

Try to Watch Without Crying....

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

I francouzský socialisti zavádí podporu pro živnostníky. Kdo se chce osamostatnit, dostane "Prime d'Activité". Člověk přece má být své společnosti prospěšný, a ne být zátěží!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Nichts für ungut liebe Humanisten. Humanismus war lange das beste was es gab. Deshalb ist der Westen vielleicht auch so reich. Aber jetzt ist es nur noch das zweitbeste. Denn wir haben nun die "heilige Vernunft" entdeckt. Tja, die heilige Vernunft... Sie nimmt das beste aus der Linken und das beste aus der Rechten. Und Gott ist auch mit von der Partie. Ich weiß nicht wie bei euch, aber hier im Osten ist die heilige Vernunft stark im Kommen. Und das ist auch gut so.
Google und Nasa präsentieren Quantencomputer - SPIEGEL ONLINE
It's actually shocking that we worry so much that such losers as the Muslims might take over Europe!
This shows of how little faith we are and the lack of values we have here...:-(
Ale stejně je to potupný, že se tolik strachujeme, že takový sráči jako jsou mohamedáni ovládnou Evropu!
Vypovídá to o tom, jak sami máme malou víru a slabé hodnoty... :-(

TV, je zajímavé jak se nakonec humanismus stal nepřítelem zdravého rozumu...

Osobností roku je Merkelová, Time ji ocenil za přístup k uprchlíkům - iDNES.cz
The European migration crisis shows clearly the arrogance and the removedness from reality of the EU elites.
Most regular folks are worried about the influx of Muslims. But Bruxelles doesn't give a damn.
I say, we stop this humanist experiment (meaning the European Union) that is based on flawed presumptions and socio-psychologic theories.
I'd say, my country should exit the EU, and work on a good model for the lives of its citizens.
"Evropské multikulturální elity jsou pořád nespokojeny s tím, že se jim ty evropské státy nedaří dostatečně rozbít. Přišly na to, že když to hezky promíchají těmi migranty, kteří žádné kořeny v evropských státech nemají, tak to bude šancí na umělé sjednocení kontinentu."

Klaus: Migraci řídí nedočkavá evropská elita. Má plán

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Surely, the Czech Republic has to leave the EU. We don't want fools to dictate our lives.

Hrozí rozpad EU. Musíme ji udržet, hlásá šéf europarlamentu - Echo24.cz
By bombing the hell out of the Middle East, the Middle East will stop to exist. But where will the people go? The closest decent place is Europe.
And by bombing, you cannot quell the ANGER of these young people, who are disgusted by the life style of their parents. The anger will still be here. It will destroy Europe. Then it will jump to the USA.
But we can and have to do something! We have to give especially young people new hope for their lives! GODDAMMIT! We are the ones who have to do it.

OBROVSKÝ LIKE! Oproti této LUMPÁRNĚ jsou EET pouhá kravina...

ODS chce odložit kontrolní hlášení, svolává kvůli tomu mimořádnou schůzi Sněmovny

Maybe it's time for some sort of alien invasion from space, this will help us unite...

Friday, December 4, 2015

Everything is a parents problem.

Providential fornication is not possible. You cannot fight evil with evil. No matter how you turn it, only goodness can liberate evil.
And there is plenty of goodness to be done! ;-)
Bah, Islam is the new Communism. Not all Communists were bad then either, but all in all they were the Cain side. Let's not worry too much about Cain. As Abel, we have to be strong and good Abel, only this will give hope to Cain. I would propose, to really start building CIG, maybe all move to a more blessed place like Asia right now, but in any case move forward with our plans! Once we succeed, the Cains will catch up, and again some progress will be made.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

What is it with Islam that its believers commit atrocities?

Let's support good Muslims, and get on the case of bad Muslims.
As always, it's not your religion that counts. What counts, is if you're a good or a bad person!
pravice, levice - na všem je něco dobrého.
Líp bude, až se lidi budou víc zajímat o druhý!
Bombing the hell out of everyone now in the Middle East is also not the solution!
World wide Muslims are just gonna get totally pissed, and we have World War III.
Instead, people of God have to unite, and together work for a better future!

Friday, November 27, 2015

EU vlastně není demokracie. Národní státy jsou demokracie. Ale v Bruselu máme povaleče, který jsou daleko a vymejšlej blbosti. Čas od času vždy přiletí nějaká ta ťafka z Bruselu, a máme se jako podřídit. Ale jako občani EU nemáme pocit, že na Brusel máme vliv!
Takže je to vlastně diktatura nějaké ideologické a politické kliky. Podobně se cítí Američani, který se taky často necítí pochopeni Washingtonem. Jak teda udělat Evropu pro Evropany?
Great. Actually, the rich European countries are finally starting to pay their debts to the world. Especially the old colonial powers, who profited a lot from their colonies, now they can actually give back.
We're living in an amazing age. The age of the Messiah. All the justice is coming to pass, and very quickly. When all is paid and settled in a few years, a wonderful new world is awaiting us.
We're burning too much shit. That's what's messing up the climate.
Imagine, for how many years we couldn't say this clearly and out loud!

So Mohamed didn't mean it like this?

This FUCK STUPID EU wants to take away people's guns!

In Israel they did the exact opposite in face of terror.

Here you can see the ideological EVIL of the political correct EU! My God, who's writing this play?!

Brusel vytáhl proti zbraním. Průkaz bude třeba i na hračky a zapalovače - Echo24.cz

Monday, November 23, 2015

The Muslims, our friends: they are helping us, to overcome our decadence.

That's enough!
We will establish measures that our FAMILIES ARE SAFE!
We will establish the POTENTIAL RISKS, and deal with them appropriately!
If mosques have to be closed, if certain nationalities or citizen groups need extra surveillance, if certain religions have to be restrained, then it has to be done! Righteous citizens should carry legal arms. The influx of migrants from the Middle East has to be seriously restricted. Maybe, Islam has to be banned altogether. IN THE EU OUR CITIZENS WILL BE SAFE!!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

OK, so we, who complain so much about the EU, let's TAKE OVER THE EU!
And let's set up a good administration, so that the European society can be happy and flourish!
"When—if not now?
Who—if not us?"

Ich seh schon, Obama ist ein Feminist. Denn nur DUMME Frauen denken, dass der Befehl "Hab keine Angst" funktioniert...

Obama über den IS: "Unser stärkstes Instrument ist, keine Angst zu haben" - SPIEGEL ONLINE

I am better than my Father.

And you should be too!
It makes Him happy.

bránit se nebudeme, tosme to Ježíšovo poselství komplet nepochopili...

BIG BEN: Nic se nemění, bránit se nebudeme - Neviditelný pes

And the most stupid place on Earth is: EUROPE

EU = feminist hell

EU = feministický peklo

EU to forbid semi-automatic weapons for self-defense!

Evropská komise zakáže legální držení poloautomatických zbraní. Jedinou obranu před teroristy a vrahy. | SECURITY MAGAZÍN
Jedna sestra to vyjádřila přesně: Opravdový muž si holky nekupuje. Ani v časopisu, ani v TV, ani na internetu, ani v bordelu. Nikdy! Opravdový muž dokáže kontrolovat svoje sexuální touhy a investuje do skutečného vztahu, protože jenom ten mu přinese pravé uspokojení jak fyzické, tak duševní, tak duchovní.

Friday, November 20, 2015

I know what is all this ISIS, Al-Qaida and Boko Haram. They're just kids that grew up on pornography and video games. It has nothing to do with religion.
Therefore it's a job for counselors, psychologists and pastors.

Záchod blouzní...

Schulz: Nelze odmítat uprchlické kvóty a současně čerpat evropské dotace

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Já nemám strach, jen si nenechám srát na hlavu! To je rozdíl.

Buďme občani a ne ovčani.

Our fear is not the problem. However, our INDIFFERENCE is!

Neříkejme že se nebojíme, pravda je, že je nám to u prdele.

Man, the headquarters of European terrorism is in Brussels.

Man, the headquarters of European radical Islamists is already in Brussels!

The revolution of Unificationism is this: We don't worship God in churches or temples, we worship God in our families.

Der Messias bringt Leben in die Bude. Das ist der Messias! Er ist kein Wundertäter...

Monday, November 16, 2015

Press release on the terrorist attacks of November 13th 2015 in Paris


Press release on the terrorist attacks of November 13th 2015 in Paris
Faced with the unprecedented violence which pummeled our country last night, in the name of the Universal Peace Federation, we offer our prayers for the many victims and we express our pain and our sympathy to their families. We are profoundly thankful toward our fellow citizens who are on the front line to protect our population and toward those who provided medical care to the injured, often at the risk of their life.
This brutal violence has struck not only France; it has recently struck other countries, Turkey, Russia and Lebanon, to cite only the most recent. This spiral of violence threatens the entire world. If we are profoundly shocked as French citizens, it is as human beings that we have been aggressed. This terrorist attack reinforces our solidarity not only with our fellow citizens, but also with the citizens of every country in the world.
How and in the name of what can acts so barbarous be committed? No nationalism, no religious belief can justify this blind violence, which randomly eliminates precious lives and shatters families. It matters not that the assassins claim to act on behalf of a nation or invoke the name of God.
Terror plunges its roots in hatred and the denial of another’s humanity. While all the means are given to us to make of our planet a shared home, while in a few days the world will gather in Paris to try making our world more livable for everyone, let us react to terror by reaffirming the absolute value of each human life and the profound, indivisible unity of human beings, beyond cultures and religions. If the suffering inflicted by the terrorists can serve as a means to destroy prejudice and deepen our vision of others, they will only have sown the seeds of their own destruction.
The Universal Peace Federation encourages a deeper dialogue between politicians and religious leaders, encourages the media, teachers and the entire civil society to lead a deliberation on the essential values of a democracy that allow the integration of everyone’s values, without discrimination. With the aid of the Ambassadors for Peace, we renew our determination to support these efforts in our nation and in the world.
Paris, November 14, 2015

Jacques MARION
President, FPU France
Email : jmarion@upf.org
Tél : +33 6 74 15 23 64

Communiqué de la Fédération pour la paix universelle en France sur les attentats du 13 novembre à Paris

Communiqué de la Fédération pour la paix universelle en France sur les attentats du 13 novembre à Paris

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Funny enough, finally East and West Europe don't seem to be sharing the same values.


Flüchtlingsgipfel auf Malta: Afrika sträubt sich gegen Minusgeschäft - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Unglaublich, wir lassen uns von Afrika erpressen!
Wir, die osteuropäischen Länder, haben genug von euch westlichen Langeweilern und Nichtsnutzen! Wenn ich könnte, würd ich mit meinem Land diesen verdammten Kontinent VERLASSEN!

Das sind arme Kriegsflüchtlinge?? IHR SEID DOCH BESCHEUERT!!

What Does God Look Like?

Think about it: In the Garden of Eden, how many women were there?
One: Eve.
How many men?
There was God, Adam, the three Archangels Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel, that's already five men! And then there were myriads of angels—all male!
Isn't it a little bit like today, where we have such an overflow of men in China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Middle East...? No wonder, the world is quite restless.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The whole point are VALUES!
All the different Europeans can't agree on the same values. Such a bunch of people can't stay together for too long.
Yet, humanity (all God's children) actually does have a set of common values. We just didn't dig deep enough. With time, we will discover them. Then unity will not be a problem anymore.

VESMÍRNÁ SCRATASTROFA - krátký film z Doby ledové

Europe has only one chance to survive. It must submit to God.

Jean-Claude Juncker drunk and bitch slaps leaders

O strachu

Jo, strach je blbá věc. Ale strach je pouze výsledek našeho myšlení a chování. Když má člověk strach, nestačí jen kázat "neměj strach"!
Strach je přirozená reakce na situaci kterou vnímáme jako nebezpečnou. Takže vlastně jde o to, nedostat se do té nebezpečné situace!...

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

TV! Kurvy pro postižený! To jsme teda kultura!...

České ekonomice se vůbec nedaří dobře!
Ty oslavné správy se vztahuji pouze na kosmetiku s čísly. Realita je, že to víc a víc živnostníků vzdává! Přitom jsou živnostníci tím pravým indikátorem pro ekonomiku.
Sám to v živnosti zažívám: podvodů, nelukrativních otrakáren a nekvalitní práce pořád přibývá. Za chvíli budeme levnou montovnou pro Čínu. Tak nevím, na co si hrajeme!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

If you want to be healed, there is only one way:
Confess, repent and indemnify!

Because no-one can heal you, if the sickness is still there.
Tady v Čechách jsme prdel světa.
Jelikož jdeme nejvíc do hloubky...

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tohle bych chtěl říct českým odpůrcům islámu: Moji milí to užste prosrali. Tím jak Evropa pořád řeší lidské práva a svobody bez zodpovědnosti, Islám vycítil naší slabost, a teď si sem jdou pro klenoty. Snažím se z Evropy zdrhnout...

Danke ihr BLÖDEN DEUTSCHEN, dass ihr mit eurer GIER SKODA KAPUTT gemacht habt!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The structure of an ideal society is patterned after the family structure.
Parents want their children to be better then themselves. Therefore, it's only logical that the government should wish for its citizens to surpass it and shine more brightly. This is the structure for eternal development and prosperity of human beings. Only think, how big the universe is...

Dear European leaders, give up your arrogance and seek God, who really exists. Then, maybe, you still have a chance.



Caitlyn Jenner Awarded Nobel Prize for Courage - USAToday

She is a man. 

Jak je možný, že názor může být trestný?? Kdo se cítí tak ušlechtilý, že by mohl trestat druhý za jejich názory??!

Parlamentní listy musí zaplatit 150 000 Kč na rasistické diskuze - Echo24.cz

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

OK, Mr. Guy Verhofstadt, since it's really coming now down to the wire, when disagreeing nations are threatened with a two tier EU, i would like to ask, WHAT ARE THE EUROPEAN VALUES? I don't know.
I would like to know, so that we can understand. What are the European values, and what is the vision for Europe?

Throughout history humanity developed from polytheism to monotheism. Now humanity still has to develop from polygamism to monogamism.

Monday, October 12, 2015


We are the creators of our own fortune!

Very interesting!
So now tell me, is it even worth it, to worry about other people doing harm to us?!
Obviously, we are the creators of our own fortune!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Nip it in the bud

Who remembers Rev. Ahn's teaching?
When you see little cute baby Satan, you have to nip it in the bud! Otherwise Satan grows out of control.
It's because nothing in the world is stagnant. Everything always moves, either towards good, or, albeit, towards evil. That's why humanism is actually not the solution. We have to keep on the straight path. Every little deviation will become over time huge deviation...

Co, až teď???

Řecko otevře první záchytné středisko pro migranty

"The trouble with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." - Mrs. Thatcher

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Russia financing buses to haul migrants to West Europe?

The Hungarian minister of defense told this to his Czech colleague.

Actually, it would make sense. Any enemy of Europe would appreciate Europe being flooded by these people. Maybe that's why Russia stormed into Syria like a bull in a china shop. Let's see, how long Assad will appreciate their help. If Aleppo falls to ISIS, what will he say?
Guess, what's really wrecking the world these days.
It's Christianity that didn't fulfill its responsibility. They were preparing for the Lord of the 2nd Advent, and when he came, they didn't get it. Ok, mistakes happen...
The real problem happens, when after a mistake one doesn't repent. Because humans have to move on, such people start to go off the wrong way. This is what we call arrogance. For failed Christianity this manifests as humanism, obsession with human rights, genderism, homosexualism, tolerance above all and feminism, among others. Also the obsession, to save the Muslim world.

Friday, October 9, 2015

The ten commandments: The recipe for HAPPINESS! God knows what he's doing.

And what if Russia finally figured out how to get West Europe on its knees? By making an even greater mess in ME, and moving all the Muslims to Europe...

If our descendants ask us one day, what wrecked the European Union, we will have to say 'fate, since God's providence shifted to Asia'!

Easy, Pa. Taking orders from above is a real sensitive issue around here...

Hey Europe, commit suicide, if you must. But, for God's sake, don't bother everybody around!...

It's normal that Russia doesn't fight ISIS, thugs love thugs!

If our descendants ask us one day, what wrecked the European Union, we will have to say 'disrespecting our Parent'!

Flüchtlingskrise: Seehofer droht Merkel mit Verfassungsklage - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Unbelievable! Today European leaders are meeting and debating, how to stop critique on the Internet. This critique they call HATE! But i call their approach CENSORSHIP!
Finally, i don't see much difference from the approaches of a Hitler or Stalin, or any banana republic dictator, who is afraid of a honest DISCUSSION!


If our descendants ask us one day, what wrecked the European Union, we will have to say 'Feminism'!


Unbelievable, this is EUROFASCISM!!
The EU wants to guide even our THINKING!
400 years ago freethinking Europeans had to already leave Europe once...

díky quality managementu máme dnes všude kvalitu pod psa.

If our descendants ask us one day, what wrecked the European Union, we will have to say 'Homosexualism'!



Thursday, October 8, 2015

Europeans have to arm themselves

Today Israel called on their citizens, who own a legal weapon, to carry it all the time, since Palestinians started stabbing Israeli citizens on a daily basis.
European people should also make effort, to gain weapons licenses, and buy guns, since we are also in danger of terrorist attacks on our homeland. Especially, since we allow on our continent indiscriminately and irresponsibly so many unchecked Muslims, whose extremists have it as a goal, to submerge Europe with terror and force us to accept Islam.
Surely, our governments will appreciate the help from responsible and dutiful citizens!

Why when the barrel price is one fifth of before, we still pay at least 3/4 of the gas (petrol) price at the pump??

I don't support gay marriage. And i'm not apologizing for it.

Finally it all boils down to one question: DOES GOD EXIST OR NOT?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Marine Le Pen - Marine Le Pen défend les nations devant la... | Facebook

This is ridiculous: If we can put sanctions on N. Korea, Cuba, Iran, Russia, etc. why can't we put sanctions on ISIS??

Finanzbericht der Terrormiliz: Öl, Gas, Raub - die Geldquellen des "Islamischen Staats" - SPIEGEL ONLINE
OK, Europe, let's make a deal!
You stop to teach our kids gender ideology and homosexualism in school. And we let you take in some of the migrants, which you so much insist on. Although we don't understand, why it is so important to mainly help hordes of unbehaved young male economic migrants with Muslim background, which means that they basically hate our guts...

It's a lack of Godism in Europe!

My dear friend, as long as Europe champions homosexualism and denies God, it will always just be a Sodom & Gomorrah. And you probably know how that ended.
But if the European project would be, to be good people, foster strong families, promote altruism, and, yes, give credit to the One who put us here. Well, that might work! ;-)


And a trick question after the VW scandal: Who finally wrecked the Euro more? Greece or ...Germany? ;-)

Große Preisfrage nach dem VW-Skandal: Wer hat schließlich dem Euro mehr geschadet? Griechenland oder ...Deutschland? ;-)

Podle Demagog.cz jsou platy v České republice v nepodnikatelské sféře vyšší než platy v podnikatelské sféře. To jsme teda banánová republika!

Liebe Merkel! Was, 400.000 Migranten sind nicht asylfähig?
Die müssen also wieder ausgeschafft werden. Aber wer soll das bezahlen, und wer organisieren??
Menschenhandel ist eine Sache, aber das Spielen mit menschlichen Schicksalen ist noch schlimmer!!

Rybář - Mirek Kemel

We have a people problem

A friend of mine pointed this out and I am gonna run with it....

When I was in high school we had gun racks in trucks, and they had guns in them, and they were loaded. We even had fist fights! But never once did someone get pissed and go get a gun to shoot someone. We don't have a gun problem people, we have a people problem, a sin problem, a lack of heart and soul problem, a lack of respect for human life problem, or even a mental health problem....but we DO NOT have a gun problem! I think its easier for some people to blame an inanimate object instead of taking responsibility.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

OK. Well, i e.g. worry about the sicknesses that these refugees bring to Europe. Then i worry about the mostly men---young men, that are arriving. This brings quite an aggressive element into Europe. Shouldn't they stay home and fight the enemy in their country?!
I would feel more safe, if we would secure the outer European borders, pay for large camps on the outskirts, and follow the asylum laws that are already in place!
Proč k minulým volbám přišlo tolik lidí co mají adresu na městském úřadě?
To se opravdu tolik zajímají o politiku, nebo je někdo motivoval?

Glory (English translation)

Hyo Jin Moon
Album: AXE6 (1993)


Oh, all the human beings living in this world.

How many have felt glory?

If one asks what glory means; I wonder what one would answer, he who says he has felt it.

Those who have filled their stomachs and heads; those who carry swords and big wallets.

We now know the unnaturalness and heaviness of existing for thousands of years.

Oh, those of you who have made demands for your “good lineage”; full of judgment and greed.

Yes, see if you can experience glory; try living well for yourselves.

Regardless, those who have gladly endured suffering and sacrifice; that is enduring glory.

Is there anything harder than living for others?

It is hard enough to live for one other person.

But, to live for humanity; even this imperfect world would recognize you.

Oh, Father of love, of love; who breathed persecution and ridicule, to assuage Your anger.

Chased around East, West, South and North; by spiteful people with power.

He harvested the seeds He sowed, in the crevices, and planted words of love in the world.

His life is my shortcut to glory;

the shortcut for my future glory;

experience glory upon history;

experience glory upon heaven;

experience glory upon your tribe;

experience glory upon our True Parents.

(Translation Catherine Simpson)

And yet, yes, i AM the center of this universe! Isn't this AMAZING?!...

Putting things in perspective. We are tiny, really tiny
Posted by Willy Foo - Photographer, Marketer, Technopreneur on Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, October 5, 2015

Did you separate from Satan today?...

Father taught us how to Separate from Satan and how to Subjugate Satan. He didn't teach us this just for fun. Did you separate from Satan today? And did you subjugate him?...
Personally, i think that this principle is not just for Restoration, but it's the eternal principle of growth and development of God.
Especially brothers have to become masters of self-dominion, which is "Separate Satan, Subjugate Satan". Sisters can then add their beauty and love. But the axis has to hold and be straight.
Let's appreciate every day God's precious principles!

Tja das harte Managerleben...


včera v pravé poledne...

Sunday, October 4, 2015

How can Muslims dare challenge Christianity?? We had the Messiah, they had just a prophet!

Islam is an excuse for fallen nature, just like Communism, Political Correctness, and so many other nutty ideologies...

Why Do You Believe Rev Moon is the Messiah?

A jaká byla diskuze: Babiš ječící, a Kalousek se smějící ;-)

Babiš: Ječící démon, co věří vlastní lži.

Cože?! Faltýnek má v té teplárně syna za stovky tisíc! Máme informace z právě probíhajícího jednání předsednictva Babišova ANO | ParlamentniListy.cz - politika ze všech stran

Prostě nevolte Babiše!

Lidi proberte se, nevolte Babiše, jehož jediný program je potírat "Anti-Babišovství". Přece nechceme bejt jeho Banánová republika, starejme se o věci své sami!

Rád bych se zeptal Babiše toto: "Občani se obávají víc a víc toho, že nepoctivci je dojí a zahrávají si s nimi, tím že ovládají demokratické struktury penězi a jinými vlivy. Jako vice-premiér a ministr financí České republiky, jaké kroky konkrétně děláte, abyste tyto obavy rozptýlil?"

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Nepřijde. Může ho to jenom poškodit.

Otázky Václava Moravce - Česká televize

Kdo si platí Babiše jako ministra financí??

- Já, kokot, si ho platím...

And these are supposed to be humble help seeking families??

Migrant 'Invasion' Halts Channel Tunnel Trains

Socialism is the result of misunderstanding Jesus' message.

The most evil people are Moonies!
Because we KNOW the truth. But we DON'T open our moth.
The people of this world actually want to love. So they express it in even such abstruse ideas like TOLERANCE FOR EVERYTHING, MANY GENDERS to make every deviant feel OK, taking care of one's EGO, etc. But they don't know!...
But the one's who know, what are they doing?
Today i talked to a Dutch man. Of course he defended European help for migrants.
I asked him, what he thinks will the new arrived Muslims think, when their kids are taught gender stuffs at school. "They will have to adapt to our values!", he exclaimed.
Slowly i start to understand the West. They are rich and bored. So they welcome any excitement, like e.g. challenging the task, to teach gender to Muslims! I say...
No wonder Eastern Europe is flabbergasted.

HA, Americans are soo smart!!

3 Doctors Without Borders staff killed in Afghanistan bombing - CNN.com

Friday, October 2, 2015

And one more from the archives...

it's not guns that kill, it's islamists and other deranged idiots, stupid!...

Už je mi jasný proč si Američani nenechaj vzít zbraně. Tam s nima elity nemůžou jen tak zametat jako tady u nás!

Now you understand, why in America the folks are holding on to their weapons. There the elites can't fuck around with citizens like in Europe!


EU-Datenaustausch: Steuervorbescheide für Konzerne bleiben geheim - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Pane Babiš, jak v České republice platí daně nadnárodní společnosti jako například Ikea? To si z nás taky dělaj prdel?...

The future of Europe is quite clear: Partially it will be concentration camps for evil people, and partially Disneylands for good people.
It still depends, what will be the ratio between the concentration camps and the Disneylands...

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Unbelievable, Ikea pays 0,002 % taxes.

Eklat im EU-Parlament: Ikea lädt zum Steuer-Lunch beim Griechen - SPIEGEL ONLINE

This is Juncker's doing, then Prime Minister of Luxembourg, now the President of the European Commission... 

Zas tak moc Číňanům do prdele lézt nemusíme

Volá Peking

The role of religion is to protect women, and make them happy.

هر دین زن را حمایت میکندArman FM 98.1
Posted by Arman FM 98.1 on Monday, February 16, 2015

Just one question is essential: What will i do for True Mother today?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

A tady má Andrej recht...

Babiš se rozohnil: Evropa páchá sebevraždu - Echo24.cz

SDL Trados Studio could be better

Since Trados belongs now to Microsoft, i would really appreciate, if at least for Word translation, all the great Word perks would be available in Trados. For example smart cut and paste, hiding the cursor when typing, really functioning MS spell check, text highlight, format painter, easy source modification, drag and drop from source... Then, maybe, Trados would become a great tool...

Friday, September 25, 2015


They had to bother Muslims in the name of fucking HUMAN RIGHTS, which basically mean gay rights and other FALSE FREEDOMS! And they had to STEAL THEIR OIL! Now the whole Middle East is a WRECK!
And now the Arabs are desperate, to avenge themselves, that's about the level of goodness of all Semite religions...
Dumb thing is, Europeans are the closest white people that they can get a hold of. So here they come!...


Ungarn macht ernst: "Flüchtling" wegen Grenzverletzung verurteilt

Tja, jetzt macht den Weißen der Wirt die Rechnung.

This Time (English translation)

This Time

Right now at this time I will entrust everything to love.
Even though I can’t see it I will not seek it.
This place where I am fast asleep Your love is falling.
Because it’s an endless love, my dream has no end either.
Yes, right now, at this time, I will protect love.
Even the laughter that I never had, I will find some day, because I love only You.
Let us flap our wings, to leave to the end of the skies, without any regrets.
When the morning sun brightens, faraway, let us receive the echoing light and go to the end of the world.
No matter how rugged this road may be, I will now give everything.
No matter how rugged this road may be, I will now give everything.
Right now, at this time, love is flowing.
(Translation Catherine Simpson)

Hyo Jin Moon
Album: Rebirth (1988)

Neue Strategie: "Das nächste Mal schummeln wir besser!..."

Volkswagen: Heute muss nur einer gehen


What, EUROPEAN VALUES? What the hell are European values?
Oh, i know:
- Teach kids masturbation in school!
- Be convinced that probably around 47 different genders exist, and you can choose yours!
- God surely doesn't exist!
- Men should have kids with men, and women with women!
- Whatever makes ME happy is holy!
- I lie about the reality of the world to myself, because anyway nothing matters!

- "Family" is a dirty word!
- I will soon commit suicide!
- ...

And all this is supposed to be based on Jesus' teachings, since thanks to him, we are so great...

Guy Verhofstadt : "La réaction d'Orbán n'est pas conforme aux valeurs européennes"