Sunday, September 25, 2016

Muslims are Zombies. We have to help them...

Suspect arrested in Washington mall shooting

Four women and one man died in the shooting Friday night at a Macy's store at the Cascade Mall in Burlington. The victims' identities have not been released. Authorities arrested Arcan Cetin, 20, Saturday night as he walked down the street near his residence in Oak Harbor, Washington.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Trump the people.

America, you totally sold out! Why you people didn't take care of your own matters??! Now you have the choice between an oligarch and a mad feminist...

Definitely! - Dictatorships' weakness is their leader centeredness...

South Korea reveals it has a plan to assassinate Kim Jong Un

Asked in parliament Wednesday if there was a special forces unit already assembled that could eliminate North Korean leader, Kim Jong Un, Han Min-koo said: "Yes, we do have such a plan. " "South Korea has a general idea and plan to use precision missile capabilities to target the enemy's facilities in major areas as well as eliminating the enemy's leadership," he added.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

The truth about islam: moderates and radicals

a co Patočkova? Tam jsem včera stál hodinu před tunelem. Blanka bude jenom fungovat, pokud se KONEČNĚ dodělá severozápadní část obchvatu!!! (Lidi, nechápu proč si platíme tak blbý nebo zkorumpovaný zastupitele...)

Blanka uzavře výjezd na Vítězné náměstí. Zachrání to Prahu 6? -

Praha 6 se dohodla s magistrátem na uzavření výjezdu z tunelu Blanka na Prašném mostě. Zablokovat by se měl do několika týdnů. Spolu s dalšími opatřeními to má pomoci zklidnit vyhrocenou dopravní situaci v městské části. Každodenní kolony trápí po otevření Blanky hlavně okolí Vítězného náměstí.

The non-working class going apeshit...

Investigators probing North Carolina, Oklahoma police shootings

CHARLOTTE, N.C./TULSA,Okla. Investigators on Wednesday were probing a pair of police shootings of black men in North Carolina and Oklahoma, the latest in a long series of such killings that have stirred protest across the United States.

Pane Presidente, není načase sundat ten modrej hadr?...

When we break up families, we can much easier abuse the individual!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Poslanci ANO a TOP 09 v EP schválili tresty pro Česko za odmítání migrantů

PRAHA - BRUSEL | Europoslanci zvolení za ANO a TOP 09 ve Štrasburku podpořili nejen povinné rozmísťování migrantů, ale také systém finančních odměn a trestů podle toho, jak státy naplňují kvóty. Státy jako je Česká republika, které se ke kvótám staví odmítavě, by tak měly přijít o prostředky z regionálních fondů, které jim pro období 2014-2020 byly přislíbeny.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hey, ihr blöden Deutschen! Solche "Untertiere" habt ihr in eure Europäische Union eingeladen...?

Islámský stát zveřejnil ‚nejhorší video' z popravy. Ve stylu zvířecích jatek -

Svou zvrácenost opět ukázal tzv. Islámský stát. V pondělí zveřejnil nové video, na němž je zachycena poprava skupiny více než deseti vězňů, které extremisté povraždili na jatkách. Vězňům u kanálu pro odtok krve podřezali hrdla a zavěsili je na háky. Informovala o tom britská a americká média.

We overdid it with positive thinking. We're dying of it...

DP Life

DP Life | Divine Principle | Authentic Love | Loving Relationships | Grateful Life

This has been the question since the beginning of time

Faith Fusion

Faith Fusion Homepage

We are a faith that has something new to offer. Our message is contemporary because it speaks to how God is working in the world right now. Those who hear our message, regardless of whether they were raised with religion or not, feel refreshed and discover a new relationship with God and others.

Divine Principle

DP-Outreach Videos

Graduated from Unification Theological Seminary magna cum laude with a master's in divinity in 2004. Worked at FFWPU_HQ in the USA as the PowerPoint specialist...

The tragedy of Jesus Christ

Part 5 - USA - The Tragedy of Jesus Christ


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Prague declaration - Fortress Europe

NB - look allso page Festung Europa- in german
Being aware of the fact that the thousand-year history of Western civilization could soon come to an end through Islam conquering Europe, and the fact that the political elites have betrayed us, we, representatives of different European nations. Declare the following:
We will not surrender Europe to our enemies. We are prepared to stand up and oppose political Islam, extreme Islamic regimes, and their European collaborators.
We are prepared to risk our freedoms, properties, jobs and careers and maybe even to put our lives at stakes, as it was done by the generations before us. It is our duty to future generations.
We refuse to submit to the Central European government. The rules of the global elites have brought only poverty, unemployment, corruption, chaos and moral collapse. It is about time to end this.
We fully respect the sovereignty of European nations and the right of the people of every European country to govern their matters as they see fit.
We esteem as sacred the right of the citizens of every European country to protect the borders of their country and their right to decide which immigrants to accept and which not to accept into their country.
We refer to our common European roots, traditions and values as well as the historic alliances of our nations. We are determined to protect Europe, the freedom of speech and other civic freedoms as well as our way to life together.
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Im Bewusstsein der Tatsache, dass die tausendjährige Geschichte der westlichen Zivilisation schon bald ein Ende haben könnte – durch die Islamische Eroberung Europas und der Tatsache, dass die politischen Eliten uns verraten haben, erklären wir, die Vertreter der verschiedenen europäischen Nationen, Folgendes:
Wir werden Europa nicht unseren Feinden überlassen. Wir sind bereit, uns zu erheben und uns gegen den politischen Islam, gegen extreme, islamische Regime und ihre europäischen Helfer zu stellen.
Wir sind bereit, unsere Freiheit, unser Vermögen, unsere Berufe und Karrieren zu riskieren und vielleicht auch unser Leben – so wie es Generationen vor uns getan haben. Es ist unsere Pflicht gegenüber den künftigen Generationen.
Wir weigern uns, uns einer europäischen Zentralregierung zu unterwerfen. Die Regeln der globalen Eliten haben uns Armut, Arbeitslosigkeit, Korruption, Chaos und den moralischen Zusammenbruch gebracht.
Es ist an der Zeit, dies zu beenden.
Wir respektieren die Souveränität der europäischen Nationen und das Recht der Menschen in allen europäischen Ländern, ihre Angelegenheiten so zu regeln, wie sie es für richtig halten.
Wir erachten es als heiliges Recht der Bürger aller europäischen Länder, ihre Grenzen zu schützen und zu entscheiden, welche Migranten sie akzeptieren und welche sie in ihren Ländern nicht akzeptieren.
Wir verweisen auf unsere gemeinsamen europäischen Wurzeln, Traditionen und Werte, sowie die historischen Allianzen unserer Nationen. Wir sind entschlossen, Europa, die Redefreiheit und alle anderen bürgerlichen Freiheiten, sowie unsere Art des Zusammenlebens zu schützen.
Alle Vertreter der Nationen, die sich bereits in der pan-europäischen Bürgerbewegung FORTRESS EUROPE zusammenschließen, haben die Prager Erklärung unterzeichnet. Sie ist unser Manifest, unsere Leitlinie, unser Kodex. Alle weiteren Aktivitäten leiten sich daraus ab.Please -add people and sheer group of Fortress Europe for better future for independent nations... for our children and grandchildren ....

North Korea wants to sell their nuclear bombs to the world. It's time to wipe them out! What would Israel do?...

50 youths ransacked a school and library in a "sensitive neighborhood" in France. Afterwards, they attacked the police and firefighters.

Isère : des policiers et pompiers agressés après l'incendie d'une école

Le bâtiment d'une école a été incendié lundi soir dans la commune de Romans-sur-Isère. Arrivés sur place, policiers et pompiers ont été visés par des projectiles. Une enquête a été ouverte. Policiers et pompiers ont été pris à partie, dans la nuit de lundi à mardi, alors qu'ils intervenaient sur l'incendie d'une école à Romans-sur-Isère (Isère).

Why don't the United Nations put an army together, and invade North Korea? By now, there is enough proof that several thug families are holding a whole nation hostage! What else is the UNO here for??!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Lessons from G20 Summit: Two different routes to the future

Chinese President Xi Jinping offered to the world cooperation and collaboration on a path for common prosperity while Obama offered umbrella of missile defense protection and a path to death and destruction. The recently concluded G20 Summit had on display the contrasting style of world leadership between China and the U.S.

1. "Who wants a change?!" 2. "Who wants to change?!"

Friday, September 9, 2016

Na skok v Berlíně | Václav Klaus

Počátkem června jsem byl v Berlíně u příležitosti německého vydání naší knihy Stěhování národů. Teď budou v Berlíně 18. září zemské volby (Berlín je země, stejně jako Praha kraj), tak se tam leccos koná.

Maybe we should just go in there and kick their butts once and for all!... Stupid motherfuckers!...

Will North Korea's next missile test have a nuclear warhead?

Some still some doubt North Korea can make a warhead small enough, or miniaturize it enough, to mount atop a missile. But that's what North Korea said it proved on Friday. South Korean monitors said Friday's nuclear test had a yield equivalent to 10 kilotons of TNT, which would make it North Korea's most powerful of five tests to date.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

But why would the UN and Goldman Sachs want to overthrow the West?

George Soros: Western Society Must Fall Before One World Govt Can Be Established - Freedom Outpost

In the following video, Alex Jones begins by making a general statement in response to a question he's been asked more times than he cares to count over the course of his professional career.

Why does the EU press on the UK to leave the European Union ASAP?? We, who still remain in the EU, should rather try to understand the points of the UK, and maybe we can all improve, and the UK will not even leave the EU...

[Freedom Society] 자유사회: 하나님의 이상을 창건하기 위한 우리의 비전

There is a lot of truth in it: Kook Jin Moon - The Freedom Society

Nenapadlo nikoho, že jakmile se pneumatikárna spustí, slavný žatecký chmel dostane nádech připálené gumy. Opravdu to chceme?

Žatec: Dočesné se i podruhé představil jako generální partner Nexen Tire

Jihokorejský výrobce pneumatik Nexen Tire se stal i tento rok generálním partnerem Dočesné, největší žatecké slavnosti chmele a piva, jejíž 59. ročník přilákal během minulého víkendu do Žatce desítky tisíc návštěvníků. I letos Nexen potěšil návštěvníky soutěží na pódiu a výherce odměnil sadou zimních pneumatik.

In Toulon, France, two families get beat up by Arab youth gang, because the women wear shorts.

Toulon : agressés à cause des shorts de leurs compagnes

Toulon (Var) De notre correspondante Diane Andrésy VIOLENCES. Deux hommes qui se promenaient en famille à Toulon ont été violemment attaqués par un groupe de jeunes sous prétexte de la tenue vestimentaire des femmes. Agressés pour port de shorts.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

If Korea elects Ban Ki-moon as their president, it will lose its moral high ground before North Korea. For Mr. Ban is a politically correct gender theory advocate.

Where is the UN High Commissioner for Human Responsibilities?

South Korea digest North Korea! If you follow the models of East Germany and Czechoslovakia, you focus on business, make a general amnesty for the Communist crooks, and make a new beginning without revenge. You just indemnify the political prisoners...

North Korea fires three ballistic missiles, South Korea says

The missiles were fired from areas around Hwangju county, in North Hwanghae province, toward the Sea of Japan, South Korea's military said. Officials said the launch was believed to be of midrange Rodong missiles, which flew about 1,000 kilometers (620 miles) "without giving any prior navigational warning."

The European migrant crisis and the uncritical tolerance towards gender theory illustrates very well the shortcomings of Christianity. It's not enough to turn the other cheek. We have to go to the next level, and discover and develop the PARENTAL HEART.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Die Grünen sind pervers. Die können sich selbst keine Kinder machen, wollen aber den Familien dreinreden...

Radikales Familienmodell: Grüne fordern Rechte für bis zu vier Eltern pro Kind - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Varianten gibt es viele: Die Eltern trennen sich und finden neue Partner. Oder: Ein lesbisches Paar bekommt ein Kind mit einem schwulen. Für solche Fälle fordern Grünen-Politiker Rechte und Pflichten für bis zu vier Eltern. Neben den biologischen Eltern sollten bis zu zwei Soziale Eltern die "elterliche Mitverantwortung" erhalten können - unabhängig von Trauscheinen.


Starbucks, Amazon pay less tax than a sausage stand, Austria says

ALPBACH, Austria Multinationals like coffee chain Starbucks (SBUX.O) and online retailer Amazon (AMZN.O) pay less tax in Austria than one of the country's tiny sausage stands, the republic's center-left chancellor lamented in an interview published on Friday.

"Natural flavors": Beaver butt, human hair and crushed bugs: Big Business are really disgusting crooks!

11 Disgusting "Natural" Ingredients in Your Food -

Years before today, the word "natural" actually meant something. It referred to food that came from nature, unaltered by humans. But as money became the primary concern for food companies, quantity preceded over quality. Today, "natural" is simply just a word that's slapped on products to make them sound more appealing to the masses.