Sunday, March 31, 2013

Take out the mad leader

If North Korea should try something, the best thing would be, to take out the mad leader and his entourage ASAP.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Quote for the day: Family salvation

So far, religions have been pursuing individual salvation, but the Unifica­tion Church goes beyond that by pur­suing family salvation. What we save is the family, and in going to heaven, we do not go there alone. The Unifica­tion Church’s view of salvation does not allow for the husband to go to heaven while the wife gets sent to hell; rather it promotes both of them going to heaven together. It does not support the view that parents may go to hell apart from their children in heaven; rather it advo­cates for both parents to be together in heaven with their children. Our church is of a different dimension from other religions because it teaches that the way for us to go to heaven is together with everyone, our beloved families and even our beloved tribes. Hence, it stresses the importance of the family, whereas estab­lished religions emphasize celibacy. The family is central to our way. The family exists for the sake of the world and God. You should clearly know that this is the path for Unification Church members to walk; it is the course for their daily life from now on. (34-358, 1970.9.20)
Sun Myung Moon - Cheon Seong Gyeong Book 4 Chapter 10

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Julia Moon on ballet in Arirang TV interview

1 hour interview with Julia (Hoon Sook Nim) Moon about ballet from January 2013 on Arirang TV (