Sunday, December 25, 2016

Who would invite rats into their house, and hope that they would become rabbits by his pure love? Yes, only a mad person.
But rats do have a purpose. They are to teach the house owner cleanliness and purposefulness.

The Christian world is playing the "Turn The Other Cheek" Challenge.

I don't play along. This is for people, who don't value themselves enough. Parental heart means, you actually really help people that are lost, you don't just let them massacre you...

Friday, December 23, 2016

Jsem Czexista.

European authorities are totally SHITTY!!

They are closing anti-muslim FB groups. But they can't even catch a jihadist that goes to his mosque after his attack.

I didn't care much about Christmas in the past anymore. But now that certain bullies want to take the celebrations away from us, Christmas got a whole new sense of rebellion! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!

ISIS is telling their radical brothers (and sisters) who are living in Europe, to do atrocities to us. Aren't we going to defend ourselves?!

Finally I must ask: Today's Western philosophy, is it women's way or is it the stupid way?
If it's women's way, there is something to learn in this new age. But if it's the stupid way...

AT LEAST OUTLAW SALAFISM IN EUROPE! Why is this so hard to understand??!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Demain | Partout dans le monde des solutions existent.

Et si montrer des solutions, raconter une histoire qui fait du bien, était la meilleure façon de résoudre les crises écologiques, économiques et sociales, que traversent nos pays ?

Geography Now! Czech Republic (Czechia)

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Trump could break through just with his mouth - against all odds. Why? Because he has a vision. The question is, just how good is his vision.
You and i should have an even better vision. Don't you think that we can break through?

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

U Krále železnic (Dukelských hrdinů 5) si topí odpadky

Sorry, ale už mi po 15 letech došla trpělivost. Tento celý barák topí odpadky - a to ze všech komínů, na které máme skvělý výhled. Vane nám to do oken, dvorky jsou toho plný celou zimu. A i v létě to už zkusili...
Čas od času volám na Životní prostředí, ale nevědí co s tím dělat. Přitom ten smrad je cítit až na radnici!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

That's nothing! You shouldn't be afraid of Muslim terror.

Why, actually, when someone is blowing our loved ones to bits and pieces, are we supposed to be silent? What kind of fools have we become?...

Mehrere Explosionen im Zentrum Istanbuls - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Im Zentrum von Istanbul gab es mehrere Explosionen. Das berichten unter anderem der Nachrichtensender CNN sowie mehrere türkische Medien.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Tomorrowland (2015)

Directed by Brad Bird. With George Clooney, Britt Robertson, Hugh Laurie, Raffey Cassidy. Bound by a shared destiny, a teen bursting with scientific curiosity and a former boy-genius inventor embark on a mission to unearth the secrets of a place somewhere in time and space that exists in their collective memory.

Černý týden pro náš velký národ: Čekáme na pomalé účtenky přes internet, a už si ani nezahulíme v pajzlu...


Russian doping: More than 1000 athletes involved - WADA

More than 1,000 Russian athletes across 30 sports -- including football -- benefited from state-sponsored doping, according to the latest findings of a report commissioned by the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Ich hab auch Töchter. Ich hab natürlich geschworen sie zu beschützen. Was denn sonst? Wer meine Töchter gefährdet ist mein Feind!...

Getötete Studentin: Warum die ARD nun doch über den Mord in Freiburg berichtet - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Es ist nicht so, dass der Mord an einer Studentin in Freiburg verschwiegen worden wäre. Fachblätter haben schon früh berichtet, andere Medien folgten spätestens, als die Identität des festgenommenen Verdächtigen bekannt wurde - ein 17-jähriger Asylsuchender aus Afghanistan, ein "unbegleitet" eingereister Minderjähriger. Ein Flüchtling. Darüber berichteten alle, von "Focus" bis zum ZDF-"heute-journal".

Monday, December 5, 2016

Principy vstřícné komunikace

Kurz pro radostný partnerský život: Je několik jednoduchých zásad v komunikaci, díky kterým náš partnerský vztah začne vzkvétat a být radostný. Jonh Gottman, americký psycholog a výtečný manželský poradce, byl schopen během prvních 3 minut u 96% lidí určit, zda-li se konflikt vyřeší pozitivně. Jak to dělal? Byl čarodějem? Ne!!!

Saturday, December 3, 2016

A SINCERE SOCIETY, this is what we NEED.


"Moondog House" performed live 10/30/10 by Gandalf Murphy and the Slambo...

Přijďte si podiskutovat, co s tím uděláme! Ne jen muži... ;-)

Co chtějí muži?

Co chtějí muži?... Diskuze, na kterou ženy nejsou nezvaný, ale na které si chceme ujasnit, co jako muži vlastně chceme. Vycházím z přesvědčení, že muži musí mít jasno, aby se budoucnost lidstva posouvala dobrým směrem.

Careful Soros, you're overstepping again!...

Aung San Suu Kyi accuses international community of stoking unrest in Myanmar

Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi accused the international community on Friday of stoking resentment between Buddhists and Muslims in the country's northwest, where an army crackdown has killed at least 86 people and sent 10,000 fleeing to Bangladesh.

Send'em to hell, Donald!...

Donald Trump speaks with Taiwan's President

President-elect Donald Trump spoke with the President of Taiwan on Friday, according to a statement from his transition team, a move that could trigger a diplomatic disagreement with China, which claims the island as part of its own country.