Thursday, April 30, 2015

"Asi nevědi s kým maj tu čest, kluci!..."

CO NIKDO NEMĚL SLYŠET Rozzlobený Babiš zvedá telefon, zavolá novináři Lidových novin a teď to začíná...

Proč toho prostě radši nenechaj...

Když se chci připojit na český "daňový portál: vstupní stránka - expert" kde jsou elektronické podání, dostanu toto varování. Nechápu, že za všechny ty prachy co Ministerstvo financí strká do IT projektů, není schopné si zajistit platné certifikáty!
Proč toho prostě radši nenechaj...

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Sun is too strong!

It seems like the ozone layer is diminishing. Like this, we're going to catch skin cancer and our infrastructure is going to deteriorate.
I wouldn't be surprised, if again our godless and selfish lifestyle is behind this. Just running after economic growth, profits and cheap thrills is what's killing us -- and probably even somehow affects the ozone layer.

God created us and the universe. Do we really feel that we are uniting with His plan and His wishes for our lives? If not, no wonder that our lives aren't harmonious and happy. Instead of our current lifestyle, we should put much more emphasis on our marriage, our children and grandchildren, on helping altruistically others, and preparing for the next phase of our existence, the spirit world.

If we aren't clear about these matters, we have to quickly research and study the essential issues of human life!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Friday, April 3, 2015

Europe is the most miserable and sad continent by far!

It is no surprise that the germanwings crash happened in Europe. Europe is the most miserable and sad continent by far!
What to do?