Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Was die Schweizer mit dem Franken machen ist keine Lösung.

So werden sie den Euro noch schneller annehmen müssen, denn das Schweizer Gewerbe muss auf den Euro umstellen, um weiter Geschäfte mit dem Rest von Europa treiben zu können.
Tja, eine Insel ist halt doch nur so gut wie das Meer um sie herum... ;-)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

That's why even their preachers are proving that Islam is a shitty religion.

Muslim Cleric Defends Paris Terrorist Attack

We cannot take them serious.
Islam came into being by the Jewish people releasing the criminal Barabas and crucifying Jesus Christ.
But we don't help ourselves by condemning Islam. Instead, we have to offer something better to people. When will this happen? Just FREEDOM is surely not enough. There has to be a serious commitment to GOODNESS!  

Friday, January 16, 2015

I would outlaw Islam in Europe and close all mosques

Sorry, but after all, as things are today, i would outlaw Islam in Europe and close all mosques. Until the imams get their act together, and start to really contribute to our society.

Monday, January 12, 2015

We shouldn't say anything?

Not saying anything and waiting for better times never led to anything else than to not saying anything and waiting for better times!
Hervé Gattegno

Friday, January 9, 2015


Miroslav Kemel:

Islam is a hateful religion, and should be forbidden!

It is something like Communism among religions.
On the other hand, our children will gladly flock to Islam, because we are so obsessed with only satisfying our selfish desires that they will be so grateful to finally find some clear order (which young adults need). The decadent, hedonistic, selfish and God-despising Western civilization is still a million times worse than Islam.
The best would be, if we would really listen to God, who sent us now the Lord of the Second Advent in the person of the Korean Sun Myung Moon and his wife. Rev. Moon brought us a new revelation in the form of the Divine Principle. As always, we have the choice. The much cited Freedom we really have, but no-one can separate freedom from consequences. We are also free to be dumb---we call this Freedumb. Let's fulfill our responsibility as good sons and daughters of God, and create a good and happy world! It's really just up to us.

Tak, to teda bylo něco! Ten pán je asi ten samej účelovej lhář jako Babiš.

Všimněte si, že dělá i velice podobné grimasy.

Šéf muslimské unie: Naše učení teroristické činy zavrhuje

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Je jenom cesta dopředu!

Zlo nevytváří žádné hodnoty. Rozvíjejme a praktizujme nejlepší hodnoty co známe, a život nás bude bavit víc!



All phobies are bad, 'cause fear is the opposite of love.

Women, watch out! Don't mess up God's order!

You will end up being ruled by godless Islam!...

Ženský, dejte si bacha! Nepřevracejte Boží pořádek!

Ještě na sebe přivoláte nadvládu Islámu!

European men have to arm themselves and stand up for God.

We see now how feminism, genderism and even humanism are all dead-end philosophies!
What is needed is Godism. There should be no more problems.

Kdyby Židi tehdá nezavrhli Ježíše, Islám by nikdy neexistoval.

Zjevení Mohamedovi podával archanděl Gabriel. Není to nic moc povznášejícího.
Teď přišel Pán druhého příchodu v osobě Korejce Son Mjong Muna. Snažme se neudělat podruhé tu samou chybu!
Bůh opravdu existuje!

If the Jews hadn't rejected Jesus, Islam would have never existed.

The revelations of Islam were given to Mohamed by the archangel Gabriel. It's nothing too deep or uplifting.
Now the Lord of the Second Coming has come in the person of the Korean Sun Myung Moon. Let's not make the same mistake twice!
After all, God exists. With humility towards God we should be OK.

Friday, January 2, 2015

The Interview is a bad movie. Probably Sony had to hack itself, to promote it.

But the reason the movie is so bad, is because it shows so bluntly all the fallen adulterous scum of the USA and the developed world!
The analysis of Kim Jong Un is probably dead-on, by the way---just a lost son of a bitch. Making fun of him will help the North Koreans get clear quickly.

The Interview