Sunday, September 28, 2014
The US government estimates that its war on ISIL will cost it around 1 billion dollars a month.
This is crazy.
Don't do the Islamists the favor! Leave them alone! Let the Muslim world sort out their own problems!
We were not able to create a happy and healthy environment in our own nations, so we don't have that much to teach to others. At least we should have the decency, not wanting to distract from our own problems by going solving the problems of others! This goes especially for all those socialist goons like F.Holland!...
Schätzung der US-Regierung: Kampf gegen IS kostet eine Milliarde Dollar pro Monat - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Don't do the Islamists the favor! Leave them alone! Let the Muslim world sort out their own problems!
We were not able to create a happy and healthy environment in our own nations, so we don't have that much to teach to others. At least we should have the decency, not wanting to distract from our own problems by going solving the problems of others! This goes especially for all those socialist goons like F.Holland!...
Schätzung der US-Regierung: Kampf gegen IS kostet eine Milliarde Dollar pro Monat - SPIEGEL ONLINE
US government,
Our school system is really satanic.
At least for boys, it seems to me completely inappropriate. Instead of focusing on purely intellectual knowledge, and sitting long hours doing home work, young men would rather need some kind of boot camp, and farming, hunting and constructing activities. They would need to do physical workout and experience God's creation first hand every day.
This would help them, to channel their hormones and develop healthy sperm. The focus should be on learning, how to be a good husband and father!
It's not jobs that the world needs--it's HAPPINESS!
This would help them, to channel their hormones and develop healthy sperm. The focus should be on learning, how to be a good husband and father!
It's not jobs that the world needs--it's HAPPINESS!
Už vím co my na ANU tak vadí.
I komunisti jsou pořád ještě parlamentární a jakžtak demokratická strana. Ale ANO je hnutí, u kterého člověk má pocit, že na lidi kašlou, jen hrabou pro sebe a sví kámoše.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Friday, September 26, 2014
Thursday, September 25, 2014
How long will the internet still be free and democratic??
It's not a wayward question. Since the internet has to run on someone's servers and use someone's cables, who are WE THE PEOPLE?...
An Internet Where Nobody Says Anything
An Internet Where Nobody Says Anything
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Why is the West going out of its way to create order in the Middle East? This is not our territory.
Let the Muslims take care of their own matters!
Finally we have to allow the critique that we just want their oil. Oil we can buy, but we cannot infringe on sovereign nations.
The West should work on its own short-comings--we have enough of them.
Let's have a healthy competition of philosophies: Let's see which culture/philosophy/religion will prevail. We don't have to bomb each other to do this!
Let the Muslims take care of their own matters!
Finally we have to allow the critique that we just want their oil. Oil we can buy, but we cannot infringe on sovereign nations.
The West should work on its own short-comings--we have enough of them.
Let's have a healthy competition of philosophies: Let's see which culture/philosophy/religion will prevail. We don't have to bomb each other to do this!
Middle East,
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Jak je možné že ANO má i v Praze ty zdaleka nejvyšší preference??!
Buďto si Babiš publikuje průzkumy jak chce, protože pak se lidi automaticky a bez přemýšlení přimáznou k vítezný straně... Anebo jsou lidi fakt takový ovce že prostě chtěj aby se o ně postaral nějakej boháč??... Ono to ale nevijde, protože big business je prostě zežere.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
This is all totally foolish!
We are on this earth for HAPPINESS! Not only money, because just material possessions don't fulfill our soul fully. Instead of being obsessed with the economy, every country should have a Ministry of Happiness, and really deeply understand, how humans can be truly happy!
US calls for EU to 'boost' economy
US calls for EU to 'boost' economy
Schwarzenberg varuje před Pražskými mafiány
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Friday, September 19, 2014
Jestli to takhle půjde dál, tak zbidou v Evropě jen ty blbý a neschopný, co chtěj aby se o ně postarali sociální služby.
Příležitosti tu rychle mizí!
Kam se vrtneme? Do Asie?...
Kam se vrtneme? Do Asie?...
sociální služby
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
To by se mělo oslavit!
Město Praha by měla spravovat vlastní vodu - a ne žádná multinationální korporace jako Veolia!
Stejně tak by Praha měla spravovat vlastní osvětlení a internetové struktury, a neměla by to dělat nějaká čínská Huawei!!
S občanskými službami se nesmí ŠMELIT!!
Pavel Růžička: Voda je lidské právo - Deník Referendum
S občanskými službami se nesmí ŠMELIT!!
Pavel Růžička: Voda je lidské právo - Deník Referendum
This is just absolute STUPIDITY!: European economists believe that if they throw money to the ground that more money sprouts!!!
What kind of foolish universities are teaching such nonsense?! Is this Marxism? Or what kind of unreasonable foolishness is this??
And the West could have such a nice life and societies! Why don't we just live like God wants us to??
Show us the money: EU seeks billions of euros to revive economy
Friday, September 12, 2014
Maybe Ukraine should just shed the rebellious East, and the rest of the country quickly join the EU and NATO!
The European Union has to man up, if it wants to remain some sort of relevant structure, and stand up for itself. In these times it means: TO ARM ITSELF and reinstate in all member states compulsory military service for men! At the same time, Europe must, once again, become the moral lighthouse and example for the world, where its leadership are the best among their peers.
military service,
moral leadership,
Thursday, September 11, 2014
It's good to put the bad guys in their place!--But what then?
Why are there bad guys to begin with?
Let's focus on living a God centered life of altruism. Let's make effort every day to overcome our selfishness. Let's understand that there is life in the spirit world and let's try to discover the purpose of God's creation.
What is life all about? Let's connect to our conscience and live according to it. Then, surely, we'll live happy lives.
Opinion: Could Barack Obama's plan against ISIS spark backlash?
Let's focus on living a God centered life of altruism. Let's make effort every day to overcome our selfishness. Let's understand that there is life in the spirit world and let's try to discover the purpose of God's creation.
What is life all about? Let's connect to our conscience and live according to it. Then, surely, we'll live happy lives.
Opinion: Could Barack Obama's plan against ISIS spark backlash?
purpose of life,
spirit world,
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Monday, September 8, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
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