Sunday, December 28, 2014

If you pray for yourself or for things smaller than the church then God will not answer because He is not interested in listening to such a boring prayer.

When you talk about the nation and world, He gets excited and starts looking for ways to help. This is training for how to love greater things.
Sun Myung Moon April 15, 1979

Friday, December 26, 2014

Havel: A Life

Michael Žantovský - HAVEL: A LIFE

The definitive biography of Václav Havel—writer, dissident, and Czech president—that chronicles his journey from playwright to national leader, intimately recounted by his former press secretary and longtime friend 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Well well. We have to offer something better than Islam to the world.

How about Jesus' teaching? And there is even better stuff out there...
And we also have to stand up for ourselves, arm up and not allow low islamist dogs to enslave us!

Inside Isis: The first Western journalist ever given access to the 'Islamic State' has just returned - and this is what he discovered

I wonder which chuckle-head from the EU had the glorious idea to encourage Ukraine to try to join the European Community!

They had to be clear about the brainless response by the Russians! Also, i'm astonished, where Europeans take the courage, to think that they have something to offer to the world...

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dear friends, it's really time to grow up, and go beyond our selfishness!

We have to be humble before God. After all, He created this world. Also, to the next world, we only take our ability to live for others. To just think about ripping off some more dollars is truly the way to misery and sadness. We all want to be happy, no?

Uno-Klimatagung in Lima: Verzockt - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Especially non-believers have actually nowhere to derive their rights from!
Believers at least still have some God to negotiate their rights with! ;-)

Friday, December 5, 2014


Husitský chorál

Something about God

My conclusion from my life of faith: God Himself is the angel, or the angels. After all, the duality masculine - feminine is the main aspect of God’s Principle of Creation. According to True Father, God wanted His wife. That makes only two persons. In order for God's wife to have free will, He had to create her in a separate realm. God is trying to fulfill His responsibility through the man. Maybe God was so in aw of the woman that He created that it took Him some eons to get a grip on Himself – thus the Fall, but one could also just see it as growth. These days, with God's marriage, things are looking good. And the reason why there are so many human beings is just for variety and enjoyment. Just my opinion from what Father was speaking and what life has taught me.
The God Institute

Question: Um, this is applicable to Freedom Society, how?

Answer: Three Objects Purpose. The Four Position Foundation is just the beginning. Then it has to start to spin and rotate in all directions. That's why Father talked about the sphere. This is KoH.
God is not more perfect than we are. He grows in symbiosis with us. I think that Adam and Eve were not created looking like us, they were the beginning, and humanity grew, and God grew with us.
The one that actually fell in the Garden was God himself. Satan and God are the same person.
Freedom Society is the heavenly world order. But we have to understand the background, to get there.

Monday, December 1, 2014

V Evropě se tuto zimu tak leda zahřejeme teploušema - protože plyn z Ruska už nebude...

Plynovod South Stream je mrtev, vzkázal Putin ministrům EU | Energetika |

Čím se řídíme v každodenním životě?

Jestli jsem se nepřeslechl, tak u nás za rok utratíme 78 miliard na platy státních zaměstnanců. To je obrovská suma za většinou neproduktivní a i kontraproduktivní výkony. Jelikož většina evropských politiků se více či méně řídí marxistickou ideologií, není se čemu divit, že se Evropě vesměs nedaří.
Lidské štěstí závisí na filozofii a přesvědčení lidí. Čím se řídíme v každodenním životě? Kdyby to byl altruismus, láska k bližnímu a zájem o pravdu, nebyli bychom na tom vůbec špatně.