COP21: This huge important conference has the most simple solution! It's nothing to think about.
Monday, November 30, 2015
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Friday, November 27, 2015
EU vlastně není demokracie. Národní státy jsou demokracie. Ale v Bruselu máme povaleče, který jsou daleko a vymejšlej blbosti. Čas od času vždy přiletí nějaká ta ťafka z Bruselu, a máme se jako podřídit. Ale jako občani EU nemáme pocit, že na Brusel máme vliv!
Takže je to vlastně diktatura nějaké ideologické a politické kliky. Podobně se cítí Američani, který se taky často necítí pochopeni Washingtonem. Jak teda udělat Evropu pro Evropany?
Takže je to vlastně diktatura nějaké ideologické a politické kliky. Podobně se cítí Američani, který se taky často necítí pochopeni Washingtonem. Jak teda udělat Evropu pro Evropany?
Actually, the rich European countries are finally starting to pay their
debts to the world. Especially the old colonial powers, who profited a
lot from their colonies, now they can actually give back.
We're living in an amazing age. The age of the Messiah. All the justice is coming to pass, and very quickly. When all is paid and settled in a few years, a wonderful new world is awaiting us.
We're living in an amazing age. The age of the Messiah. All the justice is coming to pass, and very quickly. When all is paid and settled in a few years, a wonderful new world is awaiting us.
We're burning too much shit. That's what's messing up the climate.
Imagine, for how many years we couldn't say this clearly and out loud!
Imagine, for how many years we couldn't say this clearly and out loud!
This FUCK STUPID EU wants to take away people's guns!
In Israel they did the exact opposite in face of terror.
Here you can see the ideological EVIL of the political correct EU! My God, who's writing this play?!
Brusel vytáhl proti zbraním. Průkaz bude třeba i na hračky a zapalovače -
Here you can see the ideological EVIL of the political correct EU! My God, who's writing this play?!
Brusel vytáhl proti zbraním. Průkaz bude třeba i na hračky a zapalovače -
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Za politické problémy Česka může lidová volba presidenta.
Tu nám byl čert dlužen. Vláda musí bejt jednotná. Buť budeme mít presidentský systém nebo premiérský – obojí dohromady nejde. Musíme to napravit!
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Monday, November 23, 2015
That's enough!
We will establish measures that our FAMILIES ARE SAFE!
We will establish the POTENTIAL RISKS, and deal with them appropriately!
If mosques have to be closed, if certain nationalities or citizen groups need extra surveillance, if certain religions have to be restrained, then it has to be done! Righteous citizens should carry legal arms. The influx of migrants from the Middle East has to be seriously restricted. Maybe, Islam has to be banned altogether. IN THE EU OUR CITIZENS WILL BE SAFE!!
We will establish measures that our FAMILIES ARE SAFE!
We will establish the POTENTIAL RISKS, and deal with them appropriately!
If mosques have to be closed, if certain nationalities or citizen groups need extra surveillance, if certain religions have to be restrained, then it has to be done! Righteous citizens should carry legal arms. The influx of migrants from the Middle East has to be seriously restricted. Maybe, Islam has to be banned altogether. IN THE EU OUR CITIZENS WILL BE SAFE!!
Sunday, November 22, 2015
OK, so we, who complain so much about the EU, let's TAKE OVER THE EU!
And let's set up a good administration, so that the European society can be happy and flourish!
And let's set up a good administration, so that the European society can be happy and flourish!
I am better than my Father.
And you should be too!
It makes Him happy.
It makes Him happy.
Jedna sestra to vyjádřila přesně: Opravdový muž si holky nekupuje.
Ani v časopisu, ani v TV, ani na internetu, ani v bordelu. Nikdy!
Opravdový muž dokáže kontrolovat svoje sexuální touhy a investuje do
skutečného vztahu, protože jenom ten mu přinese pravé uspokojení jak
fyzické, tak duševní, tak duchovní.
sexuální touhy,
žít pro druhý
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
I know what is all this ISIS, Al-Qaida and Boko Haram. They're just kids that grew
up on pornography and video games. It has nothing to do with religion.
Therefore it's a job for counselors, psychologists and pastors.
Therefore it's a job for counselors, psychologists and pastors.
video games
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Monday, November 16, 2015
Press release on the terrorist attacks of November 13th 2015 in Paris
Press release on the terrorist attacks of November
13th 2015 in Paris
with the unprecedented violence which pummeled our country last night, in the
name of the Universal Peace Federation, we offer our prayers for the many
victims and we express our pain and our sympathy to their families. We are
profoundly thankful toward our fellow citizens who are on the front line to
protect our population and toward those who provided medical care to the
injured, often at the risk of their life.
brutal violence has struck not only France; it has recently struck other
countries, Turkey, Russia and Lebanon, to cite only the most recent. This
spiral of violence threatens the entire world. If we are profoundly shocked as
French citizens, it is as human beings that we have been aggressed. This
terrorist attack reinforces our solidarity not only with our fellow citizens, but
also with the citizens of every country in the world.
and in the name of what can acts so barbarous be committed? No nationalism, no
religious belief can justify this blind violence, which randomly eliminates
precious lives and shatters families. It matters not that the assassins claim
to act on behalf of a nation or invoke the name of God.
plunges its roots in hatred and the denial of another’s humanity. While all the
means are given to us to make of our planet a shared home, while in a few days
the world will gather in Paris to try making our world more livable for
everyone, let us react to terror by reaffirming the absolute value of each
human life and the profound, indivisible unity of human beings, beyond cultures
and religions. If the suffering inflicted by the terrorists can serve as a
means to destroy prejudice and deepen our vision of others, they will only have
sown the seeds of their own destruction.
Universal Peace Federation encourages a deeper dialogue between politicians and
religious leaders, encourages the media, teachers and the entire civil society
to lead a deliberation on the essential values of a democracy that allow the
integration of everyone’s values, without discrimination. With the aid of the
Ambassadors for Peace, we renew our determination to support these efforts in
our nation and in the world.
Paris, November 14, 2015
Jacques MARION
President, FPU France
Email :
Tél : +33 6 74 15 23 64
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
LGBT-Aufklärungsbuch: "Du bist total normal" - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Nur gut, dass die Muslime schon kommen! ;-)
Nur gut, dass die Muslime schon kommen! ;-)
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Flüchtlingsgipfel auf Malta: Afrika sträubt sich gegen Minusgeschäft - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Unglaublich, wir lassen uns von Afrika erpressen!
Wir, die osteuropäischen Länder, haben genug von euch westlichen Langeweilern und Nichtsnutzen! Wenn ich könnte, würd ich mit meinem Land diesen verdammten Kontinent VERLASSEN!
Unglaublich, wir lassen uns von Afrika erpressen!
Wir, die osteuropäischen Länder, haben genug von euch westlichen Langeweilern und Nichtsnutzen! Wenn ich könnte, würd ich mit meinem Land diesen verdammten Kontinent VERLASSEN!
Think about it: In the Garden of Eden, how many women were there?
One: Eve.
How many men?
There was God, Adam, the three Archangels Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel, that's already five men! And then there were myriads of angels—all male!
Isn't it a little bit like today, where we have such an overflow of men in China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Middle East...? No wonder, the world is quite restless.
One: Eve.
How many men?
There was God, Adam, the three Archangels Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel, that's already five men! And then there were myriads of angels—all male!
Isn't it a little bit like today, where we have such an overflow of men in China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, the Middle East...? No wonder, the world is quite restless.
Garden of Eden,
Middle East,
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
The whole point are VALUES!
All the different Europeans can't agree on the same values. Such a bunch of people can't stay together for too long.
Yet, humanity (all God's children) actually does have a set of common values. We just didn't dig deep enough. With time, we will discover them. Then unity will not be a problem anymore.
O strachu
Jo, strach je blbá věc. Ale strach je pouze výsledek našeho myšlení a chování. Když má člověk strach, nestačí jen kázat "neměj strach"!
Strach je přirozená reakce na situaci kterou vnímáme jako nebezpečnou. Takže vlastně jde o to, nedostat se do té nebezpečné situace!...
Monday, November 9, 2015
NEUVĚŘITELNÝ!! Ty zmetci, co si u nás říkaj politici, si už zase zvyšujou platy! A rovnou o 7 procent!
A přitom evropská ekonomika jede do sklepa. Jako živnostník to vidím nejlíp.
A přitom evropská ekonomika jede do sklepa. Jako živnostník to vidím nejlíp.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
České ekonomice se vůbec nedaří dobře!
Ty oslavné správy se vztahuji pouze na kosmetiku s čísly. Realita je, že to víc a víc živnostníků vzdává! Přitom jsou živnostníci tím pravým indikátorem pro ekonomiku.
Sám to v živnosti zažívám: podvodů, nelukrativních otrakáren a nekvalitní práce pořád přibývá. Za chvíli budeme levnou montovnou pro Čínu. Tak nevím, na co si hrajeme!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
If you want to be healed, there is only one way:
Confess, repent and indemnify!
Because no-one can heal you, if the sickness is still there.
Confess, repent and indemnify!
Because no-one can heal you, if the sickness is still there.
Monday, November 2, 2015
What is God's best invention?
The Devil.
...Isn't FREE WILL God's best invention?
The Devil.
...Isn't FREE WILL God's best invention?
Sunday, November 1, 2015
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