Tuesday, February 28, 2017
A to je jen začátek jak nás chtěj vysát oligarchové...
Proč je Česko bohatou zemí chudých lidí - Echo24.cz
Po čtyřech letech rekordní prosperity Českou republiku banka JP Morgan vyřadila z klubu bohatých vyspělých států. Už tři roky po sobě má totiž nižší příjem na obyvatele, než je laťka 20 tisíc dolarů. Ta v očích ekonomů této banky dělí vyspělé země od těch rozvíjejících se.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Western men, why did you let bad people bully you into submission? Is it because you were such bad men that you think that you deserve it? In that case, it's high time to confess, repent and indemnify! No meaning to keep hanging in limbo... ;-)
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Demokracie vlastně není nic přirozeného. Proto taky skoro nikdy nenajdete dokonalou demokracii. Lidi jsou rodinný tvorové. A víte jak to chodí v rodině: někdo tam velí, některý s tím souhlasí, další se bouří, no, pořád je pohyb. V ideálním případě se ta rodina posouvá dobrým směrem.
Ono tady nejde o ideologii, jestli jsou to komunisti, nacisti, ANOnisti či co. Rozděloval bych lidi na dobrý a špatný. V demokracii má jak dobrej tak špatnej, každej jeden hlas. Podle toho co převažuje, takovou máme zem. Pro ty špatný je to fér, protože se je ty dobrý budou snažit napravovat...
Hyo Jeong is the new thing. We tried to bring happiness through peace. We also tried to find happiness in goodness. But always something was missing. Hyo Jeong is Korean, and means filial piety for your parents. This is the vertical aspect of goodness. You know where you came from, you can trust your parents and your roots, and you know what is the proper tradition. Can't beat this.
Actually our whole obsession with PEACE lies at the core of this malaise. Peace cannot be the highest goal in life. Joy should be—and that's how it actually is. I'm not sure that one can even make the statement "joy through peace"...
Friday, February 24, 2017
Intuition Is The Highest Form Of Intelligence
Intuition, argues Gerd Gigerenzer, a director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, is less about suddenly "knowing" the right answer and more about instinctively understanding what information is unimportant and can thus be discarded. Gigerenzer, author of the book Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious, says that he is both intuitive and rational.
This is absolutely correct.
'Women appreciate' billboard in North Carolina sparks protest
Some women in North Carolina apparently don't 'appreciate' a new billboard. A billboard appeared last weekend on a highway connecting the city of Winston-Salem to Greensboro that reads, "Real men provide. Real women appreciate it." The billboard sits on a heavily-traveled commuter stretch of an offshoot of Interstate 40.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Karl Marx Lived In Filth And Neglected His Children
AND FOUR DIEDWHEN AN EDUCATED MAN CHOOSES TO LIVE IN POVERTY, AND RAISE HIS CHILDREN IN POVERTY, THAT IS ABUSE.When Marx and his wife and children were living in London, a visitor wrote a description of their lifestyle in their 3-room flat.Not only did the Marx children have to endure the hunger of poverty,...
Monday, February 20, 2017
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Why they killing babies, and then crying that we're dying out, and then bringing in migrants??!
France passes law imposing up to two years prison for running pro-life websites
Jeanne Smits, Paris correspondent PARIS, France, February 17, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) - The French National Assembly has adopted legislation to make what it calls "spreading misleading information" about abortion punishable with up to a two-year prison sentence and a fine.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Friday, February 17, 2017
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
OK, so, since we've now established that MEN are to blame for feminism, we have to assess, what is the sin of men inducing and reinforcing women in their quest for "liberation".
Check it for yourself.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Monday, February 13, 2017
Sunday, February 12, 2017
The UN should put international troops together, and rid the world of this threat...
NK fires intermediate-range ballistic missile
North Korea launched an intermediate ballistic missile off its east coast Sunday, marking its first provocation since US President Donald Trump took office, South Korea's military officials said. The missile lifted off at 7:55 a.m. from Banghyeon, North Pyongan Province, a town from which the regime previously fired an intermediate-range Musudan missile in October.
We should mainly focus on raising up GOOD MEN. We don't have to worry so much about women. Women will follow. But good men are really of the essence. Then the human race will prosper indefinitely.
I think,I got it: The "elites" have now learned, how to make money on the backs of all of humanity.
We have to be completely different!...
Saturday, February 11, 2017
To snad není možné. Já fakt asi zas budu muset emigrovat... Otázka je, jestli ještě je kam?...
Babiš přešel do protiútoku. Finanční správa zahájila nálet na poplatníky
Finanční správa činí další kroky proti podnikatelům. Činí tak v podobě dodatečného vystavování pokut za chyby v kontrolních hlášeních za první měsíce roku 2016.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
The FFWPU mainly should stop supporting Socialism! Especially our sisters do this. It is the worst invention of humankind. We know, where it came from... Nothing against CHARITY. But national governments should have nothing to do with it. Sovereign is the FAMILY.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Western women are longing for Islam. It seems bizarre.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
You think that Europe will somehow make it, as we've always made it in the past.
Monday, February 6, 2017
That's quite strange. He is the American President...
UK Speaker 'strongly opposed' to Trump speech in Houses of Parliament
John Bercow said his resistance to the speech was because of Parliament's "opposition to racism and sexism." Bercow is one of three parliamentary officials who must approve any invitation for someone to speak in Westminster Hall, the venue typically used for grand occasions of state.
He ihr blöden Deutschen! Jetzt diktieren euch schon die Syrer Internetzensur! 😂
Fake-News: Würzburger Anwalt verklagt Facebook | Aktuell Deutschland | DW.COM | 10.01.2017
Facebook muss sich am 6. Februar zum ersten Mal wegen unwahrer Meldungen vor einem deutschen Gericht verantworten. Der Würzburger Rechtsanwalt Chan-Jo Jun hat das soziale Netzwerk aus den USA wegen sogenannter Fake-News, also gefälschter Nachrichten, verklagt. Rechtsanwalt Chan-jo Jun Auf ihrer Facebook-Seite teilte die Kanzlei mit, man habe für den Syrer Anas Modamani den Erlass einer einstweiligen Verfügung beantragt.
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Saturday, February 4, 2017
trefný komentář k tomu Karl Schlaffenberg:
"Z 90% ateistická země před plyšovým převratem nemá zmínku o ctění tradic ateisty, zatímco agresivní politickou ideologii pedofila z pouště hustí dětem do hlavy? :(
Když už chtějí mermomocí nějaké "duchovní zvyky" v prvouce, byla tam daleko vhodnější výuka o pohanských zvycích.Budhismus je mírumilovný a ČR měla tradičně dobré vztahy s Indií. Přesto se o Budhismu u nás neučí ..."a křesťanství taky není k zahození.
a taky teď učí dětí, že vůbec není jistý že jsou chlapeček nebo holčička, že se to (třeba) teprve ukáže! Já bych je fakt vraždil...
Bad Europeans are building their own concentration camp. And they're importing their own concentration camp guards.
Friday, February 3, 2017
We always thought that the definition of Goodness is "living for the sake of others", i.e. altruism.
Trump is just brutally whacking the US back onto a straight course.
It's right that Europe becomes Muslim.
Punishment of bad people is part of the natural family law. Bad people actually crave punishment, which helps them to change their wicked ways. Look at Sodom & Gomorrah.
On the other hand, good people don't have to suffer together with the bad ones. Therefore, i propose for the good people of Europe, to leave their homes here behind, and move to a better land, where they can live a good life together, undisturbed by bad people.
And if you ask, what is good and what is bad, it is like this: Good is, what is in accordance with the order of things, the laws of nature, what comes from God (although, we don't fully understand about God yet). You have an organ that teaches you this, it is your conscience. It's a mysterious organ between the body and the soul.
And bad is, when you're not able to follow the natural order, and arrogantly you try to break the rules.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
As an EU-citizen, i say this: Not one penny from EU budget for bum nations like Libya that cannot make order in their own country.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Die Fussilet-Moschee ist jetzt geschlossen, gell?!...
Amri soll vor Anschlag in der Fussilet-Moschee gewohnt haben
Dass Anis Amri die Fussilet-Moschee - einen Islamisten-Treffpunkt in Berlin - aufsuchte, ist bekannt. Doch in internen Polizeiunterlagen, die der ARD vorliegen, heißt es, der Attentäter habe sogar in der Moschee gewohnt. Für die Berliner Staatsanwaltschaft wäre das eine wichtige Information gewesen - aber sie erfuhr nichts davon.