Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Alone Yet Not Alone Trailer

The end of Jihad by the European Commision

America is lucky, they have Christianity to return to. A powerful spiritual powerhouse for unity and good society.
But what about Europe? What can we return to? Our tradition is humanism, socialism and violent revolutions. There are not enough good values, around which people could rally. No wonder that the EU is just a passing phenomenon. But will come next?

Hollywood is definitely in la la land... ;-)

A to je jen začátek jak nás chtěj vysát oligarchové...

Proč je Česko bohatou zemí chudých lidí - Echo24.cz

Po čtyřech letech rekordní prosperity Českou republiku banka JP Morgan vyřadila z klubu bohatých vyspělých států. Už tři roky po sobě má totiž nižší příjem na obyvatele, než je laťka 20 tisíc dolarů. Ta v očích ekonomů této banky dělí vyspělé země od těch rozvíjejících se.

Imagine, if TRUMP would lead the EU... Then we maybe wouldn't need to emigrate.

Slyšíte ty exploze na Praze 7? To si Babiš buduje vysokorychlostní kolektor pod Vltavou přímo do svého nového paláce hrůzy...

Anyway, a RIGHT is something that you have to EARN! And as usually, it is hard to earn, and easily lost...

Saturday, February 25, 2017

And yes, we'll make an age of good rulers.

The age of democracy is over.

You almost never find pure democracy. It's because humans are family-type beings. In a family there are different positions: someone is the boss, others agree with it, some others rebel; there is constant movement there. In the ideal case, this the family is moving in the right direction...

Demokracie vlastně není nic přirozeného. Proto taky skoro nikdy nenajdete dokonalou demokracii. Lidi jsou rodinný tvorové. A víte jak to chodí v rodině: někdo tam velí, některý s tím souhlasí, další se bouří, no, pořád je pohyb. V ideálním případě se ta rodina posouvá dobrým směrem.

Ono tady nejde o ideologii, jestli jsou to komunisti, nacisti, ANOnisti či co. Rozděloval bych lidi na dobrý a špatný. V demokracii má jak dobrej tak špatnej, každej jeden hlas. Podle toho co převažuje, takovou máme zem. Pro ty špatný je to fér, protože se je ty dobrý budou snažit napravovat...

Hyo Jeong is the new thing. We tried to bring happiness through peace. We also tried to find happiness in goodness. But always something was missing. Hyo Jeong is Korean, and means filial piety for your parents. This is the vertical aspect of goodness. You know where you came from, you can trust your parents and your roots, and you know what is the proper tradition. Can't beat this.

Jediní co ve státě musí být pod drobnohledem jsou politici!

"A delicate balance between order and chaos is best." Dan Pribáň

We have to kick the Muslim scum out of Europe!

Pokud jsou demonstrace, elity by se nad tím hned měli vážně zamyslet že dělaj něco blbě. Normální občan totiž hlavně chce jen v klidu makat a tvořit.

Donald Trump ft. Melania Trump - Golden Dump (The Trump Hump)/#TheMockin...

Better a good war than shitty peace. Don't worry, there are more planets...

Men have to learn, how to deny themselves in their youth... and women in their old age.

Actually our whole obsession with PEACE lies at the core of this malaise. Peace cannot be the highest goal in life. Joy should be—and that's how it actually is. I'm not sure that one can even make the statement "joy through peace"...

Real men actually cannot like socialism. I don't know about women, but for men, socialism is very unhealthy. That's like living in your parents' basement.

Friday, February 24, 2017

"In the sight of mighty God we're equal!", Trump. That should be all the equality we need.

Isn't Trump a little like Julius Caesar?

I grew up in Europe in the 70s. From the end of WWII it was not too long. Many people alive even remembered two world wars on our continent.
The main aim of education in my youth was to pacify males, because aggressive men were seen as the cause of all the past wars. The aim was peace. And people were so happy about the EU—finally there was a system for lasting peace on the European continent.
And again people are not happy.
Life is interesting. We're even fed up with peace now.
OK. So let's research, how to be happy, and how to be more happy in the future. We have to keep an open mind. What worked yesterday, doesn't work today, and surely will not work tomorrow.
What will bring joy to humans in the future?

Socialismus je prostě špatně. Lidi jsou tu od toho, aby se postarali o sebe, a ještě pomohli druhejm. Ne aby jim bylo pořád pomáháno...

LIVE STREAM: President Donald Trump Speaks at CPAC 2017

Intuition Is The Highest Form Of Intelligence

Intuition, argues Gerd Gigerenzer, a director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, is less about suddenly "knowing" the right answer and more about instinctively understanding what information is unimportant and can thus be discarded. Gigerenzer, author of the book Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious, says that he is both intuitive and rational.

To women I say 'Get a husband!' To men I say 'Get a job!'

This is absolutely correct.

'Women appreciate' billboard in North Carolina sparks protest

Some women in North Carolina apparently don't 'appreciate' a new billboard. A billboard appeared last weekend on a highway connecting the city of Winston-Salem to Greensboro that reads, "Real men provide. Real women appreciate it." The billboard sits on a heavily-traveled commuter stretch of an offshoot of Interstate 40.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Where is Kim Jong Un gonna go when all goes?...

Muslims in the West are even more naughty than at home. It's because here they have our generous welfare system covering them...

Spíš než vychovávat elity, potřebujeme vychovat celý lid... ;-)

Are we Western Christians such scum that all world has turned away from us? Instead of us, people prefer today Muslims, Communists and gays. Where have we gone wrong?

Karl Marx Lived In Filth And Neglected His Children

AND FOUR DIEDWHEN AN EDUCATED MAN CHOOSES TO LIVE IN POVERTY, AND RAISE HIS CHILDREN IN POVERTY, THAT IS ABUSE.When Marx and his wife and children were living in London, a visitor wrote a description of their lifestyle in their 3-room flat.Not only did the Marx children have to endure the hunger of poverty,...

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Leftists are people who want to help people. But sometimes their motivation is not right. In order to have a raison d'etre, they have to convince people that they need their help: for example women, blacks, gays, nature, muslims, gypsies, workers, etc.
Your motivation has to be always pure.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Hey Brothers, don't worry so much. Your woman will never tell you that you're 'too much man'. But she'll tell you that you're 'not enough man'. See what i mean?...

Since women are the OPPOSITE SEX, we men probably fare the best by doing exactly the OPPOSITE from what women tell us to do!... ;-)

Don't fail the shit test!

Just finished this book. Quite topical. It has lots to say about humanity always almost annihilating itself because of foolishness and selfishness.

OK, so, since we've now established that MEN are to blame for feminism, we have to assess, what is the sin of men inducing and reinforcing women in their quest for "liberation".

I would say that it is the usual type of THIEVES that hope to get broads for cheap.
Check it for yourself.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

And you guys are right! Search the fault rather with men than with women!

Islamic Socialism is Satan's imitation of CIG. Remember what was his last imitation of the heavenly order? At some point it almost conquered the whole world...

Levice a pravice jsou dvě strany jedné a té samé opice.

Korean boys, better give up your sissy lifestyle! War is coming.

If you would ask me, what we should do, i would tell you: We have to build a good society by appreciating our parents.

And yes, sometimes a shift in blood lineage is needed.

I only distinguish between GOOD and EVIL people.

Monday, February 13, 2017

The secular age is ending. In the future, people will be religious again. But not all their religions will be good.

I GOT IT!!! The core of evil is SELF-PITY! Check it for yourself.

Stolen Kosovo - Uloupené Kosovo

I don't know about you guys, but when i joined, one big thing that inspired me, was how Father clearly exposed Satan.
People should be grateful that someone takes the burden on themselves, to point out their sin. The ones that scream the most will finally find out that there will be no-one, who wants to do it for them...
I found, what is wrong with the We Can Do It program. It's really not enough, to just witness to our kin (they call it Oikos). Our blood relatives have usually other type of ancestors. They are our friends, but they will never be as effective as us.
Instead, we have to keep looking for PREPARED PEOPLE. We are still not enough in number, in order to properly settle down and develop. In my viewpoint, we have to keep up the old fashioned witnessing. But to be more effective, we have to always be on the look-out for the next wave, where God prepared the environment. I think that we have to be ready to move easily and quickly—travel light. ;-)
European mothers, what were you thinking, by bringing in all these boys from poor countries?? You wrecked your own continent!
And European fathers, what were you doing?!...

Sunday, February 12, 2017

The UN should put international troops together, and rid the world of this threat...

NK fires intermediate-range ballistic missile

North Korea launched an intermediate ballistic missile off its east coast Sunday, marking its first provocation since US President Donald Trump took office, South Korea's military officials said.  The missile lifted off at 7:55 a.m. from Banghyeon, North Pyongan Province, a town from which the regime previously fired an intermediate-range Musudan missile in October.

We should mainly focus on raising up GOOD MEN. We don't have to worry so much about women. Women will follow. But good men are really of the essence. Then the human race will prosper indefinitely.

This being said, it is obvious that there should be a lively discussion, about what defines actually GOOD men...

I think,I got it: The "elites" have now learned, how to make money on the backs of all of humanity.

They don't want quality, they want quantity! The dumber we are, the better. What they really don't want, is competition. They just wanna make a quick buck right away.
We have to be completely different!...

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Nakonec se zdá že Macron je skrytej gay. Tím pádem to bude mít Le Penová ještě lehčí, a konec EU je ještě blíže (podle Petra Hampla).

Liebe Deutsche, macht nicht denselben Fehler wie wir! Seit wir unseren Präsidenten in der Volkswahl wählen, haben wir zwei Gegenpole, und die Regierung wirkt oft wie gelähmt. Ich wünschte, wir könnten zum alten System zurückkehren (was ihr jetzt habt).

You think that Europe will somehow make it, as we've always made it in the past.

But don't forget MOBILITY. In the past, capable and bright people had no problem moving, when things got stuck, and especially when they started to see new chances on new horizons...

Monday, February 6, 2017

That's quite strange. He is the American President...

UK Speaker 'strongly opposed' to Trump speech in Houses of Parliament

John Bercow said his resistance to the speech was because of Parliament's "opposition to racism and sexism." Bercow is one of three parliamentary officials who must approve any invitation for someone to speak in Westminster Hall, the venue typically used for grand occasions of state.

There is only one Principle... But different ways of looking at it! :D

He ihr blöden Deutschen! Jetzt diktieren euch schon die Syrer Internetzensur! 😂

Fake-News: Würzburger Anwalt verklagt Facebook | Aktuell Deutschland | DW.COM | 10.01.2017

Facebook muss sich am 6. Februar zum ersten Mal wegen unwahrer Meldungen vor einem deutschen Gericht verantworten. Der Würzburger Rechtsanwalt Chan-Jo Jun hat das soziale Netzwerk aus den USA wegen sogenannter Fake-News, also gefälschter Nachrichten, verklagt. Rechtsanwalt Chan-jo Jun Auf ihrer Facebook-Seite teilte die Kanzlei mit, man habe für den Syrer Anas Modamani den Erlass einer einstweiligen Verfügung beantragt.

We've been battling ISIS already for so long, could we see sometimes some captured jihadists?...

Now men and women are seriously diverging. But don't worry, they will come together again on a higher level.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

PRVOUKA - to je, přátelé, 1. stupeň ZŠ. 
Zlatej Lenin proti tomu.... 

trefný komentář k tomu Karl Schlaffenberg:

"Z 90% ateistická země před plyšovým převratem nemá zmínku o ctění tradic ateisty, zatímco agresivní politickou ideologii pedofila z pouště hustí dětem do hlavy? :(
Když už chtějí mermomocí nějaké "duchovní zvyky" v prvouce, byla tam daleko vhodnější výuka o pohanských zvycích.
Budhismus je mírumilovný a ČR měla tradičně dobré vztahy s Indií. Přesto se o Budhismu u nás neučí ..."a křesťanství taky není k zahození.

a taky teď učí dětí, že vůbec není jistý že jsou chlapeček nebo holčička, že se to (třeba) teprve ukáže! Já bych je fakt vraždil...

Yep, taking in all the Muslims, that's also one way to wreck the EU!... I take it. ;-)

Jo Bábo, všichni Ti povinně ukazujeme pindíka...

Bad Europeans are building their own concentration camp. And they're importing their own concentration camp guards.

Yes, it's funny, how you can't cheat life.

Friday, February 3, 2017

We always thought that the definition of Goodness is "living for the sake of others", i.e. altruism.

I propose a better definition: Goodness is respecting and adhering to the natural order. You may also call it God's laws or purpose of creation. In any case, respecting our origin, which we call Heavenly Parent(s), and in this setting, bringing in our unique and ingenious spark and creativity. Like this, life will never be boring again! ;-)

Trump is just brutally whacking the US back onto a straight course.

Let's just hope that Donald knows when to stop and doesn't overdo it. We don't need a radical Right after the radical Left; just plain common sense and decency do it alright.

It's right that Europe becomes Muslim.

The bad people of Europe deserve to be tormented by brutal Muslims.
Punishment of bad people is part of the natural family law. Bad people actually crave punishment, which helps them to change their wicked ways. Look at Sodom & Gomorrah.
On the other hand, good people don't have to suffer together with the bad ones. Therefore, i propose for the good people of Europe, to leave their homes here behind, and move to a better land, where they can live a good life together, undisturbed by bad people.
And if you ask, what is good and what is bad, it is like this: Good is, what is in accordance with the order of things, the laws of nature, what comes from God (although, we don't fully understand about God yet). You have an organ that teaches you this, it is your conscience. It's a mysterious organ between the body and the soul.
And bad is, when you're not able to follow the natural order, and arrogantly you try to break the rules.

Watch it. Once Asia, and especially China, really start to prosper, guess, in which direction Russia will aim its nuclear war heads...

Thursday, February 2, 2017