Sunday, April 30, 2017
To je ostuda, jsou to vesměs lidi co dělaj zcela neužitečnou práci, a my je živíme...
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Vlastně jsme na tom stejně jako lidi v Severní Korei. Jsme ovládaný duševně chorýma elitama, který nás balamutí mediama, vládní propagandou a komerčně. Už víme, že jsou průzkumy koupený, a kdo ví jak je to doopravdy s volbami...
Saturday, April 29, 2017
OK Donald, get their asses!
North Korea missile test may have failed
The missile didn't leave North Korean territory, US Navy Cmdr. Dave Benham said. A US military assessment found the main part of the missile landed approximately 35 kilometers (22 miles) from Pukchang airfield, a US official told CNN. "North Korea disrespected the wishes of China & its highly respected President when it launched, though unsuccessfully, a missile today.
Friday, April 28, 2017
V boji proti DISKRIMINACI se musí opatrně. Diskriminace je přirozená a užitečná. Správný člověk pořád diskriminuje proti ZLU, a snaží se dělat DOBRÉ rozhodnutí. Samozřejmě, když lidi neférově někoho šikanují, tak je to špatně, a je zcela normální, se takového člověka zastat. Holt, vše s mírou.
If you want to know, why some people support the wrong thing with all their might, well, it's because they lack the power, to support the right thing, but they would love to be part of it.
George Soros gave $36M to groups behind People's Climate March
The People's Climate March scheduled for Saturday has a powerful billionaire behind it: Democratic Party donor George Soros. Mr. Soros, who heads the Open Society Foundations, contributed over $36 million between 2000 and 2014 to 18 of the 55 organizations on the march's steering committee, according to an analysis released Friday by the conservative Media Research Center.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Tvl., to jsou bláboly jednoho mentála. Jak ho lidi mohli volit???
Zprávu o mně vypracovali Sobotkovi ekonomičtí analfabeti, říká Babiš - Seznam Zprávy
Pan premiér se mnou nemluví, v pátek odpovím Sněmovně, prohlásil šéf ANO na mimořádném brífinku. Babiš odmítl, že by dělal jakékoliv daňové podvody, vláda podle něj může fungovat dál, ale premiér podle něj musí přestat s útoky. Samé lži, říká Babiš.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
And what if Muslim women mostly live on welfare and give birth to potential terrorists? This is not a hypothesis anymore, it is already the experience in Europe.
Österreichs Präsident provoziert mit Kopftuch-Äußerung
Österreichs Bundespräsident Alexander Van der Bellen hat mit einer kontroversen Aussage über das Tragen von Kopftüchern in Österreich für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Es werde noch der Tag kommen, an dem man wegen der wachsenden Islamophobie alle Frauen bitten müsse, „aus Solidarität" ein Kopftuch zu tragen.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Ja, aber warum habt ihr diese wilden Jungs eingeladen? Habt ihr geschaut, wie es bei denen zu Hause zu und her geht? Hat Deutschland immer noch einen Komplex wegen der Nazizeit? Und falls ja, sollte das nicht alle anderen Nachbarstaaten in Mitleidenschaft ziehen (das haben ja schon eure Vorfahren gemacht!).
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Saturday, April 22, 2017
The AfD are not the extremists. Extremists are leftist radicals that propagate total nonsense and decadence.
Thousands protest outside far-right party conference in Germany
Thousands of left-wing protesters have tried to disrupt a conference being held by Germany's far-right, anti-immigration party. Delegates of Alternative for Germany were given police protection ahead of the event in Cologne. One officer was hurt as police held back protesters from the entrance of the conference.
Friday, April 21, 2017
And here our No. 1 FOOL.
French Presidential Favourite Macron: Terrorism 'Part of Our Daily Lives for Years to Come' After Paris Shooting
SIGN UP FOR OUR NEWSLETTER Speaking in a French radio interview reported by The Guardian newspaper, the centre left En Marche! candidate appeared to echo former Prime Minister Manuel Valls's controversial statements following the Nice lorry attack on Bastille Day 2016, in which a Tunisian migrant mowed down 434 men, women, and children, killing 87.
Barack's child.
Iran violating U.S. deal with secret nukes research, opposition group says
Iran is cheating on its historical deal with the U.S. by secretly conducting research into nuclear weapons components such as bomb triggers and enriched uranium, the main Iranian opposition group said Friday.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Trump said that Korea used to be part of China. Careful South Korea, you might lose the North to China if you keep sleeping...
Korea bývala součástí Číny, řekl Trump. Čelí kritice za neznalost
Americký prezident Donald Trump čelí kritice za neznalost situace. Poté co omylem v jednom rozhovoru uvedl, že poslal tomahawky do Iráku místo do Sýrie, si nyní média povšimla, že v dalším rozhovoru řekl, že „Korea bývala součástí Číny". Na Trumpovu narážku v rozhovoru pro The Wall Street Journal z 12.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Woher der Selbsthass?
„Wenn Millionen von Menschenhassern ein Land stürmen, dessen Bewohner zu zwei Dritteln aus Selbsthassern bestehen und wenn die restliche Bevölkerung ihre Sorgen und die Angst, die angestammte Heimat und die im Laufe der Jahrhunderte liebgewonnene Kultur könnten bald verloren gehen, nicht mehr ausdrücken darf." So beginnt der libanesisch-stämmige deutsche Regisseur Imad Karim einen Aufruf auf...
But that's just common sense. Bastards only understand violence. Unfortunately. That is actually love for them.
"Trump has chosen the path of war" - Ahmadinejad speaks exclusively to Euronews
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says US president Donald Trump has "chosen the path of war". The hardline former president is standing in Iran's presidential election on May 19. Speaking exclusively to Euronews, he described the 2015 nuclear deal Tehran signed with world powers as "not clear": "In my opinion, the way information was given was incorrect.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Thursday, April 13, 2017
I'd say that the evil elites are again already one step ahead. Don't you think that corporations sell us cheap bad food that makes us sick? Then they invest in health care, and they sell us expensive cures. I think that all of this is going on.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Let's analyze, why fundamentalist Muslims blow up stuff and terrorize their neighbors, even those, who mean well to them and welcome them as their guests. There must be a reasonable analyze and discussion going on about this. Only just because we all have kids, and they are not safe anymore where we live.
Deep inside, we all know how to live properly and well. But just like children, we tend to run left and right, trying new things and often getting a bloody nose. That is OK. However, the most important moment comes after we made a mistake: Can we acknowledge it and learn from it, or do we insist foolishly and make excuses?
Monday, April 10, 2017
C'mon guys. Let's all get along. Let's all enjoy a good peaceful world!
C'mon guys. Let's all get along. Let's all enjoy a good peaceful world!Tillerson, G7 ministers look to pressure Russia to reconsider Assad support
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, along with six other Group of Seven foreign ministers, aim to send Russia a "clear and coordinated message" in the wake of the U.S.' response to a gas attack that left scores dead.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Saturday, April 8, 2017
Friday, April 7, 2017
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Prosím vás, těch eur se ale teď rychle zbavte, než bublina praskne!
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
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Monday, April 3, 2017
Saturday, April 1, 2017
Also, the word Peace should be thrown out of all the organization names, and be replaced by Happiness.