Monday, October 7, 2013

If we're not smart, the final war will be between men and women

By denying any kind of purpose and vision behind this grand universe and allowing all kinds of sexual perversions and excesses in the name of "freedumb", we are opening the way to total disunity and distrust between men and women. These sins are the most horrendous and shameful ones and make us almost loose our mind. As unstable and messed up adults we encourage young people to throw away their most precious thing - their sexuality. Instead of helping homosexuals, pedophiles, sodomists and whatnot to be healed, we encourage them in their error. All in the name of "freedumb".
Once we have utterly destroyed the true love between man and woman, men and women will separate like oil and water, and start to ferociously compete with each other over this world.
So, if we're smart, we are going to admit that God exists, that He had a certain idea and purpose when He created, and we will humbly learn about Him and His great plan (e.g. here: and apply truth and love in our daily life. And we will discover that the great philosophy of the universe is unselfishness and living for the sake of others, which generates limitless energy and, by the way, also eternal life. We will encourage sexual purity and selflessness, good marital relationships (between men and women), respect towards our parents and elders and sacrificial love for our children and the younger generations. My, that's gonna be a mighty nice world!

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