Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Unfortunately, Muslim bullying is predicted in the end of the Bible in Revelation. We didn't understand it before, but now we do. It talks about the return of Christ. And it also talks about what will happen, if the prepared people fail to recognize him. They will be haunted and hunted by hordes of brutal henchmen, and will have nowhere to hide. Finally, they will just ask for death.

We know that Christ already came again. It was the late Rev. Sun Myung Moon from Korea. The prepared people is Christianity, which very much opposed him. And the hordes of murderers are the Muslims.

But, of course, as always with God, there is a solution. We just have to humble down a little. Listen to our conscience. Appreciate God, our original Heavenly Parent, and appreciate His ideal, and help develop it.

For us Moonies it means that we support the widow of True Father, our True Mother. Rally around her, and start to really substantially and physically build a good world and life. For this we actually need a place on Earth, where we start. It's not enough to just dream of the ideal. Now is the time, to really live and develop the good life on earth. And this is probably not possible everywhere and without support. We might have to physically move together, probably in Korea, help to reunite with the North, and then influence China in a good way. China has the advantage that it has money and now also a strong military. This will help to protect us from Islam, which is the new incarnation of Satan (as Communism was before). So, in this view, blessed families probably have to abandon Europe. We have to concentrate our efforts, where results can be brought. There is no Heaven without substantial results.

1 comment:

  1. And, for God's sake, don't come with the plan, to witness to Muslims!
