Sunday, December 28, 2014

If you pray for yourself or for things smaller than the church then God will not answer because He is not interested in listening to such a boring prayer.

When you talk about the nation and world, He gets excited and starts looking for ways to help. This is training for how to love greater things.
Sun Myung Moon April 15, 1979

Friday, December 26, 2014

Havel: A Life

Michael Žantovský - HAVEL: A LIFE

The definitive biography of Václav Havel—writer, dissident, and Czech president—that chronicles his journey from playwright to national leader, intimately recounted by his former press secretary and longtime friend 

Monday, December 22, 2014

Well well. We have to offer something better than Islam to the world.

How about Jesus' teaching? And there is even better stuff out there...
And we also have to stand up for ourselves, arm up and not allow low islamist dogs to enslave us!

Inside Isis: The first Western journalist ever given access to the 'Islamic State' has just returned - and this is what he discovered

I wonder which chuckle-head from the EU had the glorious idea to encourage Ukraine to try to join the European Community!

They had to be clear about the brainless response by the Russians! Also, i'm astonished, where Europeans take the courage, to think that they have something to offer to the world...

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Dear friends, it's really time to grow up, and go beyond our selfishness!

We have to be humble before God. After all, He created this world. Also, to the next world, we only take our ability to live for others. To just think about ripping off some more dollars is truly the way to misery and sadness. We all want to be happy, no?

Uno-Klimatagung in Lima: Verzockt - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Especially non-believers have actually nowhere to derive their rights from!
Believers at least still have some God to negotiate their rights with! ;-)

Friday, December 5, 2014


Husitský chorál

Something about God

My conclusion from my life of faith: God Himself is the angel, or the angels. After all, the duality masculine - feminine is the main aspect of God’s Principle of Creation. According to True Father, God wanted His wife. That makes only two persons. In order for God's wife to have free will, He had to create her in a separate realm. God is trying to fulfill His responsibility through the man. Maybe God was so in aw of the woman that He created that it took Him some eons to get a grip on Himself – thus the Fall, but one could also just see it as growth. These days, with God's marriage, things are looking good. And the reason why there are so many human beings is just for variety and enjoyment. Just my opinion from what Father was speaking and what life has taught me.
The God Institute

Question: Um, this is applicable to Freedom Society, how?

Answer: Three Objects Purpose. The Four Position Foundation is just the beginning. Then it has to start to spin and rotate in all directions. That's why Father talked about the sphere. This is KoH.
God is not more perfect than we are. He grows in symbiosis with us. I think that Adam and Eve were not created looking like us, they were the beginning, and humanity grew, and God grew with us.
The one that actually fell in the Garden was God himself. Satan and God are the same person.
Freedom Society is the heavenly world order. But we have to understand the background, to get there.

Monday, December 1, 2014

V Evropě se tuto zimu tak leda zahřejeme teploušema - protože plyn z Ruska už nebude...

Plynovod South Stream je mrtev, vzkázal Putin ministrům EU | Energetika |

Čím se řídíme v každodenním životě?

Jestli jsem se nepřeslechl, tak u nás za rok utratíme 78 miliard na platy státních zaměstnanců. To je obrovská suma za většinou neproduktivní a i kontraproduktivní výkony. Jelikož většina evropských politiků se více či méně řídí marxistickou ideologií, není se čemu divit, že se Evropě vesměs nedaří.
Lidské štěstí závisí na filozofii a přesvědčení lidí. Čím se řídíme v každodenním životě? Kdyby to byl altruismus, láska k bližnímu a zájem o pravdu, nebyli bychom na tom vůbec špatně.

Friday, November 28, 2014

What is the purpose of life? - It is JOY!

God created for JOY!
How to reach this joy, this is our eternal endeavor! ;-)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Live a good life!

Don't you also have the feeling how we're being fucked by IT biggies? How even reputed companies are constantly trying to find ways to install sneak ware in your PC?
Who is creating these backdoors and what are these zombie computers one day to do?
Evil is really quite on the lose these days - open and unashamed!
The reason is probably the great potential of goodness that in this time exists. We really have to make our choice and make our stance!

Poor Europe:

In Germany they just passed a law concerning women's quotas for supervisory boards, and Juncker pushes the European Central Bank to cover € 21 billion worth of risky loans.
Guys, you don't have to believe in God or any religion, but just use your common sense and be good people! Why is it so hard??!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Babiš ovládl "výrobu" dětí v Česku. A chystá další nákupy

Společnost Hartenberg Holding koupila už osm klinik poskytujících umělé oplodnění, do konce roku chystá další obchody.
Andrej Babiš Andrej Babiš | Foto: Libor Fojtík
Praha - Podnikatel a ministr financí Andrej Babiš rozšiřuje své působení také do oblasti medicíny. Začal ve velkém skupovat především kliniky určené pro léčbu neplodnosti. Obrat jeho čerstvých zdravotnických akvizic se blíží miliardě. A ještě do konce roku se chystají obchody, které mohou vést k nárůstu o dalších 30 až 50 procent.
Andrej Babiš loni přetáhl ze skupiny Penta investičního bankéře Jozefa Janova. Loni v létě pak založili společnost Hartenberg Holding, která disponuje pěti miliardami korun. Většinu peněz dodal Babiš, čerstvý šestatřicátník Janov do fondu vložil finance vydělané během působení v Pentě, jde však řádově o desítky milionů.
Babišovy párky na každém rohu. Síť stánků chystá expanzi

Babišovy párky na každém rohu. Síť stánků chystá expanzi

Do roku 2018 může být v Česku dvě stě stánků s hot dogy sítě Parky´s od Kosteleckých uzenin.
"Mohl jsem si vytvořit vlastní tým a Babiš mi dává relativně volnou ruku, co se týče projektů. I když jako hlavní investor má samozřejmě právo veta," vysvětloval Janov před časem v Hospodářských novinách, proč Pentu opustil a vrhl se na novou příležitost. Výhodnost investic mu pomáhá propočítávat Libor Němeček, šéf akvizic Agrofertu.
Jedna z oblastí, kam Hartenberg Holding nyní masivně investuje, je zdravotnictví. Prostřednictvím firmy FutureLife skupuje ve velkém hlavně kliniky poskytující umělé oplodnění. Nyní už drží zhruba 20 procent trhu. Má šest klinik v Česku a dvě na Slovensku.
Duchovním otcem plánu na expanzi v oblasti umělého oplodnění je lékař Ladislav Zgabur. "Ten nápad jsem nosil v hlavě už delší dobu," podotýká Zgabur, který se v minulosti podílel na konsolidaci trhu se zdravotnickými laboratořemi. Generace lékařů, která kliniky zakládala a vlastní je, se nyní často přiblížila důchodovému věku, a tak je dobrá doba pro podobné nákupy. Základem úspěchu však bylo, že si Zgabur s Janovem porozuměli v oblasti investic. "Jeho rozhodování je konstruktivní a rychlé," pochvaluje si Zgabur, který v projektu vystupuje jako odborný poradce a má zároveň čtyřprocentní podíl ve FutureLifu.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Unemployment actually doesn't exist. - Cause, there's always something to do for others...

Russia is bad, and China even worse, but we, the good people, better get our act together fast, so we look at least a little bit better! ;-)

jak může bejt někdo prezident, a hlavní velitel našich ozbrojených sil, když je furt vožralej??!

jsme fakt národ kokotů

For the NATO it's time to put itself together, and to try to make a stance against evil Russia and China!

Why always make the easy (and wrong) choice?

White House extends U.S. combat role in Afghanistan into 2015

Obama should rather finish his pivot project - and challenge China in the Pacific.
The Muslims are going nowhere... 

God has to repent

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Kim Jeong Un to be prosecuted for human rights violations!

In its report the UN describes North Korean atrocities against its own citizens rightfully as comparable with German atrocities of the Nazi era.
Kim Jeong Un, as the head of this thug state, and his cronies should be prosecuted for human rights violations before the global community!

Forget about Islam

Like i said, Islam is not our enemy. It's a miserable religion that should be left to die out.
Decent people of the world have better things to do than saving their asses and trying to help them.
Let's think, how to make God happy, how to make our marriages and our families happy.
Human beings have a great and enjoyable future in front of them. With God we can soon populate other planets, and explore all kinds of fun things!

US hostage Kassig 'killed by IS'

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Není si na co stěžovat

Já vím, proč se sametová revoluce nakonec tolik nevydařila, a pořád není o moc líp.
Protože většina národu jsou blbci, který nechtěj vzít za nic zodpovědnost, a nakonec se rádi nechaj zmanipulovat. Hlavně že maj výmluvu...

His life and work

Rev. Sun Myung Moon Official Website

In 1985 Rev. Sun Myung Moon pushed Dr. Morton Kaplan to proclaim the Fall of the Soviet Empire

The Fall of the Soviet Empire” Conference, August 1985 in Geneva, Switzerland. The story: In 1984, Alexis Rannit, an émigré Estonian poet, sent a letter to PWPA that all empires fall and suggesting that the Soviet Empire should be studied so that its collapse could be peaceful. Dr. Morton Kaplan took the proposal for a conference titled The Fall of the Soviet Empire to Reverend Moon. Reverend Moon had already predicted that the Soviet empire would fall within 70 years of its founding, since it did not address the reality of human spiritual life. He agreed to sponsor the conference.
A number of prominent Sovietologists were skeptical of the conference title, but it turned out to be prophetic. One important conference participant later commented: “The conference not only more accurately predicted what was to happen in the Soviet Union than any other source, but I believe it also helped shape the unfolding of the system in a more peaceful way than might otherwise have happened.

Second International Congress, "The Fall of the Soviet Empire": Prospects for Transition to a Post-Soviet World. - Professors World Peace Academy

A timely document: Hyo Jin Moon's speech at the Berlin Wall in 1987.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Who do you think failed... Man, the system, or actually...

Things are looking good

My conclusion from my life of faith: God Himself is the angel, or the angels. After all, the duality masculine - feminine is the main aspect of God’s Principle of Creation. According to True Father, God wanted His wife. That makes only two persons. In order for God's wife to have free will, He had to create her in a separate realm. God is trying to fulfill His responsibility through the man. Maybe God was so in aw of the woman that He created that it took Him some eons to get a grip on Himself – thus the Fall, but one could also just see it as growth. These days, with God's marriage, things are looking good. And the reason why there are so many human beings is just for variety and enjoyment. Just my opinion from what Father was speaking and what life taught me.

The God Institute

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Pod taktovkou Bureše Big Business dále proniká do veřejné sféry!!

Ťok je podle Laudáta profesionál, starostům vadí střet zájmů

si snad dělaj prdel!
Anonisti se pletou, nejsou to hlavně schopnosti nýbrž poctivost a upřímnost který posilují demokracii. Ale ANu o demokracii očividně nejde...  

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The God Institute

Europe is lost. Our last chance is to found The God Institute that studies God and tries to understand His creation.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Can't humans get anything right anymore??!

For many days now battling to recover the system of my win 8 HP PC!
When it comes to the first update of windows, finally the configuration fails!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Na Evropu se valí další krize. Česká vláda dělá, že se nic neděje

Je zajímavé jak je málo oslav k 25. výročí pádu komunizmu!

Je fakt, že kapitalismus není o nic lepší než socialismus. Obě filozofie maj vady. Chce to tzv. Headwing, Godism, Parentism.
Bůh existuje = je tu plán, duchovní svět existuje = jsme tu i po smrti, správná cesta k lidskému štěstí je altruismus = život pro druhé.
Až toto začneme aplikovat, tak život bude docela fun! ;-)


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Je čas začít žít slušný a rozumný život. To snad není tak těžké, ne?

Dnes jsme koupili v Bille Vodňanské párky. To byl teda hnus!! Většinu toho jsme vyhodili, ani psovi jsme to nechtěli udělat. V hrnci plaval na povrchu hnusný tuk a nějaká želatina.
Tyto párky vyrábí náš skvělí pan ministr financí. Věřím, že sám to nežere, natož aby to servíroval svým dětem...
Je čas začít žít slušný a rozumný život. To snad není tak těžké, ne?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Does GOODNESS really not pay?

The assholes of Microsoft are creating mountains of garbage by discontinuing operating systems and apps, like Windows XP and apps for Symbian phones!
They force you to buy hardware that thanks to Quality Management is even more lousy and unreliable than the older generation machines.
They must really take people for idiots! Is this the brave new world that we are building??
Does GOODNESS really not pay?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blbý vožralí Rusové zabili Big Moustache

Foolish drunk Russians kill Big Moustache

Total CEO de Margerie killed in Moscow plane accident: airport spokeswoman

Šero v Praze

Nechápu, proč se už rok nebo dva rozsvěcí Pražské městské osvětlení večer tak pozdě, že je vždy dost dlouhá (řekl bych tak čtvrt hodiny) prodleva kdy v šeru jezdí auta bez městského osvětlení jako někde v lese. Jenže zrovna v tu dobu je všude spousta chodců na přechodech a také cyklistů.
V Praze El Todo, které se stará o osvětlení, už pár let patří čínskému koncernu Huawei. Je zajímavé že třeba Huawei má v USA zákaz se účastnit jakýchkoliv veřejných tendrů.
Chápu že mi blbý evropani jsme zadlužený až po uši a tak nemáme teda asi nárok ani na základní bezpečnost na vozovkách! Ale to by nás občany opravdu mělo nabudit, abychom se chtěli sami zodpovědně a komunitně postarat o infrastrukturu našeho milovaného města kde vyrůstají naše děti.
Pikantně Huawei získalo koupí El Todo také důležité internetové páteřní sítě v Praze.
Stejně tak se taky vždy podivuju že nějaká Veolia spravujě Pražskou vodu...

Děti musíme učit jen jednu věc: altruismus!

Altruismus - Wikipedie

There is just one thing that our kids have to learn: Altruism!

Pan vicepremiér a ministr financí je teda vzor pro naše mladý!

Nechá se bavit tanečnicí u tyče.

Babiš slavil 60. Hrál mu Kryštof, bavila tanečnice u tyče -

Monday, October 13, 2014


In all their countries they have several denominational and civil wars going on! THIS IS NOT OUR BUSINESS!
We should not give them any pretext; to see us as the enemy! They should show what great religion they have.
In the mean time, we should use the respite, since they're occupied with themselves, for our own kingdom building. Let's show the world what great values WE have! Let's really create those wonderful societies that we were always dreaming of!
Then when the Muslims will be finally finished with their mess, we'll already be miles ahead. Maybe, they'll just gladly join us... ;-)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Co uděláme s Babišem? - Prostě ho nezvolíme.

Nejblbější by bylo kdyby organizovaný zločin prorostl do státní správy...

17 years old, and already the Nobel Peace Prize!

17-jährige Malala Yousafzai: Friedensnobelpreis in der Chemiestunde - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Slováci hromadně prchají před oligarchy. Bratislava dala Praze lekci

Slováci hromadně prchají před oligarchy. Bratislava dala Praze lekci -


I don't understand our "leaders"!

I would stop air-traffic from Ebola stricken areas. And i would invest INTENSIVELY into helping those unfortunate countries, to quickly tackle the Ebola outbreak.

Otherwise we will have many deaths all over the world.

We are paying taxes for this, no?

Marta Kubišová - Modlitba pro Martu (1968)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Unification Church Is a Cool Religion

"Rev. Moon's Unification Church, A Cool Religion" is the title of the cover story in BizNews Asia, the largest weekly business and news magazine in the Philippines. Thirty-five thousand copies and is confident that its readership is many times that number. The largest book-store chain in the Philippines carries it. The magazine has the reputation of being an influential publication. Some significant writers, such as Fidel Ramos (president of the Philippines 1992-1998) and Franccisco Tatad (a retired three-term senator) contribute to this magazine.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Do we have to be afraid of the Muslims?

Well, yeah, of course, Islam will take over... if we have nothing better to offer. The question is, do we have something better to offer?
Don't be afraid of the Muslims. They always use the phrase "God willing". They are right. What does God want? Are we interested?

This is What the Muslims Want!

Tohle prostě nechápu. Já nechci aby mi někdo šéfoval!

Chci žít svobodně, chci pomáhat druhým. Taky nechci nikomu šéfovat!
Kdo by, proboha, chtěl žít pod nějakým šéfem?!

To je otřesný. Babiš nachytal lidi na populizmus a dokonce i sprosté lži.

A také asi fakt musíme být národem blbců a nesvéprávných lidi.
Ale účet přijde. Jestli to náhodou není jako v roce 1948?...

TNS Aisa: ANO je lídrem politické scény, od voleb si polepšilo o 12 procent

Time to reunite Korea--Forgive, Love and Unite

To reunite North and South Korea would not be so difficult, but probably the South would have to guarantee impunity to the Northern elite.

Vaclav Havel did the same thing in the Czech Republic after the demise of Communism. Nobody of the old elite got really persecuted. To the extent that they are back in the elite of the country today... alas.


Václav Havel *October 5th 1936, † December 18th 2011
Playwright, dissident and President of the Czech Republic from Dec. 29th 1989 to Feb. 2nd 2003


I think that this sums up God's creation.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

About Korea's reunification--True Mother

My husband and I have put our lives on the line for the realization of peace. In 1991, my husband gave a speech that has become a legend. This speech was given at Mansudae Assembly Hall, North Korea’s National Assembly. His critique of the Juche Ideology and his statement that the two Koreas must unite through true love centered on our Heavenly Parent, , created shockwaves, especially since it was given in the very heart of North Korea, the Juche Kingdom. As he spoke, I felt as if North Korean security guards would come dashing toward us at any time. Those in our entourage broke out in a cold sweat. However, as the speech concluded we came to realize that this historical meeting with North Korean leader Kim Il Sung had opened a new door to the possibility of the reunification for the two Koreas.

Existuje v Česku peněžní limit na výdaje na volební kampaň?

Watch it Europe! This time, America will not save you anymore!

What are you going to do, when Russia attacks--throw condoms at them?!...

Friday, October 3, 2014

Kde je mléko?...

Z mé profese vím, že Čína zmrazila nákup mléka na 3 měsíce. Od ledna už také nebudou v Evropě uplatňovány kvóty na produkci mléka. Máme sankce proti Rusku. Ale přesto je mléka v obchodech málo a je drahé! Nechápu to.
Vůbec se mi často protočí panenky když chodím nakupovat potraviny. I na žluté cenovce ve slevě jsou nevídaně horentní ceny.

Už chápu proč se dnes na celém světě boháči hrnou do veřejné správy. Tam si daleko lehčeji zajistí beztrestnost.
POTŘEBUJEME OSTRÝ ZÁKON PROTI STŘETU ZÁJMU! Ve VEŘEJNÉ SPRÁVĚ by samozřejmě měli být jen ty nejčestnější a nejnoblesnější lidi naší společnosti! Taťkové a mamky co mají ještě energie nazbit a chtějí se postarat o rozšířenou rodinu - náš národ.

A teď ještě podle správ naše vláda buzeruje dovozce potravin - sabotuje tím volný trh.


OK, we can bomb the hell out of these guys! Actually many of them being the kids and youngsters of our own civilization and countries.
Why do they turn to such a strict and inhuman philosophy?
It's only natural that their parents have to ask themselves serious questions. Their teachers, role models and their societal leaders have to ask themselves tough questions too.
After we defeated ISIS, we should promise ourselves, never to live the same lives again. Why couldn't we give God ourselves to our kids? Why couldn't we give meaning, purpose, joy and happiness to our children's lives? Bombs are the worst kind of answer.
You can say that Islam is an inferior religion, where the believers only think that they are the servants of God. But what about the religion, which believes that we are the children of God. Do we REALLY believe that? Why don't our lives show it?
What about the religion that believes that God wanted to marry a wife and have kids? And fill the earth with His descendants... Are we really loving our wives, husbands, children, grandchildren and our neighbors right? Do we really give honor to God? Do we really prepare well for eternal life in spirit world?

Let's bomb the bad guys, but let's understand the message too! Let's never live the same again, after ISIS is defeated!

Why are so many young French people turning to jihad?

Animator vs. Animation IV (original)

Kdo si zaplatil anti-kampaň proti Hudečkovi?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

People around the world will soon end up like Hong Kong.--Fucked by powerful con-artists--What to do?

Showdown looms as Hong Kong protests swell

The US government estimates that its war on ISIL will cost it around 1 billion dollars a month.

This is crazy.
Don't do the Islamists the favor! Leave them alone! Let the Muslim world sort out their own problems!
We were not able to create a happy and healthy environment in our own nations, so we don't have that much to teach to others. At least we should have the decency, not wanting to distract from our own problems by going solving the problems of others! This goes especially for all those socialist goons like F.Holland!...

Schätzung der US-Regierung: Kampf gegen IS kostet eine Milliarde Dollar pro Monat - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Our school system is really satanic.

At least for boys, it seems to me completely inappropriate. Instead of focusing on purely intellectual knowledge, and sitting long hours doing home work, young men would rather need some kind of boot camp, and farming, hunting and constructing activities. They would need to do physical workout and experience God's creation first hand every day.
This would help them, to channel their hormones and develop healthy sperm. The focus should be on learning, how to be a good husband and father!
It's not jobs that the world needs--it's HAPPINESS!

Už vím co my na ANU tak vadí.

I komunisti jsou pořád ještě parlamentární a jakžtak demokratická strana. Ale ANO je hnutí, u kterého člověk má pocit, že na lidi kašlou, jen hrabou pro sebe a sví kámoše.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

How long will the internet still be free and democratic??

It's not a wayward question. Since the internet has to run on someone's servers and use someone's cables, who are WE THE PEOPLE?...

An Internet Where Nobody Says Anything

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Why is the West going out of its way to create order in the Middle East? This is not our territory.
Let the Muslims take care of their own matters!
Finally we have to allow the critique that we just want their oil. Oil we can buy, but we cannot infringe on sovereign nations.
The West should work on its own short-comings--we have enough of them.
Let's have a healthy competition of philosophies: Let's see which culture/philosophy/religion will prevail. We don't have to bomb each other to do this!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Jak je možné že ANO má i v Praze ty zdaleka nejvyšší preference??!

Buďto si Babiš publikuje průzkumy jak chce, protože pak se lidi automaticky a bez přemýšlení přimáznou k vítezný straně... Anebo jsou lidi fakt takový ovce že prostě chtěj aby se o ně postaral nějakej boháč??... Ono to ale nevijde, protože big business je prostě zežere.

Kdo proboha volí v Praze ANO?? Diť to jsou normální mafiáni!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Karolína Peake: USA a Rusko by se měly raději spojit. Civilizace je v ohrožení

Karolína Peake: USA a Rusko by se měly raději spojit. Civilizace je v ohrožení

This is all totally foolish!

We are on this earth for HAPPINESS! Not only money, because just material possessions don't fulfill our soul fully. Instead of being obsessed with the economy, every country should have a Ministry of Happiness, and really deeply understand, how humans can be truly happy!

US calls for EU to 'boost' economy

Thousands of Russians are demonstrating against the war against Ukraine!

Tisíce Rusů demonstrovaly proti ruské účasti v ukrajinské válce

Schwarzenberg varuje před Pražskými mafiány

Vážení a milí spoluobčané,

obracím se na vás proto, že se jako občan této země opravdu obávám o demokratický průběh následujících voleb. Jsem zvyklý na různé podpásové útoky a sám jsem jich během prezidentské kampaně zažil mnoho. To, co se ale děje v Praze v těchto dnech, se naprosto vymyká demokratické soutěži.

Několik reklamních agentur a lobbistů se domluvilo, že zasáhnou do boje o budoucí směřování města. Zničily domluvené reklamní plochy Tomáše Hudečka a zahltily Prahu ohromnými billboardy s pomlouvačnou kampaní. Jsou to naprosté lži. Něco takového nemá v demokratickém světě obdoby.

Je to pomsta za to, že si současné vedení Prahy ve svém úporném boji proti kmotrům a zažitým mafiánským metodám, na tyto firmy konečně došláplo.

Prosím, měli bychom si uvědomit, že se zde nejedná jen o boj proti primátorovi Hudečkovi, nebo proti TOP 09. Tentokrát jde o narušení těžce vydobytých demokratických pravidel v naší zemi a to ve prospěch čistě soukromých zájmů a pochybných kšeftů.

Nesmíme dopustit, aby velké peníze a jejich vlastníci rozhodovali v České republice o výsledku voleb.  Proto vás prosím, zajímejte se o současné dění, debatujte s přáteli a nenechte se oklamat.

Je na každém z vás, koho budete volit. Prosím vás ale, aby jste tohoto svého práva v následujících a důležitých volbách využili.


S úctou

         Karel Schwarzenberg

         předseda TOP 09

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Russian nuclear bombers buzz Alaska, N. Europe

Friday, September 19, 2014

Jestli to takhle půjde dál, tak zbidou v Evropě jen ty blbý a neschopný, co chtěj aby se o ně postarali sociální služby.

Příležitosti tu rychle mizí!
Kam se vrtneme? Do Asie?...

What is today's notion of BUSINESS? Fucking others?!

Elysium (2013)

So that's why my internet is soo slow...

Yes, Your Internet Is Slow. Your Provider Likes It That Way. And the Government Doesn't Care.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

If we would just all follow our conscience, the world would stop being a mess - believe me!

Ban Ki-moon to U.N. Member States: The World's a Mess -- Fix It!

Jakto že privátní sektor proniká do veřejné sféry?? Proč se dobrovolně vzdáváme spolurozhodování o našem vlastním osudu?!

Babiš je pátý politicky nejvlivnější miliardář, míní americký politolog -

Saturday, September 13, 2014


To by se mělo oslavit!

Město Praha by měla spravovat vlastní vodu - a ne žádná multinationální korporace jako Veolia!

Stejně tak by Praha měla spravovat vlastní osvětlení a internetové struktury, a neměla by to dělat nějaká čínská Huawei!!
S občanskými službami se nesmí ŠMELIT!!

Pavel Růžička: Voda je lidské právo - Deník Referendum

This is just absolute STUPIDITY!: European economists believe that if they throw money to the ground that more money sprouts!!!

What kind of foolish universities are teaching such nonsense?! Is this Marxism? Or what kind of unreasonable foolishness is this??
And the West could have such a nice life and societies! Why don't we just live like God wants us to??

Show us the money: EU seeks billions of euros to revive economy

Friday, September 12, 2014

Maybe Ukraine should just shed the rebellious East, and the rest of the country quickly join the EU and NATO!

The European Union has to man up, if it wants to remain some sort of relevant structure, and stand up for itself. In these times it means: TO ARM ITSELF and reinstate in all member states compulsory military service for men! At the same time, Europe must, once again, become the moral lighthouse and example for the world, where its leadership are the best among their peers.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

It's good to put the bad guys in their place!--But what then?

Why are there bad guys to begin with?
Let's focus on living a God centered life of altruism. Let's make effort every day to overcome our selfishness. Let's understand that there is life in the spirit world and let's try to discover the purpose of God's creation.
What is life all about? Let's connect to our conscience and live according to it. Then, surely, we'll live happy lives.

Opinion: Could Barack Obama's plan against ISIS spark backlash?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How can possibly a French Socialist guide Economic Affairs of the EU??

EU's Moscovici pledges no special treatment for France

Monday, September 8, 2014



How we're loosing future and prosperity

Only Russia's Mothers can stop Mad Vladimir

Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia

Why do people want to do this to politicians?

Defenestrace podle Pravého sektoru. Politika hodili do popelnice -

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters, this will happen everywhere, if we don't put ourselves together.

Putin plays cat and mouse with Russian online critics

Friday, August 22, 2014


I cannot update it anymore, after reinstalling the system!
Keep getting a blue screen with "Failure configuring Windows updates. Reverting changes. Do not turn off your computer"

Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Z jakýho titulu ministr Babiš zvyšuje platy státních zaměstnanců, přidává ministerstvům a zadlužuje budoucí generace ještě více??!
On je tam přece od toho, aby šetřil, když se teď nedaří! Aby se snažil vyrovnat rozpočet!
V reálné ekonomice přece platy klesají!
Jestli si takhle chce koupit přízeň státní sféry tak to už hraničí na VLASTIZRADU!


We have to get out, and help the world!

Jestlipak čeští mobilní operátoři neuzavřeli kartelovou smlouvu?!

Kvalita pokrytí je pořád mizernější a ceny naopak poskočili citelně!

How on Earth did we go from Unification Church to Fornication Church??

Friday, August 15, 2014


V Pražském Metro píšou že zítra bude demonstrovat 20.000 účastníků sexuálních menšin. Proti nim že budou demonstrovat konzervativci a extremisté. Podle mne je to přesně naopak. Absolutně převažující většina lidstva je postižena různými sexuálními úchylkami. A je to jenom mizivá menšina, která se vůbec snaží o čistotu sexuální lásky a altruismus!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

This week: Celebrating sexual sin in Prague!

Prague Pride 2014

Socializmus je zhoubná ideologie - Socialism is an evil ideology!

Monday, June 23, 2014

And what if China is behind the bugging scandal in Poland?....

What if China is behind the mess in the Ukraine?
Like this, the Chinese could close a huge gas deal with Russia for a nice price, since the West started to sanction Russia.
China has no limits to its expansive appetite, but it must soften up its adversaries first.
(BTW, why do you think, experts keep warning about hidden back-doors in Chinese consumer electronics?...)

A co když jsou za odposlechy v Polsku Číňani?...

Co když jsou i za bordelem na Ukrajině?
Číně prospívá nejvíc, že mohli s Ruskem uzavřít obří dodávku plynu za příznivou cenu, jelikož uvalil Západ sankce na Rusko.
Čína je rozpínavá, ale potřebuje protivníka nejdřív rozložit.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Dear friends, it's time to man-up - or your children will be slaves to the CHINESE!

Today the BBC reported that China spent 20% more on its military than it officially admits, and that it's closing fast the gap with developed nations.

For the "developed" nations it's the last chance to start living reasonable and truthful lives. Otherwise - good night