Friday, April 18, 2014

The heavenly way is self-denial... for eternity

Self-denial is not just the way of restoration, it is the true heavenly life style for eternity:

What are you going to do in the spirit world? You will sing songs of love and speak words of love. If you are spoken to in an operatic way, you will have to respond likewise. If you are spoken to through a dance, you will have to reply that way. You will rejoice eternally and never tire. When dancing starts in one place, it will happen everywhere in heaven. When singing starts in one place, there will be singing everywhere. In the spirit world all your organs will constantly be working. What will we be doing? What will enable us to be happy without any sleep eternally? Love.
All we need to do is have that ideal of love. What would remain to talk about in the spirit world if love were removed? You are meant to live there centered on love, the original love. Because I knew about such a world, I could overcome any difficulties on earth and detach myself from anything I used to love. I can cut off from them ruthlessly in a way normal people cannot. We use that standard to evaluate everything. (107-331, 1980.6.8) - Sun Myung Moon

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