Thursday, April 10, 2014

Ukraine owes Russia astronomical sums for gas - so it has to give up some territory.

That's maybe the simple explanation for the Russian aggression.

This should make us Europeans think! The whole Euro-zone has a debt of approx. EUR 8 trillion (approx. USD 12 trillion)!

What makes us think that the creditors will keep patient with us?! Especially, since for Europe any reasonable hopes for an economic recovery seem to have definitely faded!

Some day soon the Chinese and all other generous creditors will come knocking big time!

What are we going to sell next? The family silver is almost gone.

The only way out, is to start to live humbly, reasonably and realistically. Looking at the world realistically and also spiritually - not only materialistically.


  1. you got it. Nail on the head.

  2. Just now Putin is threatening whole Europe, to cut our gas supplies, if we bother him. Maybe China will use Russia as the mad dog to little by little take over Europe, since we are so morally weak.
