Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Does GOODNESS really not pay?

The assholes of Microsoft are creating mountains of garbage by discontinuing operating systems and apps, like Windows XP and apps for Symbian phones!
They force you to buy hardware that thanks to Quality Management is even more lousy and unreliable than the older generation machines.
They must really take people for idiots! Is this the brave new world that we are building??
Does GOODNESS really not pay?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blbý vožralí Rusové zabili Big Moustache

Foolish drunk Russians kill Big Moustache

Total CEO de Margerie killed in Moscow plane accident: airport spokeswoman

Šero v Praze

Nechápu, proč se už rok nebo dva rozsvěcí Pražské městské osvětlení večer tak pozdě, že je vždy dost dlouhá (řekl bych tak čtvrt hodiny) prodleva kdy v šeru jezdí auta bez městského osvětlení jako někde v lese. Jenže zrovna v tu dobu je všude spousta chodců na přechodech a také cyklistů.
V Praze El Todo, které se stará o osvětlení, už pár let patří čínskému koncernu Huawei. Je zajímavé že třeba Huawei má v USA zákaz se účastnit jakýchkoliv veřejných tendrů.
Chápu že mi blbý evropani jsme zadlužený až po uši a tak nemáme teda asi nárok ani na základní bezpečnost na vozovkách! Ale to by nás občany opravdu mělo nabudit, abychom se chtěli sami zodpovědně a komunitně postarat o infrastrukturu našeho milovaného města kde vyrůstají naše děti.
Pikantně Huawei získalo koupí El Todo také důležité internetové páteřní sítě v Praze.
Stejně tak se taky vždy podivuju že nějaká Veolia spravujě Pražskou vodu...

Děti musíme učit jen jednu věc: altruismus!

Altruismus - Wikipedie

There is just one thing that our kids have to learn: Altruism!

Pan vicepremiér a ministr financí je teda vzor pro naše mladý!

Nechá se bavit tanečnicí u tyče.

Babiš slavil 60. Hrál mu Kryštof, bavila tanečnice u tyče - Echo24.cz

Monday, October 13, 2014


In all their countries they have several denominational and civil wars going on! THIS IS NOT OUR BUSINESS!
We should not give them any pretext; to see us as the enemy! They should show what great religion they have.
In the mean time, we should use the respite, since they're occupied with themselves, for our own kingdom building. Let's show the world what great values WE have! Let's really create those wonderful societies that we were always dreaming of!
Then when the Muslims will be finally finished with their mess, we'll already be miles ahead. Maybe, they'll just gladly join us... ;-)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Co uděláme s Babišem? - Prostě ho nezvolíme.

Nejblbější by bylo kdyby organizovaný zločin prorostl do státní správy...

17 years old, and already the Nobel Peace Prize!

17-jährige Malala Yousafzai: Friedensnobelpreis in der Chemiestunde - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Slováci hromadně prchají před oligarchy. Bratislava dala Praze lekci

Slováci hromadně prchají před oligarchy. Bratislava dala Praze lekci - Echo24.cz


I don't understand our "leaders"!

I would stop air-traffic from Ebola stricken areas. And i would invest INTENSIVELY into helping those unfortunate countries, to quickly tackle the Ebola outbreak.

Otherwise we will have many deaths all over the world.

We are paying taxes for this, no?

Marta Kubišová - Modlitba pro Martu (1968)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Unification Church Is a Cool Religion

"Rev. Moon's Unification Church, A Cool Religion" is the title of the cover story in BizNews Asia, the largest weekly business and news magazine in the Philippines. Thirty-five thousand copies and is confident that its readership is many times that number. The largest book-store chain in the Philippines carries it. The magazine has the reputation of being an influential publication. Some significant writers, such as Fidel Ramos (president of the Philippines 1992-1998) and Franccisco Tatad (a retired three-term senator) contribute to this magazine. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Do we have to be afraid of the Muslims?

Well, yeah, of course, Islam will take over... if we have nothing better to offer. The question is, do we have something better to offer?
Don't be afraid of the Muslims. They always use the phrase "God willing". They are right. What does God want? Are we interested?

This is What the Muslims Want!

Tohle prostě nechápu. Já nechci aby mi někdo šéfoval!

Chci žít svobodně, chci pomáhat druhým. Taky nechci nikomu šéfovat!
Kdo by, proboha, chtěl žít pod nějakým šéfem?!

To je otřesný. Babiš nachytal lidi na populizmus a dokonce i sprosté lži.

A také asi fakt musíme být národem blbců a nesvéprávných lidi.
Ale účet přijde. Jestli to náhodou není jako v roce 1948?...

TNS Aisa: ANO je lídrem politické scény, od voleb si polepšilo o 12 procent

Time to reunite Korea--Forgive, Love and Unite

To reunite North and South Korea would not be so difficult, but probably the South would have to guarantee impunity to the Northern elite.

Vaclav Havel did the same thing in the Czech Republic after the demise of Communism. Nobody of the old elite got really persecuted. To the extent that they are back in the elite of the country today... alas.


Václav Havel *October 5th 1936, † December 18th 2011
Playwright, dissident and President of the Czech Republic from Dec. 29th 1989 to Feb. 2nd 2003


I think that this sums up God's creation.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

About Korea's reunification--True Mother

My husband and I have put our lives on the line for the realization of peace. In 1991, my husband gave a speech that has become a legend. This speech was given at Mansudae Assembly Hall, North Korea’s National Assembly. His critique of the Juche Ideology and his statement that the two Koreas must unite through true love centered on our Heavenly Parent, , created shockwaves, especially since it was given in the very heart of North Korea, the Juche Kingdom. As he spoke, I felt as if North Korean security guards would come dashing toward us at any time. Those in our entourage broke out in a cold sweat. However, as the speech concluded we came to realize that this historical meeting with North Korean leader Kim Il Sung had opened a new door to the possibility of the reunification for the two Koreas.

Existuje v Česku peněžní limit na výdaje na volební kampaň?

Watch it Europe! This time, America will not save you anymore!

What are you going to do, when Russia attacks--throw condoms at them?!...

Friday, October 3, 2014

Kde je mléko?...

Z mé profese vím, že Čína zmrazila nákup mléka na 3 měsíce. Od ledna už také nebudou v Evropě uplatňovány kvóty na produkci mléka. Máme sankce proti Rusku. Ale přesto je mléka v obchodech málo a je drahé! Nechápu to.
Vůbec se mi často protočí panenky když chodím nakupovat potraviny. I na žluté cenovce ve slevě jsou nevídaně horentní ceny.

Už chápu proč se dnes na celém světě boháči hrnou do veřejné správy. Tam si daleko lehčeji zajistí beztrestnost.
POTŘEBUJEME OSTRÝ ZÁKON PROTI STŘETU ZÁJMU! Ve VEŘEJNÉ SPRÁVĚ by samozřejmě měli být jen ty nejčestnější a nejnoblesnější lidi naší společnosti! Taťkové a mamky co mají ještě energie nazbit a chtějí se postarat o rozšířenou rodinu - náš národ.

A teď ještě podle správ naše vláda buzeruje dovozce potravin - sabotuje tím volný trh.


OK, we can bomb the hell out of these guys! Actually many of them being the kids and youngsters of our own civilization and countries.
Why do they turn to such a strict and inhuman philosophy?
It's only natural that their parents have to ask themselves serious questions. Their teachers, role models and their societal leaders have to ask themselves tough questions too.
After we defeated ISIS, we should promise ourselves, never to live the same lives again. Why couldn't we give God ourselves to our kids? Why couldn't we give meaning, purpose, joy and happiness to our children's lives? Bombs are the worst kind of answer.
You can say that Islam is an inferior religion, where the believers only think that they are the servants of God. But what about the religion, which believes that we are the children of God. Do we REALLY believe that? Why don't our lives show it?
What about the religion that believes that God wanted to marry a wife and have kids? And fill the earth with His descendants... Are we really loving our wives, husbands, children, grandchildren and our neighbors right? Do we really give honor to God? Do we really prepare well for eternal life in spirit world?

Let's bomb the bad guys, but let's understand the message too! Let's never live the same again, after ISIS is defeated!

Why are so many young French people turning to jihad?

Animator vs. Animation IV (original)

Kdo si zaplatil anti-kampaň proti Hudečkovi?