Wednesday, April 30, 2014
But then, on the other hand, why should the gay lovers and weak hearted be the "good guys"?
Maybe a whole new world polarity is developing...
Maybe a whole new world polarity is developing...
Monday, April 28, 2014
Sunday, April 27, 2014
The word "HEALING" should be taboo in our European Movement - at least in respect to BROTHERS!
It's a wrong concept!
Men have to separate themselves from Satan, i.e. they have to overcome their selfishness. For this it's not helpful to feel sorry for oneself.
Men have to separate themselves from Satan, i.e. they have to overcome their selfishness. For this it's not helpful to feel sorry for oneself.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Nechápu, proč na něj nikdo nevytáhne jeho prohřešky??
To se ho všichni už tak bojí? To bychom pak už byli v pěkné bryndě!
Skončíme jako Ukrajina. Tam si chlapy taky nechali vytunelovat zem Janukovičem a oligarchama, a až se pak šli nechat postřílet na Majdanu, bylo pozdě. Teď jim Rusko zbytek země pomalu požírá...
To se ho všichni už tak bojí? To bychom pak už byli v pěkné bryndě!
Skončíme jako Ukrajina. Tam si chlapy taky nechali vytunelovat zem Janukovičem a oligarchama, a až se pak šli nechat postřílet na Majdanu, bylo pozdě. Teď jim Rusko zbytek země pomalu požírá...
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
The world of creation is the textbook of love for humankind
From the perspective of the
standard of true love, Adam and Eve were to grow up observing and learning from
the natural garden of love created within the pair system. They were to become
aware of what they should do after they had grown up by looking at how
everything was created. The creation is God’s museum, the museum of love for
the education of Adam and Eve. They were to grow up watching how all creatures
were born in pairs of male and female, even birds and butterflies, and how they
developed affection for each other and brought forth their young.
Growing up and reaching full maturity, they were supposed to
realize for themselves that the man is the prince of God’s love representing
plus and the woman the princess of love representing minus. Then the woman
would have thought to herself, “That man is the very man I need!” and learned
to believe in him, just as he would have thought to himself about the woman,
“She really is the woman who is essential to me!” (CSG 201-161, 1990.3.30) - Sun Myung Moon
pair system,
Sun Myung Moon,
true love
Growing to maturity doesn't just mean the twenty-some years in which our physical body becomes adult.
Instead, we are meant to be working on our maturity until our last breath in this earthly body! Maturity means, to be able to feel God's heart and love, and to be able to enjoy the company of our fellow-humans to the fullest; to be able to fully resonate with God's heart and His creation. The purpose of our earthly life is thus solely one: to achieve spiritual maturity!
human life,
physical body
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Friday, April 18, 2014
The heavenly way is self-denial... for eternity
Self-denial is not just the way of restoration, it is the true heavenly life style for eternity:
What are you going to do in the spirit world? You will sing songs of love and speak words of love. If you are spoken to in an operatic way, you will have to respond likewise. If you are spoken to through a dance, you will have to reply that way. You will rejoice eternally and never tire. When dancing starts in one place, it will happen everywhere in heaven. When singing starts in one place, there will be singing everywhere. In the spirit world all your organs will constantly be working. What will we be doing? What will enable us to be happy without any sleep eternally? Love.
All we need to do is have that ideal of love. What would remain to talk
about in the spirit world if love were removed? You are meant to live there
centered on love, the original love. Because I knew about such a world, I could
overcome any difficulties on earth and detach myself from anything I used to
love. I can cut off from them ruthlessly in a way normal people cannot. We use
that standard to evaluate everything. (107-331, 1980.6.8) - Sun Myung Moon
What are you going to do in the spirit world? You will sing songs of love and speak words of love. If you are spoken to in an operatic way, you will have to respond likewise. If you are spoken to through a dance, you will have to reply that way. You will rejoice eternally and never tire. When dancing starts in one place, it will happen everywhere in heaven. When singing starts in one place, there will be singing everywhere. In the spirit world all your organs will constantly be working. What will we be doing? What will enable us to be happy without any sleep eternally? Love.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Přátelé, vyserme se na konzum - Alza
Dnes večer jsem s mámou koupil pro ní za Kč 10.000 notebook od Toshiby. Její starý se stal nepoužitelný, jelikož okna XP už nejsou podporovaný - škoda, jinak starý noťas ještě dobře sloužil.
V Alze nás u výdeje mladej v zeleném tričku začal přesvědčovat, abychom si ještě za tisícovku koupily alespoň 3. rok záruky. Nechtěli jsme, dva roky nám stačí. Říkám mu, že čekám, že to třeba i 10 let bude dobře sloužit - nač tedy zbytečně utrácet. To se nám vysmál, a nakonec začal i tvrdit, že výrobci do takto levných přístrojů (jenom Kč 10.000,-) dokonce zabudovávaj speciální kondenzátory, který ho po dvou letech odrovnaj!
Radši jsme šli.
Vrtalo mi hlavou, kolik si asi takový mladý pablb v Alze vydělá, že mu vůbec nepříde divný co to lidem vykládá. Pokud by to byla fakt pravda, že v rámci Quality Managementu výrobci "kurvítkama" takto sabotují vlastní výrobky (jako že si to dovedu představit), tak se na to fakt můžeme vysrat!
Podle chytrých "ekonomů" stejně hospodářství stojí a padá s tebou a se mnou - námi řadovými konzumenty. Tak co když se jim na to prostě vysereme?
Nejlepší věci v životě jsou stejně úplně zadarmo! Když se máme rádi v manželství, v rodině, mezi sousedy si pomůžeme... Pak nepotřebujeme ty pažravý blázny co nás jen vodí za nos!
Nebojte, brzy přijde revoluce zdravého rozumu a lásky...
V Alze nás u výdeje mladej v zeleném tričku začal přesvědčovat, abychom si ještě za tisícovku koupily alespoň 3. rok záruky. Nechtěli jsme, dva roky nám stačí. Říkám mu, že čekám, že to třeba i 10 let bude dobře sloužit - nač tedy zbytečně utrácet. To se nám vysmál, a nakonec začal i tvrdit, že výrobci do takto levných přístrojů (jenom Kč 10.000,-) dokonce zabudovávaj speciální kondenzátory, který ho po dvou letech odrovnaj!
Radši jsme šli.
Vrtalo mi hlavou, kolik si asi takový mladý pablb v Alze vydělá, že mu vůbec nepříde divný co to lidem vykládá. Pokud by to byla fakt pravda, že v rámci Quality Managementu výrobci "kurvítkama" takto sabotují vlastní výrobky (jako že si to dovedu představit), tak se na to fakt můžeme vysrat!
Podle chytrých "ekonomů" stejně hospodářství stojí a padá s tebou a se mnou - námi řadovými konzumenty. Tak co když se jim na to prostě vysereme?
Nejlepší věci v životě jsou stejně úplně zadarmo! Když se máme rádi v manželství, v rodině, mezi sousedy si pomůžeme... Pak nepotřebujeme ty pažravý blázny co nás jen vodí za nos!
Nebojte, brzy přijde revoluce zdravého rozumu a lásky...
Quality Management,
zdravý rozum
Friday, April 11, 2014
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Ukraine owes Russia astronomical sums for gas - so it has to give up some territory.
That's maybe the simple explanation for the Russian aggression.
This should make us Europeans think! The whole Euro-zone has a debt of approx. EUR 8 trillion (approx. USD 12 trillion)!
What makes us think that the creditors will keep patient with us?! Especially, since for Europe any reasonable hopes for an economic recovery seem to have definitely faded!
Some day soon the Chinese and all other generous creditors will come knocking big time!
What are we going to sell next? The family silver is almost gone.
The only way out, is to start to live humbly, reasonably and realistically. Looking at the world realistically and also spiritually - not only materialistically.
This should make us Europeans think! The whole Euro-zone has a debt of approx. EUR 8 trillion (approx. USD 12 trillion)!
What makes us think that the creditors will keep patient with us?! Especially, since for Europe any reasonable hopes for an economic recovery seem to have definitely faded!
Some day soon the Chinese and all other generous creditors will come knocking big time!
What are we going to sell next? The family silver is almost gone.
The only way out, is to start to live humbly, reasonably and realistically. Looking at the world realistically and also spiritually - not only materialistically.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
True Mother’s Words on the 55th True Parents' Day
2014 - 140401 - TP in Hawaii from European Office on Vimeo.
31. March
On the 55th
True Parents Day, True Mother spoke to Unificationists about the history of
Christianity in the world and in America. She spoke about how we can do things
differently, overcome past historical mistakes and see in the viewpoint of
God’s mission for this world; her guidance going forward includes sharing our knowledge
with others, creating fruitful environments and taking responsibility for our
Do you all know about the True Parents? The term “blessing” came about
thanks to the True Parents, right? The blessing is a surprising historic
revolution. The fall of Adam and Eve, the first ancestors of humanity, caused
all people to have false parents. We became the offspring of Satan.
Even in families with parents that lived a sinful life, parents who
committed sins are in a position where the world that criticizes them cannot
live with a clear conscience either. They cannot see light. Hence, imagine how
much indescribable sorrow and despair the Fall caused God who had created Adam
and Eve, the first ancestors, with high dreams and hopes.
Our world today has become one in which the original mind with which we
were created does not work properly. Yet, we know that because Heaven could not
just abandon us, God worked to educate us through the different ages.
Didn’t the four major religions appear for this reason? Among them, God
raised the people of Israel for thousands of years and promised to send them to
the Messiah. However, what happened when they failed to receive the Messiah?
There was a reason that he had to come in the flesh; however, the people
of Israel took a position of rejecting the Messiah and ended up crucifying him.
What happened to the people of Israel as a result? They ended up having to make
immense amends.
Heaven does not work again through a figure or nation that already
failed once. What did Jesus say as he died on the cross? He said he was going
to come again. Then, after his advent, what did he say he would do? He said he
would hold the feast of the lamb. Jesus came as the Messiah, but because he did
not fulfill his responsibility, where is he now? He is in Paradise. Until now,
the highest place humanity could attain by believing in Jesus and living a good
life was paradise. Paradise is a waiting room to enter the kingdom of Heaven.
Until now, for two thousand years, Heaven has been painstakingly
cultivating the Christian cultural sphere. Christians underwent many things and
paid a lot of indemnity in the beginning. They preserved the hope of their
faith—the one time when they can meet the returning Messiah coming on the
clouds—which took two thousand years.
Throughout the process, didn’t Christianity form many denominations? The
United States was born as a Christian nation after the sixteenth century. It
was here, to the United States, that Puritans emigrated in search of freedom of
religion. Didn’t they first revere Heaven’s will and show respect to God by
establishing a church in the beginning? Then, didn’t they establish a school
for their children? It was after building these first that they built their own
They made preparations to create a good environment. But what happened?
The United States stood on Heaven’s side as it went through a history of about
two hundred years. It was blessed and enjoyed great wealth. Heaven blessed the
United States in order to nurture a Christian civilization that could become central
to the world. However, they thought lightly of it and—in the same way that fallen
people continually speak of quitting—they could not continue the path to the
Even though the United States rose as a central nation in the world in
the 1970s, it still suffered from many internal problems—the breakdown of
families and morality, confrontation between community, ideology and democracy,
and the self-centeredness of capitalism and of the free world. The nation that
was begun by brothers and sisters ready to meet the Lord in love ended up
drifting into individualism. Heaven could no longer wait upon seeing the United
States drifting into self-centeredness. It was then that True Father came to
the United States, right? As a result of the breakdown of families in the
United States, he said, “I have come as a doctor and as a firefighter.” He then
went on a lecture tour of America’s fifty states, awakening a sense of calling
among those listening to him, in regard to America’s original mission, in an
effort to revive the United States.
In the beginning, many people with a meaningful sense of purpose
followed him. They respected him. But what happened to the United States in the
end? Did the United States, the Christian sphere that God established after
working so hard to restore humanity for two thousand years, recognize the Messiah
directly? Did they accept the Messiah? The United States ended up sending him
to Danbury prison.
Two thousand years ago, the people of Israel crucified Jesus and caused
his death. Finally, in our time, Heaven sent the Messiah to Christians who had
longed for him. Heaven had enlightened and raised Christians for two thousand
years. The United States however, did not recognize him and ended up sending the
Messiah, who had come to help America, into prison.
In the midst of his imprisonment, True Father, who wanted to prevent
South America from becoming Communist, helped resolve the Nicaraguan problem
through the Washington Times. South America and North America owe a huge debt
to True Parents.
Today is the 55th True Parent’s Day. Fifty years marks a golden
anniversary; interestingly enough, 2020 would mark True Parents’ diamond
anniversary. That will be a day to commemorate our diamond anniversary. I heard
that leaders of this nation are here today. With only a little more than five
years until this diamond anniversary, will you buy a large diamond for True
Parents, meaning, will you offer this nation to God? Furthermore, will you
offer the world to God?
Think about what kind of mindset is best to have in welcoming today.
Because of True Parents, you are the first blessed families in history. Thanks
to True Parents, you welcomed Foundation Day and have all gathered in a
position where you could register as citizens of Cheon Il Guk.
Even though there are seven billion people in the world, you are the few
who know of this amazing universal and cosmic great secret. Your ancestors were
never in this position before.
Let us look back two thousand years: what happened to the dignity of
Jesus’ twelve apostles? How should blessed families spend their entire lives as
people who have welcomed the returning Messiah and received the blessing? You
are in the position of the first and last ancestor. You can become a
representative of the royal heavenly family and form a dignified family; your
efforts will decide this. What will you choose to do?
There is a saying that happiness increases if it is shared with others.
This applies when you share the things that you know with others, inform the
world’s people and reveal the True Parents to them. To be able to show them,
you cannot think lightly of your responsibilities, spending day after day in
the same way; if you do you cannot be in the position of the first ancestor of
a dignified family. Even though you may be the first to know now, those in the
last position can take your position. However, this applies to the time when
True Parents are still alive.
The fact that I am still alive is precious and important. If you do not
take part in the providence I am conducting now, you will have nowhere to
stand. You may say, “I will go the kingdom of Heaven since I have received the
blessing.” Yet, if you fail to make a good environment for yourself, you cannot
become free. Now you can see me up close and you can talk to me; however, what
do you think will happen if you die without fulfilling your responsibilities?
You all know how your conscience works. You come to understand where you are by
assessing yourselves. The longest we can live with our physical bodies is
approximately one hundred years, but the place we must go to is eternal. If you
are wise, what kind of decision will you make and how will you act? By showing
how proud you are of being in a blessed family for twenty, thirty of forty years
while True Parents are still alive. You must change.
The external world of today is a world of extreme speed. What I am
saying here now will be connected to the world in a heartbeat. This is how much
Heaven has developed civilization for us and for humanity; hence, please make
good use of it, fulfill your tribal messiah mission and restore the nation and
the world. This is the purpose for which you are living today. Only by doing
this will your descendants, the second—and third—generation children live in
Are you keeping the Family Pledge and practicing it in your lives every
day? I have taught you everything as to how to live. Bearing fruit, however, is
your responsibility. Only by fulfilling your responsibility can you enter the
ranks of the children who took part in True Parents’ realm. Just like this
candlelight is brightly illuminating the front of the offering table, will all
the churches in America blaze up in the flames of the Holy Spirit and the truth
and restore the entire world? Please be sincere: Were you happy or unhappy to
see me this morning? Do I give you hope? Are you grateful? I want to praise you
in front of our Heavenly Parent.
If the people of the United States, of this huge country, all catch
fire, can the world become one? Two thousand years ago, it was said that all
roads led to Rome. Two thousand years later, wouldn’t it be great if all roads
led to America? True Parents are your backers, filling you with inspiration and
truth to become successful. Please become proud Unification Church leaders of
the United States that attend True Parents and practice the word.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Criticism: The Council of Europe is Letting the Freedom of Religion Down
Criticism: The Council of Europe is Letting the Freedom of Religion Down (via
29 March 2014 Birthe B. Pedersen writes from France “An attack against the Freedom of Religion”. That’s how the criticism against the proposed Resolution about a strengthen effort against sectarian organizations is voiced – which the Parliamentary…
Let's track airplanes better
Would it really be so unthinkable that an airplane is hijacked, landed in some remote corner of some thug state, the passengers killed and their organs sold for body parts, and the airplane trafficked and finally resold to some lousy airline?
Monday, April 7, 2014
Je velká chyba že se z populistických pohnutků zrušili zdravotní poplatky.
Teď zdravotnictví chybí ročně dvě miliardy. Bylo by správné kdyby nemocný alespoň platili něco. Nakonec je nemocný často sám na vinně za svůj stav.
Je sice milé že je tu solidarita, ale je vždy důležité, jaká je motivace za touto solidaritou. U socialistů je vždy problém že lidi vidí jako přirozeně zlí a hloupý a chce je starostlivě ovládat, ale nedopřeje jim opravdu vyrůst.
Dobrovolná občanská solidarita by už byla mnohem lepší.
Je sice milé že je tu solidarita, ale je vždy důležité, jaká je motivace za touto solidaritou. U socialistů je vždy problém že lidi vidí jako přirozeně zlí a hloupý a chce je starostlivě ovládat, ale nedopřeje jim opravdu vyrůst.
Dobrovolná občanská solidarita by už byla mnohem lepší.
Thursday, April 3, 2014
I wonder, which chucklehead thought up that being gay is cool?!
Where does this crazy notion come from? It's so obvious that it's totally unnatural. This can only come from people that are so alienated from nature and common sense that they are loosing their bearings.
The same goes for Communism. People came up with a totally weird theory out of their pain and suffering. That God doesn't exist and we're just combatting animals, we have no soul, there is no afterlife etc. But just running away from reality doesn't help. Of course, life isn't always easy. But great things need to be earned.
It's actually perfectly easy to be happy in life. If one listens to his or her conscience, one knows quickly the answer. LET'S NOT INVENT NONSENSE, AND RATHER TRY TO FIND THE TRUTH!
The same goes for Communism. People came up with a totally weird theory out of their pain and suffering. That God doesn't exist and we're just combatting animals, we have no soul, there is no afterlife etc. But just running away from reality doesn't help. Of course, life isn't always easy. But great things need to be earned.
It's actually perfectly easy to be happy in life. If one listens to his or her conscience, one knows quickly the answer. LET'S NOT INVENT NONSENSE, AND RATHER TRY TO FIND THE TRUTH!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
The Socialists are fucking crazy!
Just saw the new prime minister of France, Manuel Valls, speaking on the news.
He speaks like Francois Holland, Obama or the Czech socialists.
It's just fucking fake.
It's so obvious that the Socialists are just believers of some foolish theory. They must feel in their guts that they're damn wrong.
He speaks like Francois Holland, Obama or the Czech socialists.
It's just fucking fake.
It's so obvious that the Socialists are just believers of some foolish theory. They must feel in their guts that they're damn wrong.
Kde je ANO??
V Praze každopádně tato partaj jakoby neexistovala! Žádné mítinky, nic.
Asi ty miliony utrácej aby nachytali venkovany!
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